
Remember that week when Jow Forums had thousands of posts about how great this chink is?

Whatever happened to them? Pretty weird how all of his countless fans here disappeared overnight.

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Other urls found in this thread:


The same group spamming soph threads was behind Yang spam

So pajeets working for 1 rupie an hour from bombay.

more like Bannon's army of pedophile shills and Israeli shills. Sloppy job mossad.

I'm kinda asshurt. Like I want to personally find the guy who made 200+ "I'm getting my $1,000 a month free, you Trump kikes are getting btfo" posts in a single thread and strangle him to death. I'm pretty patient about shitposts in general but that shit was starting to get to me just for how obviously inauthentic it was.

Fuck you.

I think a lot of people liked the idea of 1000 bucks a month and trying to meme something new they also liked his tweet addressing white genocide but there is too much separation idealogically and he's too stiff and awkward

It was a collective raid by Discord Trannies, who were btfo'd by Jow Forums after we infiltrated their server in retaliation.

its almost like it was a fucking meme, you daft cunt

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Yeah I remember all the migashills seething, good times

just a meme and now its dead

They shill for Tulsi and Biden now just wait and see

i'm still here senpai. you guys all apparently know about him already so the need to spread awareness is not as high.
when the debates kick off i'll be shilling in full force once again

We are still supporting Supreme Chairman Yang.

Yang's NYC rally will be live on twitch at 6:30 PM EST


Never saw someone shill for that creepy fucker.

*rally is at 6PM est.

as for why we don't post as much here, there are more productive places to shill than on Jow Forums. youtube comment sections for instance.
rather than preaching to a bunch of miga retards who can't understand what a VAT is, and explaining how there won't be inflation because money is not being printed dozens of times.

if you are against yang you are straight up a wage cuck who is too retarded for your own good. beyond saving.
even if yang's message splits people 50/50, that's still enough to win an election. the goal is to get the message out not convince a few miga retards that they are wrong.

He's actually building momentum tho. 2-3% with no media coverage and already beating Cory Booker and tieing with Beto in many places.

bump because yang

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Actually it’s 1-2% and he’s only, you know, 30 points behind, lmao. Kill your self you fucking faggot

MSNBC just had a poll where he was tied 3% in South Carolina with Beto

Why shouldn't you kill yourself MIGApede? Zero promises kept.

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Yeah and that poll was only 595 people surveyed and yang was still in LAST PLACE lmao kill yourself you retarded faggot.

It’s also hilarious how you shill faggots have no response besides “miga” even though I never said I support trump. It’s as if you’re just a faggot shill or a retard who can’t comprehend how absolutely repulsive yang and his yangniggers are. KILL YOURSELF YOU PIECE OF GARBAGE FAGGOT NIGGER