>Illegal immigration at the United States-Mexico border last month was nine times the level of the same month two years ago and is projected to outpace every year when former President Obama oversaw immigration.
Illegal Immigration at 9X the Rate of 2017, Projected to Outpace Obama
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Pink Floyd said it best... Time to put up The Wall.
It is too fucking late for a wall now.
The only thing that can be done would be to slaughter these mother fuckers on live TV so the entire world gets the fucking message.
That is not going to happen so all we can do now is document the decline.
One year warning Mexico, time is ticking.
We are not going to do anything, we have already given the nation away.
What are we gonna do now
They're trying to get over while they still can
Waiting for the Worms is based.
Waiting for the final solution
To strengthen the strain
Waiting to follow the worms
Waiting to turn on the showers
And fire the ovens
Waiting for the queers and the coons
And the reds and the Jews
Waiting to follow the worms
What's happening
Because Drumph ever meant to build one.
Trust the plan or something.
But seriously, fuck the wall. Deportation squads and deputized citizens now.
why is it not going to happen?
Show your flag, kike.
Come on burgers. Explain this. You love shitposting about Europe but you're letting this slide. I wonder why!
Nobody can explain because mutts are fat, stupid, arrogant pieces of shit too obsessed with gaming and eating shitty food to get off their asses physically and do something
Yeah for real, no wall just the Einsatzgruppen already.
At what point in your life did you think its ok to murder thousands of children for the crime of crossing an imaginary line? Put the edgelord shit aside for a moment. Do you really believe you're a righteous, moral person?
The line is very real, friend. It is immoral shitting all over the lives of everyone already here. That is what is immoral. All enemies need to be purged including domestic enemies like you.
Heil'd. Sitting around and posting shit online about a wall is worthless. Same with voting.
Do these posts fool anyone? If the dems didn't block and obstruct the wall, none of this would be an issue. Democrats caused and promote this, obstructing actions to stop it. These posts fill nobody anymore.
Fuck you.
Violence is all we are left with, it did not have to be this way.
Not like anything is going to happen so your muh morals bullshit is totally irrelevant.
Yeah let me weigh the options here;
1. Kill useless beaners who have never and never will contribute anything positive to western society
2. Watch my culture, history, civilization, and race disappear from the face of the earth without so much as a whimper.
Hmmmmm, which will I chose? A “moral” (by what metric?) death or an “immoral” life. Well, I like living.
No brexit. No wall. We are all chumps, aren't we?
Democrats are the problem but not all of the problem, Republican faggots also support the latrineo take over.
You realize a huge part of the reason these countries have descended into chaos was because of US coups and destabilization efforts in the 80s. Prior to the 80s there was virtually zero immigration from these countries. To want to kill someone over a small crime like crossing a border shows how much of a degenerate you are. You realize you're part of an objectively movement right?
Objectively evil*
You've been brainwashed to fear something that isn't happening. 90% of MUH CULTURE in America is post 1950s consumerist shit.
It's almost like there was an emergency and Trump was right to declare one.
Or something.
Veritas filmed Democrats admitting that they were funneling money to NGO that bus these people to the border just to spite Trump.
Thank you, leftist scum, Sorass and globalust ngo's.
Oh bullshit spic.
This idea that because we did not let you subs elect fucking communists is the reason you have to invade us now is just typical low IQ latrineo thinking.
Trump had a Republican Senate and House for two years. He didn’t do anything and instead tackled useless shit like healthcare. This is mainly Trump’s fault.
Clowns like you said it was not happening in the fucking 90s yet here were now and whole states of been taken over by spic trash like you.
Trump doesn’t give a shit about nonwhites flooding the border. His businesses were created with illegal immigration. The GOP has conserved nothing.
I don't owe these "people" a fucking thing. All I know is they ruined the towns I grew up in and have fucked up my entire state to the point it is unlivable unless you are very wealthy. I don't owe you a fucking thing either, not even a response. All traitors against a wall with the rats they bring in
Everyone is fucked when the Eur-Asian, and Muslim-Negroid race mix.. then we'll be official slaves.
>my country sucks, it's your fault that my country sucks, so I have a right to live in your country
Very childish attitude. Real men make the best of their circumstances. Whites went through hell in 2 world wars. Europe was torn to pieces. Did they beg for refuge? No. They picked up the pieces and started again. Stop being such a fucking baby.
Republicans very actively support the takeover you piece of shit. Nice kike partisan bullshit distraction. Red and blue are the same white genocide team.
The good thing is that it destroys the talking point for Dems that illegal immigration has been going down year after year and isn't a problem.
I wonder who is behind this massive increase...
in the end we let them elect commies anyway and their countries predictably went to shit
things were better for them before that
When they become an invading force determined to make my country as shitty as theirs is.
