Why does my state get so much hate?
Why does my state get so much hate?
I don’t know why white people still live there honestly. Sounds like pure hell
How do I get out?
the part that touches water. thats why.
Because it used to be deep red and now its a shithole and is leaking out and infesting the rest of the country
Fuck that overrepresented liberal state
Burn your cities
They own there own homes Or have good jobs, don’t want to leave
silicon valley
Your like cancer but as a state
i bet LA in the 80s was really comfy...
OUR state gets so much hate because it gets held as the beacon of morality and the state of the future whilst in reality is filled with retards who vote to tax ourselves into oblivion and vote for utterly retarded social policies whilst doing nothing of value to fix the STAGGERING homeless problem. More to the point of why people hate us is that the leftists who live here and choose to move because its so expensive are so clueless as to the fact that its the policies they voted for that are the reasons they have to move and THEN they vote for those exact same policies until the gas prices are as high all over the country as they are in pic related (taken 5 minutes ago).
Would you use a service which gives people small loans to help them move out of California and relocate elsewhere?
>Reagan already banned open carry and sponsored mass amnesty
Try the 1960s
>advocating usury
Diversity doesn't work.
I live in the most diverse community in America - an apartment complex in Southern California.
Across from me is a Hispanic family. To my left is an Indian family. To my right there is an Asian family. I'm a white guy living by myself. Nobody here talks to each other. Nobody here even acknowledges each other's presence when walking by one another. There is no hello, there is not even any eye contact.
The Indian families that live in this complex always band together and walk in their stupid traditional carpet garbs. You can always smell curry around here too. The Hispanic family always brings in over more fucking hispanics. There is zero integration, everyone is still living their own home traditional cultures here independently from each other, saying fuckall to everyone else.
Fucking shoot me.
It's only usury if the victim is a human. These are Californians we're talking about.
>besides, I'm stimulating the economy by providing a much needed service to those willing and able to pay for it :^)
Only 30% white
Pfhahahha even my state is more white than that
I hope you and everyone in that state dies a slow and painful death
I hate all of you, you ruin your state and then flee and push your stupid politics on the rest of the country
I am borderline about ready to start fucking murdering you fucks, burn in hell
Originally created by red pilled gold standard libertarians turned into a shit hole by degenerates and goblinas
and thats how it should be fucker, segregated.
You're only upset because you secretly want diversity to work. Reality is that people always stick to their own race no matter what.
>You're only upset because you secretly want diversity to work
Absolute retard. Would expert nothing less from a commie faggot.
Move to one of the beach cities, they seem whiter
You export your shit tier people and give shitheads with west coast fever a reason to incessantly bitch about where they come from. The cult of personality surrounding your state is cancer basically.
California fag here, AMA
Which part? I used to live in SoCal
Bay Area, I hate it here.
so it proved libertarianism doesn't work?
Usury? We give people opportunities where they would not, in the form of a contract and mutual understanding.
California produces the most cancerous politicians
Gas was just shy of $5 a gallon out here in Carmel Valley the other day. Shit's absurd.
And hey, are you guys ready for fire season this year? Don't you just love the plan of cutting off power during windy periods, so as to avoid fires caused by downed power lines? Outages that can last upwards of a week? Boy I'm excited.
If it wasn't as expensive to leave this place as it was to live here I'd be fucking gone.
Kikes from the northeast moved here, infected our politics an flooded our state with illegals.
Cousin... I...
white America looks like a horrible nightmare, good thing we got all the cheap labor and ethnic food now.
Segregated. In their own countries.
>$5 a gallon for gas
Nigger that's nothing. Get your shit together.
Yep. Every libertarian paradise ends up degenerate, doesn't defend itself, attracts predators, and turns into a shit hole.
700 electoral votes
the hub of illegal maizeniggers
gun control
>I don’t know why white people still live there honestly.
the weather
t. SoCal resident
already too late you zoomer, this place has been shit for at least 30 years
t. gen Xer
>Move to one of the beach cities, they seem whiter
only deep in the south OC and in Ventura County. the beach cities in LA county and San Diego (excluding Malibu) are culturally enriched as fuck
It's basically Jews, Niggers, Leftists and Mexicans.
It proved that libertarianism can only work in a 100% white country.
those are turd markers arent they?
Because you're not American anymore.
If you avoid the cities it's a 10/10 state due to its scenery in the rural
7 dudes and 2 women
>Why does my state get so much hate?
The real question is why you don't know.
totes themselves as being politically and morally sophisticated/superior when reality it's a bunch of low IQ soccer mom's who take their points from Late Night TV