That's Tutankhamun's death mask. It was created to match him perfectly so the spirit could recognize the body.
Does he look European?
That's Tutankhamun's death mask. It was created to match him perfectly so the spirit could recognize the body.
Does he look European?
Other urls found in this thread:
He doesnt look black lol.
Real egyptians will tell your black ass to fuck off
lol so? the gold belongs to the new owner REGARDLESS OF SKIN COLOR OR ETHNICITY it's what MLK would have wanted
They were african in the same way that Boers are
He looks like this race. Why?
if niggers are so great why didn't they do anything else of note after they left egypt? niggers are also not nubians
you wuz not kangz. Get over it!
Middle eastern
Yes but largely Caucasoid Africans as they are today.
To me he looks mixed honestly
>white nose
>black lips
>big eyes, looks kinda asian but also white
>white metal beard
Yfw the egyptians were mutts
I don't get why people even argue this, Egyptians still exist today and they're neither black or white.
>He looks like this race. Why?
Obviously we should trust the artistic reconstruction a European created rather than his LITERAL FUCKING DEATH MASK
Nice sources, faggot. Also, Sub-Saharan slaves were from Nubia (non-Kushite Ethiopians) not West Africa.
Thats a mutt for sure! Thats your ancestors! Rejoice!
Ancient Egyptians were a mixed race society, something you're too racist to comprehend.
Look at the side profile.
based niggers choosing the deformed freak who helped end the 18th dynasty as one of their own
>I don't get why people even argue this, Egyptians still exist today and they're neither black or white.
After all the Greeks, Romans and everyone else invaded and settled there.
Your point?
Of course they were African you fucking nigrod, egypt is part of africa. It doesn't mean niggers can claim to be related though, that's the same as saying that all europeans are basically the same
cope harder
Looks what Americans call Asian, in other words Oriental
Looks like a jewess from this angle desu
>blacks invented slavery
checks out
>Look at the side profile
Still looks black.
They were Africans, but north Africans, who are not black. Italians are Europeans but they are not the same as Norwegian people who are also European for example
Ancient Egyptians are caucasians east mediterraneans:
Biological Anthropology: Caucasian Skulls not Negroids one's:
Ramesses II
Ramesses III DNA test:
Nefertiti caucasian indo-european type:
“[Akhenaten’s] endocranial volume is large (megacephalic), but nevertheless within the normal range for European skull.” (Harrison, Egypt Exploration Society; 1966)
“Yuya’s nose is prominent aquiline and high-bridged.” (Smith; 1012)
“His hair [Yuya] was thick and wavy.” (Gabriel; 2002)
“Thuya’s hair is luxuriant and the same auburn colour [as Tiye’s] the hair is naturally auburn. (El Mahdy; 2001)
“Thuya has a small aquiline nose.” (Kozloff; 2012)
Elite 12th dynasty:
Like a Coptic Egyptian
he looks like hes jordanian
>We should trust the artistic reconstruction a European created
Or, you know, our own eyes. Stupid monkey.
There was a hypothesis that his sarcophagus and tomb was originally made for his mother and was modified for him when he died first.
so why do dna tests of modern egyptians link them to everyone except sub saharans? why were all these supposed KANGZ getting cucked?
he looks Chinese
Slaves that went to the Arab world, came fromthe East coast and central regions. Slaves for the Western European market came from The West coast and central regions. Retard.
I like that theory. It muddies the waters sufficently for me to believe he was a Euro. If not, his ancestors were anyway.
I'm gonna tattoo my white dick in your head
We've already reached game over with this argument after the development of DNA analysis technology.
> It reveals that mummies were closely related to ancient Middle Easterners, hinting that northern Africans might have different genetic roots from people south of the Sahara desert.
> Despite repeated conquests of Egypt, by Alexander the Great, Greeks, Romans, Arabs and Assyrians — the list goes on — ancient Egyptians showed little genetic change. “The other big surprise,” Krause said, “was we didn't find much sub-Saharan African ancestry.”
> Ancient Egyptians were closely related to people who lived along the eastern Mediterranean, the analysis showed. They also shared genetic material with residents of the Turkish peninsula at the time and Europe.
It's a good thing they mummified themselves to spare themselves from being we wazzed by the feral nigs they enslaved desperately seeking some sort of historical validation in the future. Now stop posting this shit.
Yes but bad example. Norwegians and Italians are genetically and ethnically far closer to each other than North-Africans are to Sub-saharan Africans.
In fact, a North African has less genetic distance to a Scandinavian than to a black (sub-saharan) African.
Fucking negroids. Not even nubians were bantus.
Africa has most genetic diversity by far. It is the cradle of humanity after all.
based and BLACKEDpilled.
koreans and japanese came to understand that too and import BBC's for their women
Well, funny that you are in a country where there are full of aryan we wuzzers you snow fool.
