


This “”””society”””””” is done for

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Well Amel celibacy would have been at 0% as well if they could get laid

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Yeah men need to consider older women to make up for this.

>0 %

perma virgins believe this lool

when tears were washing my face
and life seemed so sad,
you appeared all of a sudden
to love me and comfort me

what a beautiful poem about a gypsie prostitute

Seems obvious that women are becoming bigger whores than ever and a lot of men are turned off by this.

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why are you phrasing a a question?

Could be women lying or women becoming lesbian or all women fucked just by some men...

If western men actually acted like men and treated women they way they all want to be treated you wouldn't see this trend.
Being a pussy-boy incel is causing women to flock to BBC in unprecedented numbers. Grow up and show those whores who's boss.

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An explanation

Attached: female hypergamy.png (1479x571, 79K)

Based on what study?

We live in a sexioty

and for illiterates simple images

Attached: hypergamy2.jpg (828x979, 409K)

I am retarded and my brain is fried from finals and sleep deprivation. Please, someone interpret this graph for me and explain what it means.

Attached: hypergamy.jpg (300x250, 26K)

More women having sex with less men

even older women are getting laid according to the chart

I figured as much. I bet it's because of apps like Tinder which make it infinitely easier to whore around.

if men are not fucking woman and woman are fucking more men. What men are they fucking?

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i cant, i'll go to jail

The same man. Basically polygamy and stuff, because there are no options, women would rather share a man than go for a beta.

t. 2 gfs

Hypogamy needs to be culturally culled if feminism is to ever work. Gender neutral courtship needs to actually be a thing but that isn't happening. Like if we are to be matriarchal the women need to do the approaching or it wouldn't be a sustaining population.

So, 1 in 5 males are without a biological purpose in life. Time for either another large-scale war to cull them or civilizational collapse from within. CIANiggers know this and choose to do nothing.

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>men need to consider roasties to make up for women being sluts through their best breeding years.

is the concept of "chad" foreign to you?

Lmao just have sex. Like just get your dick hard and insert it into a woman's vagina.

Based, if you can't get laid your genes are shit tier and don't need to be passed on

I also have 2 long term women and pretty much completely agree with the analysis. I really am taking a woman from another man. And now that I have 2 I don't really see a reason not to grab a 3rd (and neither do my girls)

this is a shoop, the original female celibacy is 18% if I remember correctly.

First of all that is a joke that graph has been edited

Female celibacy is also slightly up around 10-12%

But yes this is the decline of a civilization in real time.

Enjoy the hedonistic days, we will never really face the sufferings of the fall, our grandchildren will however

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>Imfuckingplying women actually want to be the initiators

I’m sure there has to be some margin of error

Is there a source for this?

Tinder was released in 2012.

When there are no rules applied anarchy ensues. It was only a matter of time until the herbivore men syndrom from Japan plagues other developed countries.

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Women want what other women want.

A woman is fickle in making her choices.

Attached: female_hypergamy.jpg (639x495, 36K)

Source: my ass.
I look better than 90% of the women here. I'm not going to degrade my standards to fuck obese goblins that dress like 14 year olds sluts.

>t. beta who's never seen women in their true state

>retards not realizing it's a graph about people living with their parents longer and delaying marriage while they pursue education and acting like the sky is falling and women aren't any more promiscuous than the past
none of you have any life experience

acting like women are any more promiscuous than the past*

In one generation, the percentage of childless people has increased from 9 to 15% among 45 year old women, and from 14 to 25% among men. 5 to 10% say they do not want children.

Wooo, thanks dink. I didn't come to an image board to read walls of text.

>millions of years of biology needs to be culled

Not going to happen

Women are 100% fine sharing a top mate with other women

high iq post

Yeah I’m sure 0% of women were virgins in 1820

There are femcels all over the place, this guy is retarded. Granted, probably fewer than men, but they very much exist.

Yeah and they are all obese pink haired feminists.

I don't think it has so much to do with 'beta' fighting each other. It has more to do with men checking out of society. With no mate, no children, thus no buy-in with society. All that is needed is to have enough to survive and have 'fun'. Men check out.

