Damn this is intense.
Damn this is intense
I almost give a fuck but i'm not watching 30 minutes of this ugly ass nicklebag looking faggot to find out so whats the deal?
This dude exposes jewish plots with every breath he takes.
Jones specifically told a guest not to talk about Jews.
He is literally mossad...
Go to Thezog.info if you want proof.
Adam Green = Chad anti-Zionist
>Alex Jones is a fraud
Bill Cooper said this 20 years ago.
He is a mossad agent and a pedophile. This thread is created by media matter shills to muddy the waters.
>spend all day exposing Israel and AIPAC
>literally mossad
Why won't Adam say the word "Jewish"?
shill detected, tick tock moishe.
hes also a jew who use to work for the government
Because youtube algorithms detect and track certain keywords in order to demonetize and ban videos. One word is Jewish/jew
Prove it
That's what I was afraid of. Is there any way to stop this shit?
(((Green))) is a jew masquerading as a christian exposing Zionism. Stop falling for glow in the dark D&C tactics. He is also a pedophile agent provocateur.
I caught a ban that quick and had to change IPs. WTF??
Just be aware of it. Use different words. Js/Smallhats, make videos on Bitchute
These Jews will say anything to try and take down Adam
wow. shocking. that is just really amazing stuff. imagine alex jonesnstein not letting his guests name the jew, in current year even.
>oy vey shut it down
This isn't a free advertising space for e-celeb faggots, user. BUY A FUCKING AD.
>doesnt support channels that fight Israel and Jewish zionists