Can someone red pill me on how the Holocaust is a hoax?
Can someone red pill me on how the Holocaust is a hoax?
6 bodies maximum per day? Really?
it isnt really. Schizos will tell you otherwise but you cant fake the disappearance of 6 million. Not even 90yr old nazis alive today would tell you it didnt happen. Definitely been exaggerated to shit though. Would of had to have been 5479 bodies every day
of so many people*
(just realised i contradicted myself)
>too stupid to realize not all 6 mil got gassed and so that math is awful
Not shocking for a bait "question" thread.
The “gassing” only started late into 1943 which would mean you would have to divide 6,000,000 by 720 giving you the number of bodies that were gassed AND cremated per day.
Factor in the amount of time it takes to cremate per pound of flesh and you will answer your own question.
Never mind the shrunken heads, human skin lampshades and the Jew soap made from their fat...
It’s all a big lie and I’m sorry for anyone who still believes it and / or learned the truth.
There is no easy way around it.
>gotta make sure to tie in the constantly debunked lampshade and soap fat as if historians still swear by it
everyone knows that israel has nukes. Take your meds
wooden door gas chambers
conflicting accounts of how many were packed into said chambers
said accounts were also later proved made-up
in the small time frame, with their limited technology, somehow they managed to burn through all those bodies
zyklon B couldnt have been sent through the showers, as the showers werent even designed to push gas
zyklon B is actually used to get rid of typhoid (google its effects)
"6,000,000" is a well-used number by jews, representing "shoah" (which is basically the equivalent of christianity's armageddon, end of the world, coming of the antichrist, etc.)
just google holohoax
6 million in 4 years is +3000 per day
that's a 9/11 attack during 1460 days in a row
pure maths
Zyklon B was literally a bug repellent used to disenfect for lice. That is why they shaved their heads...
Why would the nazis shave their heads before gassing them?
National Socialists used Zyklon B because it was far less toxic than the DDT Americans used far into the 60s
They literally treated Jews to make sure they didn’t get sick and die from Typhus which was at epidemic levels.
That’s when the allies bombed their supply lines and no more food or medical supplies could reach the camps resulting in horribly emaciated Jewish prisoners. You can literally thank America for the majority of Jewish deaths during WWII
Funny how those same historians have to change their story to fit in with the times!
What? Modern Americans wouldn’t believe the original claims of the holocaust?! Damn, well we better come up with a better lie then!
Not all bodies were cremated?
Barely any bodies were creamated. Mass graves were Needed to bury the typhus infested corpses.
About 200,000 Jews died during the war. Mostly from starvation and illness.
>unless you go try to find them, in which case there all gone :^)
>The “gassing” only started late into 1943 which would mean you would have to divide 6,000,000 by 720
The fuck ? Could you at least inform yourself before acting liek a moron ? Only 1 million died in the concentration camps and many died of diseases and starvation in there, while many ther where gased at the same time.
The 5 other Millions were killed starting in 40, from being soldier at war to being executed directly in the street, during raids. A lot of the bulk of the number come from Poland.
Incidentally, The soviet union (including soldiers and civilians), 10 millio,ns died during WW2.
The total death count of all people (jewish and non-Jewish) in WW2 is of 70 millions.
see things more in details, there:
Stay on topic retard. We’re talking about the “holocaust”
it's not a hoax but it's increasingly fictionalized
So wa I. 6 millio,ns Jew killed during WW 2.
It's not increased. It's just misunderstood. 1 Millions died in the concentration camps, the 5 othe millions died during the war as combatants and from raids.
Lol it is entirely a hoax. An exaduratuon, a perversion of truth and historical fact.
Anyone who isn’t at the point where they are literally disgusted by the fact that their grandfathers who went and fought in WWII now represent a complete lie and their memory will forever be tainted with the grotesque and obnoxious Jewish fable of the holocaust either have no fucking clue of what they are talking about or are entirely malicious altogether.
>. 1 Millions died in the concentration camps, the 5 othe millions died during the war as combatants and from raid
That didn't happen either
So you don't believe WW 2 caused 70 millions deaths in total ?
>1 million died in the camps
That’s your first made up bullshit lie
>5 million Jews died fighting in the war
You are literally fucking with ya at this point
Well, there is only all of the historians disagreeeing with you right now.
But do you believe this ?
>fit with the times
More like discredited that stuff pretty shortly after a war. But hey, whatever let's you be stupid.
Caused more than that retard! Hahaha
Less than 1 million Jews died in WWII!
Stay in track retard we are talking about the Holocaust fun houses where Jews enjoyed swimming pools, big bands and other fun activities like soccer tournaments before they were gassed to death, turned into lampshades and soap and their heads were shrunken in bazaar spiritual nazi rituals.
Taking into account all of the victims of persecution, the Nazis systematically murdered an estimated six million Jews and an additional 11 million people during the war. Donald Niewyk suggests that the broadest definition, including Soviet civilian deaths, would produce a death toll of 17 million.
Your trope only deserves are response as it demonstrates your excruciating lack of knowledge on a topic severely debated by well equipped historians world wide.
Less than 15% of the world population believes the “holocaust” lie.
You are in the minority buddy, bet you are quite comfortable in your leftist shithole city where everyone drinks from the same coolaid jug!
>where these things from irrelevant self-published novels and long since ignored arguments occurred
>except nobody argues that
So, you believe that more than 70 millions died in WW2, but you find incongruous that 6 millions Jew died ? Mind you Russian death count is around 10 millions.
>we are talking about the Holocaust
So I am. I was tlking about how 6 millions Jew died, it's the holaucost. Not all of it happened in camps, you know.
That's also wrong. Historians cringe at the inflated numbers
But they do'nt at the 6 millions.
>Selectively citing fiction
Lol you are hilarious! What do people like you even get from spewing your emasculated bullshit on this board?
Go back to New York ya retard kike
Yes they do.
Everyone take note of a complete retard
It's not, racist. Pic related.
Lol, this much cope and lies. Cry more.
>this mad
How about 28?
Iv said what needs to be said in this thread.
Anything else would be like arguing with a prepubescent brick wall.
For those who are genuinely interested in learning the truth. Look into all I have said here.
For those who don’t care about the truth or the real victims of the war, you have a warm spot in hell awaiting you. Lord have mercy.
>stay mad
>cry more
Lol found the Jew!
See here:
They actually do not. it is an agreed on number, even directly reported by 3rd Reich oficial, like the Dr. Wilhelm Hoettl,
>Oh no, somebody is disagreeing
>let's call him a retard
>whole thread collapsing into denier coping mechanisms
>not even the good ones
>the full on damage control ones
>reported by 3rd Reich oficial, like the Dr. Wilhelm Hoettl after they crushed his balls during a torture session
wow now I believe
>muh torture
Why would anyone deny the greatest act of world necessity? It did happen and needs to happen again; but to full effect.
Article 19 of Nuremberg trials states that all rules in regard to legal evidence are void and not needed for conviction.
Google it.
>I will deny everything that contradict my point of view just because I disagree with it
Yea I know
You literally have no reliable proof
>26 posts
this kike mad as fuck
Thread seems to have a lot of it.
Where? Between the turbo JIDF posts?
Definitely arguing the points
Trial's record are reliable proofs.
This kike is Wyatt from Twitter. Btw