>Kushner told lawmakers on Tuesday that his immigration plan won’t reduce the overall number of immigrants entering the country – a priority for many of the president’s most ardent political supporters. “If there isn’t some reduction in the number, then the White House risks alienating some of its strongest supporters,” said Steve Camarota, the director of research for the Center for Immigration Reform, which supports reducing immigration levels….
>The senior administration official disputed this assertion, telling POLITICO that immigration restrictionists are a “pretty fringe” group that have not “been an important part of the president’s base.
>Harvard/Harris Poll >Reducing all immigration — both illegal and legal — to the U.S. is ranked as the second top priority for Republicans, conservatives, and Trump voters.
Christian Sullivan
>to get the results desired the poll has to mix illegal and legal immigration together Kek.
Jacob Barnes
Wow, you must be on top of your game to have snagged the coveted Jow Forums duty post. I bet they pay you twice what everybody else makes. You’re just that good at your job here.
Alexander Gomez
Nobody wanted president Javanka determining immigration policy. You're in for a rude awakening. Kobach needs to primary Trump or we're going to have President Sanders or Biden.
Trump will easily win in 2020 and you’ll be salty. You’re completely impotent and ineffective. We can all tell your heart’s not in it.
Parker Hernandez
MIGA of course!
David Clark
I'm disgusted and disappointed like most people who voted for him. Look at the Breitbart comments if you think I'm full of it. Even the boomers on Breitbart have turned hard against him. Nobody's going to show up to vote for Trump after he betrayed every single one of his major immigration promises. No wall, no H1B reduction, no birthright citizenship elimination, no rescission of DACA, signed the Omnibus which limited housing facilities for ICE and caused reinstatement of catch and release, signed a budget that created a massive loophole/exemption from deportation as long as you can pretend to be a "family member" of a minor, etc. This is not even talking about the grab the guns stuff and red flag laws that passed as a result, which infuriated a ton of people. Trump is basically a lame duck at this point, and he knows it, which is why he can say outlandish shit like in OP.
The only real way to stop Sanders or Biden is primary Trump with Kobach.
Nathan Harris
Angel Wilson
Legit this. Trump isnt /our/guy and never was. Democracy croaked a long time ago its only boomers and morons clinging to this neocon garbage.
Ayden White
Lmao, it’s like this kike wants his step dad to lose. Oh well, maybe that is his plan all along. It really doesn’t matter cause Trump ain’t doing shit.
Asher Myers
Cap this now, your pathetic attempts to turn the board will bear no fruit, and Trump will win 2020 easily.
You’re just throwing shit at the wall to see if it sticks now. You have no ability to plan long term. The only constant is your ass hurt, which is palpable.
Daniel Walker
Jared’s immigration plan keeps the numbers of immigrants the same but makes it almost all merit based and tightens border security. It’s DOA in Congress, just like the last one which cut immigration in half
Connor Davis
>turn the board In case you haven't figured it out, Jow Forums isn't a bunch of fucktarded koolaid drinkers. You can start a "President Trump General" thread every five minutes, but it doesn't change facts and reality that Jow Forums perceives. Old school non-stop propaganda you're attempting doesn't work anymore. Jow Forums got Trump elected, and Jow Forums will get rid of him for being a traitor. This is not difficult to understand.
Christopher Adams
Sorry trannie commie, you’ll never turn the board. You keep trying but it’s simply not effective.
Trump will win 2020 while you sit picking your scabs and rocking back and forth, looking for an old Jow Forums which never existed.
Gavin Jones
>turn the board The only people who talk like this are paid to post. Why don't you tell your boss to change his policies rather than continuing to push 1984 gaslighting bullshit.
Ian Morales
>Sorry trannie commie Someone who started what he have to say by sorry trannie commie want to be taken seriously. Also reddit spacing. >looking for an old Jow Forums which never existed. Pretty sure he was right about everything he said tho.
Thomas Nelson
quoted the wrong person
Adrian Wilson
What are you fags going to do when Trump wins in 2020? Ten years of ass burned shilling doesn’t look good on a resume. Especially when you have failed at it.
David Fisher
I want to be replaced LEGALLY
Henry Lopez
I want my daughter's rapist to be a legal immigrant!
Justin Morris
Not a fracture point, very sloppy execution.
