What is it to be a Russian? It's to be blackpilled starting from childhood until death.
What is it to be a Russian? It's to be blackpilled starting from childhood until death
It's just all so depressing. This is what happens when a people lose their faith and consequently their hope.
You mean religion?
No. It's not even that. Just hope or faith in anything. They don't even trust their common man after the Soviet era. They are beaten by this world and I doubt they will ever recover.
You're not wrong.
I almost slit my wrists while working with Russians.
Yes. We don't trust each other. Kinda ironic that during the Soviet regime people were more friendly to each other.
Oligarchic capitalism ruined our nation. We never felt freedom. We'll never do.
Tell me the story, Hans.
>being brainwashed for 70 years
>Soviet nation
>blaims only the post-Soviets
They are all the same, dumbass.
I didn't mean that, retard. Read my comment again.
Yes, I met a lot of Russian/Ukrainian people and they look all naturally black pill.
American and West European people grow up thinking they are going to be rich famous Rockstar that people going to pay when they do bad things to them and when they realize life sucks they get bitter pissed and depressed
Russian know since childhood that life sucks and that there is no justice
I think it's an advantage for you
The nation was ruined after the revolution, not after the collapse.
>during the Soviet regime people were more friendly to each other
That's a propaganda.
>What is it to be a Russian?
Maybe, but not in Russia. All it does is causes a chronic depression, which leads to alcoholism and degradation.
You know, this was a fault not only of the revolution, but of tsarism too. Uneducated masses of people were easily brainwashed by Bolshevik bastards.
Umm, wasn't like 1 out of every 3 people a commie spy y Dee Soviets?
Nope. Actually most of people of that time lived in countryside and knew each other from childhood. So mostly they were pals for life. Most of NKVD/KGB stukaches lived in cities. Of course, I'm talking about post-30s period.
I think Westerners grow up not living in giant concrete blocks as far as the eye can see, and drug addicts and alcoholics littering the halls of your staircases.
Why do you stay in Russia?
Paris is full of Slavic people come here meet russian men and ask them to help you to find a job in France.
Russian immigrants are still better than African
It's not about commie blocks, bong. It's about economic disasters which constantly happen in Russia.
Come to the North of England, you'll do well here.
Russia is a failed state that would much rather see everyone around it fail, than have a success story in its vicinity, which would put them to shame.
They even hate Estonia, the only reasonably successful post soviet country for that very reason..
Well, I have my old parents to support. Besides I just... psychologically can't leave my city where I grew and lived all of my entire life. It's my place. Call it a local patriotism.
As a doctor anesthesiologist-reanimatologist, I always can find a job in other countries. But I don't want to do it. I suppose, I'll die in this shithole.
I'd visit only as tourist. Or liberator.
Пoшёл нaхyй, meme flag.
Really, Gogi, are you sure everyone in Russia is a mindless imperialist? Me, for example, not. I don't give a fuck about even the rest of Russia. I hate Moscow, this fucking cancerous tumor on a body of our country. I only care about my home provincial region.
Who said the bald manlet is not one of them?
How is one suppodes to leave with an average income of $300-400 per month, and sometimes even lower than that?
Not realy, it mostly true to the people who were poisoned long enough by the Soviet's imperialistic propaganda.
Get yourself into engineering or something, you'd have a job in the UK before you even landed at the airport so all you'd need is enough money to keep you alive for a month or so before you start getting paid.
BTW, do you know who is on the right side of the photo? It's Putin's friend oligarch (((Rotenberg))). What a surprise for you, isn't it?
>Really, Gogi, are you sure everyone in Russia is a mindless imperialist? Me, for example, not. I don't give a fuck about even the rest of Russia. I hate Moscow, this fucking cancerous tumor on a body of our country. I only care about my home provincial region.
For what I can conclude from all my interactions with the vast amount of russians, it's one of the most mentally homogenous nations, on par with the chineese.
My biggest redpill was when I finally grasped that in fact putin does not rig the elections and his support base truly exceeds 80%.
My sample size is pretty large and diverse. Russians of all social backgrounds, of all age groups.
Literally all of them have a fucking boner on the idea of their "national glory".
