What the fuck is wrong with these subhumans?
Somalis hate Thread
who coined the "lightbulb head" term
its so good
I don't know how Minnesotans are able to cohabitate with these niggers, they must be saints.
Nothing wrong they have the balls to call out the jews while the whitebois have jew cum still on their lips.
The term was coined by Apendre anglin of dailystormer who loves black women and lives in nigeria with his black wife.
how all those bulb heads got to minnesota is crazy. apparently all these cucked religious groups have been shipping them in droves to stack their church populations. minnesota is the worst
Kiwi Somali here. I have three pure blood Somali children and my own business. Come at me incel
>What the fuck is wrong with these subhumans?
It starts with an N
>minnesota is the worst
lightbulb head
Gtfo my country nog
>I have three pure blood Somali children
wow what an accomplishment!
Imagine being so much of a nigger that even other niggers hate you.
huffing paint isn't a business you fucking nigger
Generations of inbreeding. Khan Omar married her brother. Most Somalis marry a relative, often a first cousin. Autism rates in Minnesotas Somali community are incredibly high because of the high degree of inbreeding.
>t. Minnesotan health care worker who has to try to explain genetics to 60 IQ Somalis
the ability to recognize bait is getting really bad on this board
i mean really fucking bad
>wtf is wrong with niggers
they are niggers
Sludge tier genetics
They mostly stick to one area near downtown minneapolis. I rarely see men, see mostly women.
We have a large Somali contingent in Toronto. They are pretty based and hard working.
They have one of the lowest IQ on average in the world. They were so bad and uncultured that Seth told Amun-Ra to burn the shit out of these ugly subhumans and make them look black.
Dear Seth, why the fuck couldn't you just kill them all?
Fuck leaf
>religious groups have been shipping them in droves to stack their church populations.
But aren't all Somalians Muslim? Were they hoping to convert them? I think refugees get "assigned" to cities when they first move to the US.
Hey hey people, seth here.
Try that in Somalia, fucking welfare case.
We have a lot of people of Swedish decent in MN. Go figure.
Absolutely not true. They account for nearly all the shootings.