Jaxson Thompson
of course it's not a fracture point BASED conservative spics will keep the GOP in power for decades
Anyone in favor of legal brown immigration is either an idiot or a shitskin themselves. We don't need more brown garbage, we need to expel the shitskins and boost white birthrates.
yeah, based, bro everybody knows Trump's base supports legal immigration, even when the polls clearly state otherwise
Jayden Ortiz
There's nothing wrong with this; LEGAL immigration in this country is not alarmingly high. Illegal immigration is the big problem, and that's where the majority of worthless people come from. 100% of illegals are net drains on the country. Most legals are a net positive, at least economically, but I understand people's concerns about demographic changes.
Eli Morales
No, legals are NOT a net positive. There's a stat chart somebody posts here all the time I will have to find, but it basically shows most legal immigrants bring a ton of family members who are all on SNAP, EBT, Medicaid. They are net leeches because of all the people they bring.
Chase Jackson
This obvious shill tactic isn’t working. Trump legitimately betrayed his base. Shouts of build the wall at all his rallies went utterly ignored while we are getting more refuse piling in our southern border than ever. Kys
Carson Johnson
What a worthless nigger. Magapedes get the rope to, you spineless converts didn’t get trump elected you fucking cucks, you don’t get anyone elected. You’ll go back to sucking dick of whoever’s in Power no matter what. If trump keeps this up his gonna get Kennedy’d along with his kike spawn.
Daniel Wood
I can't believe I'm legitimately going to vote for a closet commie socialist just to get away from this kike cum loving Zionist piggy. Hilary Clinton would've been tougher on immigration than this fat old boomer.
One battle at a time user. You would spread d&c shit to fracture the base and then nothing would get done. As for welfare, Trumps admin has been cracking down on legal visas for potential welfare users thats something unheard of and a bit unexpected from a man that didn't run on a campaign of limiting legal immigration. also >politico
Josiah Taylor
Those would be ILLEGALS. You don't get to bring friends.
80% of Americans want less immigration. Almost 60% want only 1/4 of our current levels.
This is a fracture point Shapiro faggot.
Adam Foster
President Sanders or Biden would legitimately be better for middle class whites than this orange toolbox. With Drumph we get the immigration policy of a turbo liberal but the economic policy and warmongering of a neocon. If were gonna get flooded with spics regardless of leader then I should get autism bux for all the taxes they pull out of my pay.
>We want to be replaced, but it has to be done LEGALLY All you fags need is one democrat to legalize any and all immigration to the US, and then you'll be happy.
Lucas Lee
Imagine still supporting this fucking kike lover. has done absolutely NOTHING for white people and has actually overseen the biggest influx of shitskins this country has ever seen
Isaac Long
Trump DID run restricting legal immigration, because he promised to cut H1Bs. STEM workers pay very close attention to what Trump has done with H1Bs, namely, he has actually even promised them citizenship. That is how far he's gone to suck Indian and Asian worker dick. The base cares very much about legal immigration and knows what Trump is doing and is pissed.
Landon Parker
No, many of them are brought in legally. Actually, another important point is "legal" immigrants very often drop anchor babies, and the anchor baby becomes the basis for green card petitions for 10 family members. This is very common. They all end up on welfare of some type. So, aside from the browning/white genocide aspect, legal immigration is a net economic negative.
Mason Jenkins
That’s a dirty fucking lie. Americans have been overwhelmingly in favor of immigration restriction for over a century and only got it at brief moments like 1924.
The problem is the ruling class simply does not care and doesn’t work for us.
Jason Hill
There's merit to this argument.
Aiden Sanchez
Sure kid. Keep spamming disinfo and demoralization threads. Its not obvious at all what you're here to achieve.
Legal immigrants are not a net positive, most of them are third world subhumans who happen to be related to the third world subhumans we foolishly already let in. They really don’t do anything for us except bring wages down and agitate to get their family members into the country.
Nathan Davis
Alexander Watson
>like most Americans Weird, because the below study found that 4 out of 5 Americans wanted less immigration.
Maybe there was just more applicants? Even proportionally you'd expect a larger proportion of refusals. And illegal immigration is through the fucking roof
Jace Bennett
And I see this ad played during Tucker Carlson's show all of the time:
50% of all Americans want cuts to legal immigration. We don't want it to increase.
Daniel Hernandez
(((Elites))) who run zog hate the people. They are pushing this hostile invasion on us knowing full well the will of the people yet going directly against it. It is sick.