For the person like me, whose nation has always been confined to very strict geographical borders, this whole notion is completely foreign and frankly, disguisting.
Actually it's complicated. Older generation still supports Putin (but after pension reform even they say that Putin is a liar), and it's quite retarded. They watch propaganda on TV and consider it as the main source of information. Younger generation (millenials and zoomers) mostly hate Putin and the government and every time they're boycotting the rigged elections. It's actually a matter of time when older brainwashed generation will die out, so younger one will start to reincarnate the country. Pity, this can take decades for doing so.
To be fair, I have also witnessed several decent russians, mainly from St. Petersburg. Although they do have borderline comically inflated self image, they often tend to be ok guys. They have an adequate outlook on things and nearly a fine taste in things.
But these are rare exceptions.
I generally found communicating with ukrainians to be much more pleasant experience.
Ukranians are getting decommunised, so it's basically a red pill.
How old were they?
It's not only that, they just tend to be much simpler, less arogant folks. At least the ones I have met. Especially the girls.
The ones from St. Petersbourg? Ranging from 22 to late 20s/ early 30s.
>what is it to be Russian
If Dostoevsky is correct, then within every Russian man, there is a continuous, bloody, passionate war between love, lust, God, nihilism, honour, and disgrace
You're basically every white people with the intensity cranked up 2 or 3 times higher
can i just ask you russians random questions and political related questions cause im bored
Go on. I can answer.
Not a surprise for anyone on Jow Forums
how do russians feel about americans? Do you guys hate us for us being retarded?
That woman will take your money and leave you, do not fall for it.
He was gamble-addicted and an adulteer.
After collapse of Soviet Union, Ukranians had a very different history, forming their new national vision of future. Older Russian are still afraid of 90s coming back so most of would prefer to choose a dictatorship than an uncontrolled freedom.
out of frustration or sadness ?
As I Belarusian with Russian relatives can confirm. Absolute majority of Russians I knew are like that. Including those who immigrated to America which is even crazier. I can compare only to spics hopping the border and waving Mexican flags here
I have nothing against Russians and just want them to leave their neighbors alone without constantly trying to drag everyone down with them
I actually like americans. Even if you have a shitload of retards and degenerates.
I think problem with that is almost always a part of older generation will brainwash their children/grandchildren with their shitty beliefs so even if the most of the country might go on the right path, a lot of degenerates will not cease to exist.
It is same for my country as well. I think generally every part of the Sovet Union can't adapt to capitalism like western countries do.
Which of his books is that from? That is too accurate for comfort.
Generally older generation was brainwashed by propaganda since Soviet times, so they pretty much hate USA as a state, blaming it almost in every country's failure during post-soviet decades. Even collapse of USSR is considered by them as an inside job by American agents Gorbachev and Yeltsin. Again, that's only about a state. They always would like to communicate with common American people. Younger generation mostly don't see US as an enemy, but as the land of opportunity. That's because state propaganda doesn't have an effect on them anymore, thanks to the Internet.
what is russia like these days, whats the daily life style like do you guys have huge markets like walmart. Do you guys have a hollywood of your own?
a lot of russians are coming on work visas to the tourist cities here then staying illegally, and its mostly thots. why do you have so many thots?
>LOL GUISE XDDX Look im le blackedpilled meme wojak!!!!!!!!!!XD
Kys fucking cancer.
Okay this has to be bullshit. There is no way you can just fly into the country and start working. Has to be some beurocratic shit of sort.
>do you guys have huge markets like walmart
>Do you guys have a hollywood of your own?
Yes. Much less of Jewish propaganda (if they have something like that in Russian movies it's mostly because of the cargo cult), but significantly lower quality too.
Westerners don't really understand our struggles with visas, so never listen to an immigration advice from them
Obviously you'd need a visa but engineers are always needed all over the world. Plenty of building work is always going on in the UK, I would bet you could get a working holiday visa approved for the UK, then apply from Russia for an engineering job in the UK and get a job. Even if you had to work through an agency.
Russian movies are generally pretty redpilled I think. I used to watch them while I was a child with my father. Even though I didn't understand a single word they spoke of I still enjoy russian movies more than Hollywood.
But it might have a connection with Hollywood movies being too predictable even for a 13 year old and nostalgy.
