Youtube deleted his old account that had 400,000 subscribers because of dangerous drinking stunts.
Now he's started doing them again to reach 100,000 subscribers.
Shoenice is a well known scammer and con artist so don't feel bad reporting his ass.
Mass report shoenice's liquor vodka stunt
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I'd laugh so hard if he lost his subscribers again
Eat shit you stupid faggot.
but they were fake
he's done live shows try and find them
not politics, not your army
i recognize this guy, and have zero desire to fuck with him on your behalf. who gives a flying fuck? he is chugging liquor on youtube. hardly a problem
Wouldn't you rather watch him kill himself? Surely it can't be long now before his liver fails him. His mind is already gone.
It isn't like he's making all that much money from yt shekels alone.
Fuck off sjw nobody cares
Fuck off this is kino.
Shoenice is fun and based and talks mad shit about the H3H3 Jews.
Tell me why I should hate him again?
didn't this guy eat a piece of dog poop once?
fuck off nigger
not your personal army, faggot
Shoenice is a complete asshole. He deserves to have his channel banned.
Oh, he's absolutely a liar and a scammer and a junkie.
But he's entertaining and he's only harming the kind of people who are retarded enough to give money to a Youtuber anyway.
Almost all content creators are fakes anyway. It's barely an argument against them by now.
Somebody trolled him once.
Got him to do the superglue challenge.
Superglue your lips shut
This demented retard did not think about the fumes from the glue getting up his nose, he almost died LOL
Shoenice is based
Fuck off
He would off himself if his channel got suspended now
He just chugged that bottle in about ten seconds.
remember when he was talking shit about h3h3 Ethan's wife? man, good times
Shoenice is a mad man and s sick cunt.
Who the fuck cares if some retard got scammed. He shouldn't have been so retarded.
Seems fake too
Based as fuck, /ourguy/
what was he saying? she's cute and nice.
Fuck off faggot. Why do you have such a hard on for him? Let him do his thing, chugging bottles of alcohol for our entertainment is based anyway.
hahaha what u mad muh-huh-mad
Cru more, mudslime, QQ. get more mad
Didn't know who this guy is but that was pretty cool.
Liked and subscribed.
I watched this guy on Liveleak. Thought he was quite entertaining desu.
He has white marks on his lips that you would expect from cyanoacrylate on skin.
He's too retarded to think about faking that, let alone actually being able to fake it.
Why do u care some random nobody does something as harmless as drink water on youtube?
is there NOTHING BETTER u could do with your life?
>Mass report
Enjoy that ban
There is nothing wrong with chugging liquor
Fuck your gay ops.
Nope. Dude does crazy things none of you incels would dare think of doing. For that he'll get my views and subs and likes.
This is beating a dead horse, who fucking cares about this bum?