don't worry Zion Don just needs another 4 more years though
Reminder: Hillary/Obama are still free and there's no wall
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Degenerate hymie mad that the war won't happen for him to profit.
>Zion Don just needs another 4 more years though
considering king kike has pushed more gun control in two years than Obama did in eight I dont think our Constitution can't handle another term
In other news, libtard left still can't meme
a....a.............any d-d-d-day now..............................
Reminder, Trump is your President.
It's 10d chess that Podesta is still fucking little boys. trust muh plan.
so you jews are trying to paint him as a zionist puppet because you think it'll make us...what?...not vote in the coming elections?
Great thread, kid.
Imagine thinking that line actually works here on Jow Forums. Seriously, moarph, switch up your strategy.
The jews fear Bernie.
he doesn't need painted as a puppet when he admits to being one himself you fucking retard
>He didn't vote for the one that was going to bring end times prophecy to fruition
Fucking imagine
i cant imagine being as retarded as you
>Trump just needs another 4 years.
Don't worry, he's gonna get 'em. Get fucked neetsox.
>so you jews
you jews?
inb4 schizo trump shills
>Don't worry, he's gonna get 'em.
LOL...found the guy who donated to gofund the wall
I don't understand how you fuckers have been at this for a year and you don't even have a step two in your rhetoric
>Trump is a kike
Okay, what do we do?
>lol you voted for that kike Trump
Trump's a kike, how do we stop the kikes
>lmfao look what a kike Trump is
Listen, I don't like Jews either, I don't want them running America, what's your suggestion?
>Look at Trump wearing this yamaluke you fucking losers lmfao
So what the fuck are you actually getting at? Anything? Oh wait you're just gonna reply to me with a picture of Trump surrounded by rabbis.
You have guns
2020 is coming up and you niggers are getting scared
Yeah, there were a couple synagogue shootings lately too but Jow Forums tells me that it's only Mossad committing those
>So what the fuck are you actually getting at?
he's a fucking backstabbing fuckwad retarded kike
You literally completed the strawman I was accusing you of being, what the fuck man
>you niggers are getting scared
sorry sweetie mean tweets dont scare us
Yes but Israel has a wall, it's all that matter.
LOL... no one needs a strawman when we have a blundering idiot in the white house
Buddy, I'm accusing you of having rhetoric that's going fucking nowhere. And your response is to just continue to spin your wheels and say nothing. You are winning my argument, for me. Are you even a person or just a series of scripts?
>that's going fucking nowhere
like his presidency, fucking nowhere, unless your Israel then it's all roses and sunshine
Zion Don is the best POTUS for Israel since LBJ.
Okay I'm just going to stop responding to you. I tried.
Later, have fun with your fag thread the next 65,000 times you post it.
Whatever roastie. Get ready for 4 more years
>Okay I'm just going to stop responding to you
poor baby, why not just tell me what the fuck he has done? Besides fire everyone who helped him get elected
>Get ready for 4 more years
LOL not a fucking chance with over a million of us refusing to vote for his dumb ass again, good fucking luck
Implying Trump ever had a wholesome church going family
Post 1 (one) pic of Trump praying in a church or even stepping foot in a church. Yeah, didn't think so.
>being this retarded
2016 already had extremely low voter turnouts. Trump will win a second term because he's been such a good puppet dumbass. Why do you think the DNC is pushing Biden so hard? Not to mention Ann would be sucking neocon cock hard right now if Romney were elected. Attacking Trump is her only way of staying remotely relevant in politics
>2016 already had extremely low voter turnouts.
500.000 law abiding gun owners Trump made felons who along with their family and friends are a little pissed off and old enough to vote
PLUS the rest of the gun community and gun rights organisation who are suing his administration over red flag confiscation laws and amending the NFA. It pretty sad when all the pro 2ndA groups are starting to make fun of the retard
>pic related
maybe not enough, but he will feel it, that's for damn sure