The original painting, they are both a similar shade. Some asshole made them darker. Fuck off.
Yes and Europe has the least. All Europeans are pretty similar to each other.
The Tut mask looks north African afro-asiatic aka non-capoid, non-negroid. Sub-Saharan black Americans claiming ancient Egyptians as their people is hilarious.
Real Egyptians are black. Not the fake Greek larpers from Alexandria and Cairo.
Because the majority of the population is actually Aryan you dimwit
They were African Americans
>didn't do anything else worthy of note
>built America
The Egyptians were mutts with a black under-class, and a light-skinned to white ruling class.
Cleopatra's first language was Greek.
No, Slavs,Indians, and Russians are more Aryan than Germans themselves.
South Mediterranean, a mix between european and turkish, that race went extint long ago, but a DNA test revealedthey were pretty much South european
An anglo or a Russian or Scandinavian larps as a Roman under the auspice if "white". What is wrong with black people doing it.
Elon Musk is african as well. What's your point, OP?
Modern egyptians are arab user...
>Has never been to Egypt
Ethnic Egyptians look black.
>birthing hips
>would breed
Can't tell if disabled or joking
Mixed race? So like black Americans?
he's a legit fag though
>Built America
You are out of your fucking mind, picking cotton didnt build America buddy, maybe you put down a few train tracks but overall you've been the biggest drain on the American economy, the Irish & British built America.
>*smacks giant tire lips*
>*pulls up saggy hand-me-down pants*
>*picks chicken out of teeth*
No they werent.
Aa pleb wouldnt mate a noble in any ancient culture, from China(who were all same race).
To india(cast system for racial purity)
To Egypt, so no
Keep coping
i mean when we talk cleopatra we are talking realy late in the game there, thats post Alexadrian conquestion during the Ptolemic Dynasty. Need to go back a few thousand years to get to the golden age of egypt as a world power.
Must have been one hell of a windy day because the fruit isn't anywhere near that tree.
Because those DNA tests didn't test ethnic Egyptians. It tested foreigers, and even then they had "sub-saharan" which mind you was narrowly defined as Yoruba(west african) for some reason. So one drop rule dictates they are "black" even with all the twisting the "study" does.
You again, mein neger friend. Trying to add some meaning to your worthless slave race, eh ?
is this real?
We don't know who those mummies were. Here are the results of KNOWN Egyptians.
North Africans are just lightskinned/mixed blacks.
It's because the white man hides all the true artifacts. This 10th Dynasty canopic jar for example clearly shows that Egyptians were black Africans.
>live on the continent of africa
>be african
What are you even pointing out? Giving me bullshit propaganda that is not even apart of the conversation. Go kill yourself we wuzzing fool.
Egyptians were North African. Closest genealogical relatives are other Mediterranean and middle Eastern groups. So Italians and Greeks are far closer related to king Tut than your nigger ass will ever be. We know for a fact that several Pharaohs were European. Tut's dna was 99% European. Ramses was a red head. The entire dynasty that contained Cleopatra was originally from Greece. Those are just a few examples. Niggers never made anything of value. Stop steal Egypt's culture and history. You have zero claim to it.
Well no. Today there is more black admixture but it's still minor. The ancient North African population came mostly from the mid east during the neolithic.
17 captchas later....
Why won't they get into that chamber above the King's chamber? Or check under the paw? They probably already did and just don't want to share the ancient knowledge. The Chinese are hiding the discs. The Indians won't open that vault. Turkey is cock blocking on gobleki. Smithsonian fucked us by hiding the giant bones.
>I have no arguments so I pretend not to understand
Fuck off nigger and stop wasting oxygen that others are in more urgent need of
came here to post this, fpbp
they can claim this all they want, but their natural behavior alone, proves them wrong. let them talk, because we all know they don't walk it
Pic related in blue is Victor Vance from the game GTA: Vice City Stories and his brother. His dad is Dominican (Mulatto, African/Spanish mix, maybe some Amerindian) his mom is Anglo White trash. Notice his elongated back of head, same as Egyptians.
Notice also the deep eye sockets and the Anglo nose, oh and don't fail to notice how he acts like a fucking kraut
He's based on this guy i think
Race goes deep, deeper than most people think. The Nazis called them "honorary Aryans", non-Whites who are basically Nordic at the core. It all goes back to ancient Atlantis (which was Nordic).
Yes, some niggers WAZ KANGZ but only because they had significant amounts of Atlantean Nordic blood in them. Think Obama, who is half White (i think Jewish, actually).
Well thays not a niggers nose so you tell me.
Gold alien nigger
Keep crying faggot. I just noted facts. If you cannot handle these facts, go shove some dildos up your throat until you suffocate and die you little kraut faggot.
They weren't bantuniggers either. Get over it.
if you take a look at the meaning of words it is
apparent that the egyptians are the amalekites
ie fake jews.
Yes, they were African, but they weren't black.