Hello, politically clueless idiot here. Why do you guys hate the Jews/Israel?

Hello, politically clueless idiot here. Why do you guys hate the Jews/Israel?

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They cost me money. I hate things that take my money against my will.

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bump, none of these are very satisfying.


Jews? That's something that you can debate. I don't particularly have a problem with jews myself, but I have many gripes with the state of Israel.

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Idk why resident stormweenies insist on bringing up the Liberty thing. I'd make the same call in Israel's spot 9 times out of 10. I thought everyone here were "history enthusiasts" and could see why they had to hit the Liberty

Hey I took that picture.
Glad to see someone still using it

This, to start with.

Also controlling the media and banks and using their influence to spread degeneracy which always throws the countries they inhabit into chaos and then they get expelled and run to some other nation and then whine about how they they're they most persecuted race in history for no reason at all.

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Mainly though it's because they won't let white people have an ethnostate or even any country of their own anymore. Gotta drown yourself in niggers or else you're literally Hitler.

If only I was.

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Because they got us into Iraq


The Liberty incident doesn't change the fact that the state of Israel, not jews as a whole, have been known in the past to perform acts of espionage against their own allies. The Lavon Affair, in which they tried to perform false flag attacks against multiple countries at once. Numerous instances of them selling military secrets to opposing nations, the one I linked is only one of many. Do you think that liberals boycott Israel for no reason? They're a treacherous nation and warmongers that won't be satisfied until the world burns, and somehow acknowledging their nature as a nation makes me a stormweenie? Or antisemitic? I've never said or implied a bad word of the jews in my posts, only of a nation with bad policies and a red ledger.

Who doesn't perform espionage against their own allies? Are you serious? You think we don't spy on everyone? The rest you posted is hyperbolic nonsense.

How many of our own allies' secrets and technology have we sold to other countries? One of their biggest competitors on the global scale? Cite sources.

Have we? Plenty. We've done it for as long as our country has existed. We borrowed European designs for weaponry and adjusted them in WW1-2 and then sold said weaponry to rebels. Everywhere. Did you forget about that massive chunk of history or are you intentionally pretending to not have?

Cite. Sources.

we dont

How fucking retarded do you need to be in order to fall for the same scapegoat rulers have expelled for centuries without every having any positive effect on their country?

The worst part is that you consider yourself smart and redpilled for this while only showing to anyone that you are as fucking stupid as medieval peasants.

A fucking Amerimutt too!

Here's 2 light readings for you. Not that you're being genuine.

>without every having any positive effect on their country
prove it scum.

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At the end of the day it's because of their religion, which is literally just "We're superior to everyone and have the right/responsibility to rule over them."

Jews are the self-appointed regulators of acceptable speech in western countries. They think they have a monopoly on deciding what is "moral" and "right," and their twisted vision for the ideal society is greatly at odds with human happiness.

Watch this movie review. It basically is about a superior, enlightened kike who goes to small-town America and selflessly works to make it better. His disgust with the lowly goyim is present throughout the movie. Of course this movie won Best Picture at the Oscars because Hollywood is a jew ratnest.


probably the best leftist meme ever made
it's funny AND true

Jews and (((pedos))) stroking this thread like it's their cringey little dick.

Where are all the meme warriors? Everyone just dump your redpills so we can get out of here.

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Go play in traffic, skidmark.

k I'll post a few

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Here's where the Jew rats really belong

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Jewish over representation in media, finance and politics. Simple as. Hate them fuckers.

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>in media, finance and politics
and communism

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Just look how Europe is nowadays. Now tell me, do you like Jews and the (illegal) state of Israel?

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Read this: americanfreedomunion.com/exposing-the-secrets-of-the-weimar-republic/
And pic related is from this: mega.nz/#!XeQgmK5C!n0Qc8MKQ7D1u7I85WzXYRpzVcKG7OX-xADQvVYxqhlY

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>politically clueless idiot here

go back to plebbit

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This has to be satire.

sounds very jewish of you