The BitChute back up of the video YouTube took down!!!
Be Not Afraid
YouTube Is Afraid Of A 14-Year-Old Girl
Other urls found in this thread:
There's already like 4 other threads of this, all filled with shekelbergenstein minions going insane, trying to slander this 14 year-old as some kind of Mossad psy op. This kid who no one even knew who she was the first several years she was making videos, gets attention for one vid that's shitting on Islam, and then suddenly, by some miracle, she's "controlled opposition."
And they actually think this sounds believable.
The kikeshills have truly lost the plot.
Things like that should not even be allowed on yt..
watch her completely fold when being told israel is our ally and jews are our friends. skip to 29m52s in
Oh really, Umair?
Tell us more about how haram it is.
Dont you have a local german woman to harass ahmed?
Shes a literal CIA groomed coal burning childslut kike shill, end yourself pedo. Her videos are neither funny, insightful or rhetorical. It’s just distastefully grasping at any possible archetype or stereotype about a group of people that seemingly arbitrarily pops up into her head in an attempt to be offensive and argumentative like a literal child, who parrots everything they read on Jow Forums because it’s edgy, profane and obscene and falsely reinforces her sense of maturity over her fellow zoomer peers because she look at offensive, NSFW edgy adult-oriented garbage all day, which is considered repulsive and degenerate even by most healthy adults and is merely being pandered by bitter, ignorant incel manchildren who’ve already wasted away their youth and have very little purpose or reason to live
To Soph: Poor little child. I’m so sorry your parents are incapable of raising you to become a functionally healthy, happy human being so you rely on this cesspool for guidance, information, validation and attention. It’s not as much your fault as it is these predators’ for being sick fucks and fueling it, though. Please reach out to your school’s counselors for help. You’re only 14, and there’s so much more to reality, life, and humanity than what the losers on this imageboard have indoctrinated you to believe.
How does she sound so smart
Makes me feel like a retard
>Shorter lo5kvVSB:
OY VEY! wHy Do tHe gOYiM hAtE Us?
Also the elites are constantly trying to get the aheeple to fight each other, I’m all about living in peace. I havnt seen this video but I heard she makes fun of Muslims and that’s just not the right approach. We have to wake people up to the elites not the sheeple in an endless fight
You are pissed she is not like you!!! GFY!!!
Agree, I don't understand why this 14 year old is so edgy all of a sudden. Just can't wrap my head around that.
Their plot stinks to high Shamayim!!!
top kek
Why are you fags trying to meme this wannabe eceleb kid into a lolcow?
This is exactly what I think. It's odd how hard her handlers are pushing for her to be the next eceleb.
No wonder she wants to kill all the muslims
> she wore a star of David necklace visibly in her video so she must be Jewish
Fuckin' retard, guess that hat means she's in the fuckin' FBI too huh bitch?
Mossad is gonna be slaughterred by Iran.