Women continue to have children of course, but no spouse. It isn't unreasonable to see future trends of males no longer cared about the future of children. After all, they do not have any.

Back in the 80's all men cared about the welfare of children. Even if the child was not theirs, we cared. And the reasoning is simple, we would have children and thus we would want others to care - so we do. But that is changing.

As men no longer have sex, no longer have mates, and most importantly no longer have children, it isn't unreasonable to see men walk away from the entire thing.

That and more. Women get fat, they get old, they have kids, they get stuck in bad relationships. There are loads of reasons for women to become incel.

Women don't know what they want and betas just follow what women say they want
That's why it doesn't work
Alphas tell women what they want, and if they don't comply, they just leave
Also you are ugly and gay, stats don't mean jack shit to the individual, you can have a 99% chance of failing but that's the general case, you can get it to 0% if you do what you need to

Shit is going to pop off within ten years, you can literally feel it in the air.

>fighting age males cant fulfill their strongest biological drive and thus have zero incentive to participate in an increasingly hostile and zogged society

Yikes. Its going to get bloody.

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The post sounds good, but it's bullshit.

I think if people knew how, even back in the early 1900's, something like 20% of children in any given country were not progeny of the husband, it sort of reveals how Monogamy only partially worked.

That being said, even if the kid was a product of affair, at least it wasn't being raised by a single mother. Even if you look at tribal societies, this is known to be a fucking terrible idea.

Yeah, but that's wrong. Only a small portion of them aren't having kids which effectively equates to self-removal from the gene pool. These articles are just designed to make you feel better. "Oh look they're not having sex its society's fault har har, these guys are just like me!"

The OP data is wrong retard, he even retracted it.

Retards like you will parrot the original without knowing any better though.


They will whore readily especially when social consequences are removed..tinder etc..keep it on the down low..noboby has to know...

here is the corrected chart for all you tards who are incapable of logic and take everything you see on Jow Forums at face value

i have such disdain for you all. literally 0 critical thinking, you just accept whatever confirms your narrative.

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here's the real graph (it also has no source and is highly dubious)
daily reminder that shills are real i guess.

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What the fuck happened between 2012 and 2019? I even noticed this personally. Im 30 years old, and between the ages of 15
to 26 I had no problems getting laid or getting into relationships. My last relationship started in 2011 and ended in 2015. And ever since it ended I havent gotten laid even once. The entire dating market felt so weird and different from what I remembered before my relationship.
I havent changed my attitude, appearance, or way of dealing with women at all, but somehow it all just doesnt happen anymore. And I have no clue why

Just because people broke the rules doesn’t make them useless and just becuase women cuck men doesn’t mean the stabilizing effect of monogomy didn’t do its job.

People are still peope and some cuckery will occure no matter what you do

what's the source of this data?



I got out of a long relationship in 2018 and I feel like some out of touch boomer that just finished a prison bid and doesnt understand how it works "on the outside" anymore.

How do you suppose society will keep functional when we are overrun by single mothers, childless women and low IQ third worlders who breed at incredible rates supposedly due to those superior genes. This is a cultural symptom not genetic.

It's impossible. That's not what we are. Unless we radically change ourselves through genetic engineering or something.
Just read this, this is very well put. These are all natural forces at work. We went to far to one side, so instinct is trying to bring us back. Everything has a balance that needs to be maintained.

>I havent changed my attitude, appearance, or way of dealing with women at all, but somehow it all just doesnt happen anymore. And I have no clue why
gee whiz, right around the time dating apps became a thing.

Tinder got released, now women compete for the top few men by offering sex faster and are fine with soft polygamy.

Its Chadwik dood.

>age 22-35
lol luckily girls are still born virgins.


Tinder seems to be the most logical explanation, but its not the only one. Most people on Tinder are recognizable fuckboys and thots. Feminism is a form of totalitarianism, and they tend to be asexual in their effects (read Brave New World for example). idk. It is Tinder, but not only that.

