What have these snowniggers ever done besides stealing and raping other europeans? Even muslims have done some shit for science
>inb4 muh escandinavian scientists
Oh, so only after they became civilized by christians?
Daily reminder that these people always say "paganism" instead of being specific because they want people to think of Romans and Greeks, who actually did something for Europe.
Other urls found in this thread:
cool flag
>dozens of authors
>ur using a meme flag broo!! ur argument is invalid
Reminder that Varg hates all europeans who actually built something, thinks notredame burning was a good thing
>pic related, varg's house
Quite a simple lifestyle, I like it
Nigger tier behavior
Your telling me that fucking foreign qt3.14s infront of there dead husbands isn't based?
The christcucks never mention the Hellenic pagans in these threads. They're scared that they'll be called out on their bullshit. Christcucks built upon the ruins of a fallen civilization. Just like the muzzies did
>Hellenic pagans
I literally mentioned greeks, go shit on a toilet, pajeet. I've noticed you indians are brainless christians haters, probably because you got cucked by brits.
Point is you'd be invalidated worse if you didn't use a memeflag for some reason...
Nah we actually like you guys. The only reason we shitpost on Christian and American threads is because you guys are easy to trigger
You children should not take responsibility for anything your ancestors have done. Positive, negative, blame or credit. You do not deserve it. You do not own it. Someone else does. You can be proud of, or ashamed of but, not responsible for ancestral endeavors.
thank you JP
Most of their accomplishments were related to navigation and shipbuilding, such as adding the keel to stabilize boats, or using lodestones and calcite blocks for finding their way around the sea. The ancient Greeks or Chinese might have beat them to some of it but I doubt folks in Europe knew much about it and had to figure a lot out again.
so robbing and raping
My ancestors fought against the Vikings
I'm an atheist and I unironically admire that grass hut, but the only thing I can think of that's faggier than being Varg "Let me use the latest iphone to tell you how great the primitive lifestyle is" Vikernes? Would be being a fan of Varg Vikernes.
(I also question any 'primitive' lifestyle that involves hoarding a lot of modern firearms and pretending they belong to your wife when you get caught.)
>Christcucks built upon the ruins of a fallen civilization.
EVERYONE builds on the ruins of fallen civilizations. Doesn't change the fact that while the Greek pagans had their good points, ancient Greek civilization was really pretty crap by modern standards - or even when compared to a lot of 'barbarian' societies of the past.
so did mine. the town I live in is a former viking settlement.
It’s funny because the Normans are literally the only non white trash peoples on the Isles
>t. burgoid offering his totally useless opinion on white people
lol no hernandez
My ancestors came from Ireland and Scotland. I’m pretty sure they were running around naked with blue paint on them, which is pretty embarrassing.
>muh ancestors
Muh grandpa (OP pic related) lived in a day and age where if you wanted something, you went out and took it, and culled weaklings out of the gene pool while you were at it, and you were celebrated for it. I’m a little jealous.
The ship building and navigational advances of the Norse meant that their descendants still have a thriving shipyard industry in much of what’s still unconquered-by-muzzies Scandinavia. It’s tradition. Except for warships of the old, it’s mostly pleasure ships for degenerates now.
>snakepit in kingdom of northumbria
Kek. He died 2 minutes from my house.
>Implying the Normans weren't really where the trash began
>Muh grandpa (OP pic related) lived in a day and age where if you wanted something, you went out and took it
you sound like a nigger, now go enjoy you 30 year life expectancy
>muh things made for robbery and rape
they are cool, but so what? pretty much every civilization has "cool" things, now how did they civillize europe?
Everyone gets fucked royally at some point. No hard feelings.
What ancestry website is this?
let me ask you something. you have to know, whoever you are, that after 15 years of continually escalating anti-white rhetoric, psych warfare (your post is an example) and disenfranchisment that simple humble whites such as myself who have never done anything to blacks, indians or other Perpetrators of Crime (POC) except be nice to them, share everything with them, stand up for them, and pay their way...that this never ending shit will cause a mental break. Now you would also have to realize that when that occurs, it most likely will not be white straight males that the person decides to mass murder, but rather leftists and non-whites....so...
My question is, when your incessant spam of this shit causes a break, and that break results in a shot up or bombed temple mosque school police station newsroom or whatever, will you feel at all accountable for driving that person to doing such? If you or one of yours are victims of such, will you feel culpable at all?
and knowing all this, no matter how you answer, why do you persist in trying to make whitey snap and kill you?
are you jew? are you nig? are you andrew anglin trying to create rage nazis?
when is the FBI going to turn YOU, the hatred intake valve, the fuck off to prevent carnage? when are YOU, faggot, ever going to stop this retardation? Once another one snaps and kills some innocent welfare queens in a nail salon? when legislators move to limit everyones access and speech? or will it take someone finding you, doxxing YOU and coming to give you a small fleeting taste of the mental torture you have dished out only played out upon your flesh in the moments before you die?