Dunno, may be a curse. It was the thing in USSR as well, just on a much lesser scale.
>Do you guys have a hollywood of your own?
Basically there are only 2 genres now - depressive suicidal dramas and shitty comedies.
I don't have very much information about Gorbachev even though I am azerbaijanian, can you inform me on that please?
This is not as easy as you described man. He's not a shitsking to surf in UK on easy mode
Dostoevsky believed Russia has a destiny to save all humanity. The Soviet Union was your people's misguided attempt to do just that, but now is the time of your rebirth, now that communism has been discarded and once again you succumb to nihilism, as in Dostoevsky's time.
>what is russia like these days, whats the daily life style like do you guys have huge markets like walmart. Do you guys have a hollywood of your own?
Life is getting worse because our economy is literally collapsing. Corruption has no bounds, prices are high as fuck, work payment is laughable. For example, I'm a medicine doctor and I earn 35000₽ per month. And I still can't afford to buy a car. I'm feared of a thought how would I earn more money if I'll have a family.
Daily lifestyle is go to work - work for 10 hours - go back home exhausted - sleep. Oh, and sometimes drink with friend in a bar on a day off.
We have quite a lot of movie makers, supported by a state, but 90% of their production is a pure shit not even worth of mentioning.
>what is russia like these days
Its crap for most people. The income difference between poor people and rich is ridiculous, it is the worst in the world and this pisses me off more than anything alse in this country. You have to work knowing that management in your company have salary 10-20 times more than yours.
What would stop someone from Russia in terms of visas? Do you mean there would be an issue from the UK? Usually those working holiday visas are given out to anyone who wants to pay for it, then if you find solid work you can get yourself onto a work visa.
Russians found god long ago. The question is, can they see gods chosen county as an ally. Russia and America are states propped by lies and ignorance.
actually the processes that made people so unfriendly to each other has started during the Soviet Union as a cause of (quite ironic) exacerbated materialism of Soviet people.
I believe that this factor is one of the main contributor to the societal "blackpilledness" of contemporary Russia, as well as other post-Soviet countries. We just don't know how to live in capitalist world not being such a cruel, hollow people, uncaring for each other at large.
>t. Belarusian
do you guys have any stories from your parents during the times of the union? If you were in the union what was it like, is it better then now.
whats your country like, is it just a snow arab land?
You know Bongland rules: no Whites allowed.
You sound lower class user. Upper class Russians are actually having a great time.
Stop crying you faggot. I sometimes wish I lived in Russia. It's no longer the 1980's.
DON'T kys. Get a job and wife and 3 kids.
>Dostoevsky believed Russia has a destiny to save all humanity
IMO he was an idiot, just like Lev Tolstoy.
>now that communism has been discarded
Little you know, couple of years surveys showed the increasing approval of Stalin.
I'm too lazy to translate all the details myself, so feel free to read it trough google translate
In a couple words it's very hard.
>do you guys have any stories from your parents during the times of the union?
I don't really know what kind of stories you want to hear. I was born during late USSR and my mother stole apples to feed me when I was a child. She was working as an economist at a ministry during that period.
>upper class Russians are actually having a great time
You mean thieves?
>After collapse of Soviet Union, Ukranians had a very different history, forming their new national vision of future. Older Russian are still afraid of 90s coming back so most of would prefer to choose a dictatorship than an uncontrolled freedom.
Well i think it's deeper than that. You see, every society is defined by the magnitude of injustice, both internal or external, that it is willing to tolerate.
In case of Russia, this magnitude is just outlandish, exceeding all perceivable limits. There is culture of nihilism and COPING. The utter cynicism towards life, rejection of any moral values. This "I'm a simple man" mentality. Mentality of endless coping and self petty mixed with the frustration that only brews an aggression, awaiting the moment that it can be unleashed.
When you see Americans here, they routinely condemn their national wrongdoings. They have at least some inner notion of justice, f moral right or wrong.
Most of the russians on the other hand would most cynically refuse to admit even shooting that fucking plane in ukraine, blaming anything but themselves. Even the fucking UFOs. And yet you can be sure that they know that it was them who did it, but they are somehow capable of this nation wide psychopathy.