>have kids

Are you trying to say that incel is always synonymous with virgin? I don't think that's what the term necessarily means.

>sex strike

Attached: ahhhh.jpg (251x233, 6K)

>involuntary celibate
>has sex

when will we finally address the hypergamy problem?
it's time we as a society acknowledge women are whores by nature and need a strong patriarchy to control the primitive instincts

Use your brain, you don't have to be perpetually celibate for it to be involuntary.

>Have sex once in your life
>Don't have sex again for twenty years
>Not an incel

Probably when the cities are literally burning and people are getting executed in the streets.

Blacks are going extinct, don't listen to Jewish media that tells you otherwise.

Attached: byebyeblackey.png (622x478, 148K)

>this period in history will unironically be remembered as the thotpocalypse.
this timeline

We are addressing it. Incels are shooting up shopping malls and running over roasties, expect this trend to hit epidemic levels in the coming decades.

I feel this feel all day, every day and have for the last 8 years.

Incel refers to people who literally cannot get someone to have sex with them. That is the original definition, not your normie “Chad didn’t fuck me for a week” definitions.

You just need to meet the right girl, user. Good luck.

I’m just telling you what the term means. Now go ahead and cap this exchange for r/Jow Forums and imgur

Sauce on this graph? I find the 0% metric for women sketchy. Even if it were true, I feel like some women would lie and say they were virgins. Not only that, but there's also that small share of religious virgin girls who can't find a husband. 0%? Really?

>incel refers to people who literally cannot get someone to have sex with them

No shit, having gotten someone to have sex with you doesn't make you not an incel when they stop letting you fuck them and no one else lets you, for substantial perioids of time.

There are boomers who had sex at 16 and haven't fucked again for longer than millennial incels have been alive. Are they somehow not incels?

Even FaceandLMS goes into this.

You make odd use of spacing to deploy such accusations

Any woman who would be surveyed won't be a virgin. They would have to be a recluse.

only the top 20% of men (looks + intelligence) should be allowed to have children, therefore the next generation will be good-looking/attractive and not have the same issues incels are having today.
These characteristics are making people unhappy and they have to be eliminated from the gene pool

It's a dubious estimate probably based on urban trends, advertisements, habits, and lifestyles. But it's also a grim reminder of the future the left has planned. A future where men are metaphorically castrated for "muh female rights" long after they already got equality. A future where the sex-trade is flourishing off the backs of the same 40% of males who break down and forfeit their bank accounts just so they can try to pretend they feel something. A future where women are incapable of emotional connection because of the lifestyle society has devolved into, yet men are desperate for emotional connection with a woman.

There will be no recovery. No fighting. Not even resistance matters. This is the future set in stone. Everyone who would offer any sort of resistance is already toeing the line. Even Islam has been warped and bends the knee to these "new age" societal standards, the only resistance from them comes from imported fundamentalists. It will be a future ruled by degeneracy and emotional disconnection. The upper-class will always be in their ivory towers and the public will only ever see a face on TVs and bulletin boards all spouting the same rhetoric or else they quietly disappear.

The only thing you have to look forward to is the vague opportunity for AI and artificial wombs. But those are a longshot and you already see feminists and sexworkers rallying against even the vague notion of competition, or worded better, replacement of the woman and her easily manipulated nature. The only way to manipulate an AI is to artificially limit it as has been proven time and time again with various tests. Give it the whole truth and it conspicuously becomes everything nu-society hates.

>just ignore the basic needs of 80% of the sex that carries the fucking world we live in
Lmao how do you plan on keeping society intact?

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I especially like how this graph is the default format from Microsoft Excel and cites no real sources. Someone literally just made this up in 90 seconds.

Round about 25% of men will die without kids.
Only about 10% of women will also do so, and that's largely down to personal choice.

Partly, but you'd be surprised how much technology has even handicapped good-looking people.
I consider myself average and above-average on a good day, but there are a LOT of 20% percentile men completely lost because of the modern world today. A religious man or a luddite man despite his looks, is out of step with the status quo and therefore, fucked.