When will YOU stop trying to conjure the white devil?
Nothing, there's no great thing about non-italian, non-greek, non-balkan ancient history in Europe or even at starting of renascence by Italians at middle ages.
geni.com a boomer relative signed me Up by adding me to their tree.
Oh look, a wild Kike is at it again...
>Researchers claim to have successfully sequenced 90 genomes of ancient Egyptian mummies. The study shows that their DNA is closer to that of the inhabitants of present-day Europe than of today's Egypt.
Whites were Egyptians, our only common ancestor with the Nordic world.
yes, yes a real pure blood we got here
Jow Forums:
>"Non-whites are low IQ criminals!"
>"Despite being 13% of the population, blacks make up 51% of violent crime!"
>"Blacks lived in mud huts! They could not into civilization! We are superior!"
>"LOL Blacks think they were Kings! LOL WE WUZ KANGZ N SHIEEET!!!"
Also Jow Forums:
>"Christianity is the cowards religion! We must get back to our roots! Hail Wotan!"
>"We wuz Vikings n shieeet"
>"So what if they raped, murdered and pillaged every where they went! At least they weren't cucks!"
>"Yeah they lived in huts! It's called being one with nature!"
>Posts "LOL FUCKING WEAK SOIBOYS! Geez the west sure has fallen. It's feminism's fault for emasculating men!" on Jow Forums, then goes to Jow Forums and posts "How long to reach 1/2/3/4, currently just benching the bar, stats 5ft7 250lbs, also does mewing help get gf?"
Christianity turned nords into spineless sissies that want niggers to rape all of their women.
>A Christian bashing thread a couple of moments ago
>A pagan bashing thread right now
Jow Forums it’s obvious on what they are trying to do, they are attempting to divide us and keep is squabbling. It doesn’t matter if you are a Christian or a pagan. All that matters is that we win this war. Don’t fall for these threads, the most Jewish tactic in the history of the Earth is divide and Conquer.
Christianity is incapable of winning the war. That's the problem.
Made nice ships to expand their pillage reach, found (but didn't maintain settlement of) new world.
Maybe people just hate christianity for neutering the warrior spirit of the white race, never thought of that huh?
Tell me user, what is this? This is a fasces. Notice that the sticks due to not squabble, they do not insult each other, they do not despise each other. They are united. If you call some a CHRISTKEK and they yell back LARPER, you are achieving nothing. Shit is going bad, European men and women must stick together like a bundle of rods, with an axe in the middle. The axe is the symbol of our strength. Regardless of your opinion you must become part of that bundle. We must unite.
The enemies greatest fear is that we unite, that we no longer squabble. Do you think the JIDF (they are very much real) actually care if you are Christian or pagan? They do not, they only wish to keep you divided
>We must form a mighty faggot to win
the kind of tired sleep cannot fix.
well ...the "mighty" pagans flipped to Christianity. and how could paganism help our current situation? if anything in this times it only serves the purpose of dividing
we all know very well that the left and jews hate christianity with a passion. they openly push for atheism because one of the big barriers they have is the traditions and morals provided by christianity, they want to abolish it.
>In 995 Olaf Tryggvason became King Olaf I of Norway. Olaf had raided various European cities and fought in several wars. In 986, however, he (supposedly) met a Christian seer on the Isles of Scilly. As the seer foretold, Olaf was attacked by a group of mutineers upon returning to his ships. As soon as he had recovered from his wounds, he let himself be baptized. He then stopped raiding Christian cities and lived in England and Ireland. In 995 he used an opportunity to return to Norway. When he arrived, Haakon Jarl was already facing a revolt, and Olaf Tryggvason could convince the rebels to accept him as their king. Haakon Jarl was later betrayed and killed by his own slave, while he was hiding from the rebels in a pig sty.
>Olaf I then made it his priority to convert the country to Christianity using all means at his disposal. By destroying temples and torturing and killing pagan resisters he succeeded in making every part of Norway at least nominally Christian.[24] Expanding his efforts to the Norse settlements in the west the kings' sagas credit him with Christianizing the Faroes, Orkney, Shetland, Iceland, and Greenland.
" canonised at Nidaros (Trondheim) by Bishop Grimkell, one year after his death in the Battle of Stiklestad on 29 July 1030. His remains were enshrined in Nidaros Cathedral, built over his burial site. His sainthood encouraged the widespread adoption of the Christian religion among the Vikings / Norsemen in Scandinavia."
No divide and conquer shit, be proud of your ancestors, OP.
>just like the muzzies did
Uhh, you seem to be forgetting something poo
>No divide and conquer shit
Always have standards you retard.
Shill detected
Anyone who unironically wants to keep their European brothers divided is a kike
just think about the violence the white man can drum up on a whim.
I'm proud to be white and secure in my knowledge that my race is a conquering race.