To anyone considering emigrating to Poland.
>>>>>> Don't
To anyone considering emigrating to Poland.
>>>>>> Don't
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I already made an investment in Poland and bought an appartment in Gdansk
Did you invest in IT tho?
Fuck you for raising prices.
>Third world countries
Not everyone who wants to go Poland is a shitskin, Janusz
Imagine being so poor you would want to go to that shit hole.
Im a polack you cool with me emigrating
I-I wanna live with you guise though
Based. The one thing I will admit about the polish is that they don’t want subhuman amerimuts ruining their already shit country
I want to get a young Catholic Polish wife how desperate are Polish women to get out of there and do they speak English?
We fucked that up when we voted Brexit and loads of council estate scum started kicking the fuck out of random Polish people.
Can you take back the drunk polish scumbags that I can see everyday in my city.
Already drinking beerbefore going to work at 7 in the morning
Also this.
Fuck Germany for rising the price
>voted brexit
>fuck up
nice try kowalski, i dont want none of you geezers in MY country. I just want easy access young sweet polish coochie abroad.
Cuck whyte boi im gonna rape your boipussy
Not saying we shouldn't leave the EU but it shouldn't have been a green light to go and assault Polish people and tell them we voted out now leave.
Why are you posting gorillas?
Why you trying so hard to put me off eh?
I just got my work visa approved to be a doctor in Poland. I'm black btw :3
um excuse me sweetie, that's not up to you to decide
this actually made me laugh out loud for a good 4 seconds.
who in the name of christ's balls is looking to go to Poland?
In Germany's's a matter of when
just don't come here, we're full
full of shit i mean, everything is expensive, nothing is working and we aren't based at all
better stay as far away as you can
i hope no one
Nice LARP faggot
>imagine wanting to live in poland
Only literal cowards emigrate.
Can't deny that
You are looking for Women in Krakow my friend. Should easily fit your descripton.
Thanks for the tip
Remember your place boy
youre full like a big, shitty toilet.
You seem to be forgetting something
Similar thing for me, I worked as a volunteer for free in Gdansk for around 4 months. Made a lot of connections and dated a girl the last two months, even though we didn't fuck but only made out since they like to date a long time there before considering the thing.
By the end of the period one friend of mine offered me a job in a small firm his family has near Stocznia, nothing too fancy, just a decent pay and decent job place to get by, they told me it was just to begin in order to start settling there if I wanted or if I ever want to, and as soon as I got a better job I could leave them no hard feelings, they were just happy to have other europeans.
All in all I would say Poland has been maybe the most welcoming place I've ever been, the west is shit in comparison.
For the record, I look more broadly european than italian, I have very pale skin, green eyes and reddish hair, don't know if this came into play, not many shitskins going around there in winter so I have no comparison for brown people.
I missed this copypasta, thank you pole
Where did you meet this girl?
Stop lying, everything works perfectly, much better than E.g. Italy.
Some people are not jewish and care more about being in a decent community than fucking money Herschel
Krakow together with Sopot is degenerate capital of Poland don't go
Your country is poor and dilapidated in comparison to most Western nations, why would people from the US, UK, etc want to settle in your country for lower wages? In terms of education you're certainly wrong, Polish education is of a low standard in comparison to the UK, US and other highly developed countries, which is the reason many intelligent Polish people will seek education in these nations.
Overall the "moving to poland" fad is a meme played up by immature young men without a proper understanding of the Economically inferior status of Poland when compared with their home countries.
In the place where I worked, it was volunteering for a local association that dealt with orphan kids and so we had a variety of pretty broad duties, she was a student in the university.
Thats a silly way of saying Danzig.
Based poland.
The damn hun lied to me?
do not listen to the OP, he's an incel anyway
Let's swirl it up boys!
Poland is economically speaking a shithole compared to western europe, however this doesn't mean that a) services don't work, quite the opposite, and b) that everybody cares.
I don't understand why it's so hard to get that some people don't give a fuck about money and wealth if it means living in a place as degenerate as most of western nations. For some people living in a decent community of decent people who are european like him is more important than being enslaved by jewish overlord and make muh sheckels, that is really a degenerate jewish argumentation.
you are also welcomed, Ahmed
depends, if you want degenerate gold digger who will suck your cock, attach you stds and file for a divorce after getting green card, then go clubbing to krakow mate. The point is that those willing to leave poland are the degenerates so it depends how desperate you are.
im not a mutt,
im anglo catholic
can I come?
also I think thats pretty cold, we let a billion poles come work here, and saved your ass.
Surrender-faggot or yuronigger detected.
Do you have any inferiority complex ?
I mean you are a "slav" like the nigger "slave" on your picture isn't it ?
This confirms it, the Poles are the niggers of Europe. They believe they live in wakanda
Stop working/temporary living in my country you fags. And stay away from all the water, you fucks keep drowning every summer like a herd of lemmings in time of overpopulation.
You can easily live in a racially homogeneous community of decent people in developed Western nations if you want to. For example the demographics of Northern Ireland as seen in the table, a very large part of the United Kingdom. There are many regions like this throughout England too, although in smaller numbers. Scotland shares a very similar demographic profile to Northern Ireland in terms of racial composition at around 96% of the population being white. These regions despite their highly racially homogeneous populations have much higher incomes and living standards than Poland.
Don't worry, Poles don't give a fuck about us either, just the way the world works, you're on your own.
Still Whiter then you roach.
Lol no.
stand and fight. you unconciously carry the poz and will ruin any traditional cultures you enter
Partially true, I could easily find 99% european regions here in Italy as well, I live somewhere that is 99% european, the point is also that places like Poland will not be invaded by shitskins because there is no point to go there, no welfare, no social benefits, no anything; it's safe for the future as well. Just a cold and hostile population unless they take you in the right way from the get-go. You can live with tens of millions of like minded people there if you wanted, and not in degenerate ireland, where there is not even a single party in the right, and where I can assure you except Ulster the place is absolutely not 99% white.
The whole world isn't Africa...
Thank you for the based Yid Judas bashing vids though...
Based donkey. Sweet.