The sense of justice has to have roots in the everyday life I utterly petty these people for being that much mistreated in their lives to have never gained any personal moral framework. I hope that this vicious circle of misery, inflicted by each generation to the succeeding ones will stop in Russia, but it's the effort that only you yourself can take.
My father is rather nostalgic and he warmly remembers the Soviet era as a best in his life. I can't judge him, for a common folk it was rather a stable time. He served as a sergeant on the Soviet aircraft base in Eastern Germany near Zerbst (I hope I wrote this right) and he was pretty happy to buy some German jeans there during a shoreleave. Later he was given an apartment in a commieblock for free. For him socialism was an ideal policy.
My mother was rather redpilled and never actually liked communist regime. Well, both of them are from Cossack families, some members of which were repressed after the Civil war. And my mother didn't forget that.
>When you see Americans here, they routinely condemn their national wrongdoings
I would not compare Americans or Russians on Jow Forums to an average citizen of those countries
Same as Russia. Also I still do not understand why people think we are more "Arab" than we are "Russian". Yeah those muslim niggers surely did force their religion on us, but more people (especially young) are waking up from their sleep and their parents' hypnosis.
If I had to summarise my country in one sentence it would be "Bluepilled Russian bootlegs trying to look cool in Turkeyfags' eyes."
>You mean thieves?
It depends who you are referring to. If you refer to those people who privatized company owned companies after the fall of USSR then I guess that I should remind you almost 3 decades have passed since then. More than enough time to make money legitimately.
There is definitely a big gap between wealth in Russia though. You are either driving a Porsche to work or a lada.
Yes. Do have 3 kids on an average salary of 500$.
state owned companies*
Based Azeri
I can't go into details on this subject as I'm Belarusian and know mostly basic stuff about Russian corruption. However I do agree that you can start a business and make money legitimately, it's just not as easy as in the US or I assume Europe
Dedovshchina on a generational scale?
Mutt, you know nothing about life in Russia, don't you? Go on, live here and work as a common citizen. I would see your face after the first payment check you'll get.
how would russians feel if putin did bring the union back? Could it happen?
tell me more about your small country, is it nice
can someone vacation cheap? Does your country want into eu?
>we are more "Arab" than we are "Russian"
Fuck off. You have your own nation, we have our own. We have differert ancestry, different genetics, different mentality.
>More than enough time to make money legitimately
Fuck, there is a really good copypasta on this subject, ill try to find it, hang on.
Have you read his works Russia-bro?
There he is again. How's the demonizing effort going glowy? Mad about Syria, Venezuela, Iran?
Mate, if you are competent you can make a good living in Russia. Nobody said that being a mindless wage slave is the way to go.
It is nice for rich people obviously.
There are a lot of Stacies. To put it simply Arabs are coming to our country to fuck our girls because they're money hungry sluts. But I wouldn't judge them because living like this is definitely worse than being a arab sucking slut.
>how would russians feel if putin did bring the union back?
Mixed feelings. Russian economy cannot sustain itself. Feeding other countries will just collapse this "union" that nobody wants again.
>Could it happen?
Extremely unlikely
>I can't go into details on this subject as I'm Belarusian and know mostly basic stuff about Russian corruption. However I do agree that you can start a business and make money legitimately, it's just not as easy as in the US or I assume Europe
Get a passport and get out of your country. You will be utterly shocked how nearly impossible it is to start a business in any EU country.
Why do you think brexit happened? europe is one of the most overly regulated places on earth.
I too have peered into the Russian soul. Made me understand a bit more why Russians are almost correlated with consumption of drugs and alcohol.
I didn't say otherwise, but for more than 70 years we also have been inside USSR which altered minds of older generation to force upon us that either "Russian are just literally devil that we shouldn't talk to" or "I just wish we were still in USSR"
Most of that people either were arrested or dead now. Putin got almost all privatized companies and gave them to his friends. Look for surnames: Sechin, Miller, Rotenberg, Potanin, Roldugin, Usmanov etc.
>Get a passport and get out of your country
As I said, I'm Belarusian so obliviously I have a passport and traveled enough. Travel =\= living there. So despite visiting most of European countries, I can never have a clear understanding of their laws and customs without living there.