You mean like the states that used to be Mexico?
You justify not respecting a country's sovereignty but don't want to deal with the consequences of your globalist policies? Again, next to zero immigration from these countries before the 80s.
>two rights make a wrong
so you admit that it's just about revenge
Lol suck my sweaty mexican balls, our country is just as kiked as your.
>Whites went through hell in 2 world wars. Europe was torn to pieces. Did they beg for refuge?
Uh yeah, countless times. The weak whites of Europe have been fleeing for centuries.
Yep. The west is dead
You spic is showing, just fuck off and die.
Not revenge. Cause and effect. The natural order of globalist meddling.
Idiots like you don't get it. I'm not letting my town and state get overrun by filth. Period. Go fuck yourself.
How many US citizens wanted those interventions?
It was useless shills and government kikes that orchestrated that shit, and now you expect the average man to pay for it?
Not likely.
You also have no proof of your claim. For all we know these interventions were improvements. These places have been shitholes for literally millennia.
I think you're more likely to die from an Aneurysm you violent subhuman lol
>How many US citizens wanted those interventions?
Thats what voting is for. Even now, most Trump supporters support globalism and foreign intervention as long as it's their side doing it.
The companies are desperate for workers
We have no other choice
>Thats what voting is for.
You god damn child like spic, no one campaigns on that shit.
All this guy's "arguments" show is how they're trying to waste whites' time with distraction, "policy debates," arguments, etc. All they have to do is waste as much time as possible and distract whites.
Arguing online is going to solve nothing
Maybe not. We can get them to self deport once we have laws that are they don’t get free gibs anymore.
How many more fucking pictures of new wall do you need to see?
It should be clear there is no point in wasting your energy arguing online at this point. That's the lesson we should get from these shills.
>once we have laws that are they don’t get free gibs anymore.
How is that going to ever happen?
It is only going to be a few more voting cycles before it will be all democrats all the time going forward and they sure as hell are not going to do that.
How many republicans opposed the Iraq and Afghanistan wars? Republican voters are complicit when they don't denounce the actions of their representatives. Even suggesting that American soldiers are dying for nothing is enough to send a angry boomer to the ER.
There are tons of white millennials and zoomers who would do anything to get a job. Yet boomer CEOs refuse to hire them.
It just sucks, I come to Jow Forums to vent and avoid these spics but they have invaded here too.
There is no escaping them.
Has there ever been a more useless POTUS than pic related?
>why is it not going to happen?
you don't have the balls
Calm down Cletus.. Go take your heart medication, wouldn't want you to get a heart attack over comments on Jow Forums lol
>Trump supporters support globalism and foreign intervention as long as it's their side doing it.
this is the sad truth
the demtards and repubtards don't care about anything if their side is doing it
the US needs to be cleansed of both sides completely and 90% of the population needs to be wiped out.
It's obvious that there is only one solution to this country's problems, but nobody seems to have the balls to get it started.
To be fair, spic, nobody is afraid of you people personally. Our government actively protects you.
we need to round up all voters and slowly gas the fuck out of them, after gassing, shoot them in the head and chest, than run them over with tanks, after that set them of fire, and finally pee on them.
They are simply too entitled and lazy
They're all in massive debt, so they can't work for $10 hour because it triggers student loan payments. Boomers are also responsible for creating this debt slavery
yeah maybe he didn't do well on immigration, but at least he keeps delivering on Israel
To be fair, burger, your government can't even deal with an agrarian communist country, despite holding their assets and violating international law.
Only a retard would feel other than pity and laughter at you,
ur mom felt pity and laughter at you when she saw ur tiny dick next to mine
>natural order of globalist meddling.
Hmmmm so maybe nationalist patriots should put an end to your faggotry. Good thing skin color is a 99.8% team indicator
>Young people are lazy!1!1!1!
>Coming from the laziest generation in human history
Younger people work hard to put food on the table than you greedy fucks ever will.
I really don't care what my government does or doesn't do, bro. I was simply noting that they're protecting your violent, stupid, hostile spic asses from justice
>There are tons of white millennials and zoomers who would do anything to get a job.
In air conditioning. For 35 hrs a week. For 60k a year. With good "work/life balance and amenities". And avotoast in the free lunch mess
Why dont you faggots blame the goddamn NGO's putting on ads in these shit hole countries and start flooding the Capitol switchboard everyday. It was the Capitol elite scum backed by ,paid off by, special interest who passed the ridiculous laws. Flooding us has been the plan for decades and striking now has been the plan for just as long. It doesn't matter who is in charge the laws are set. Flood the switchboard.
If our government was not protecting you we would have already done something about it.
Us and our niggers would already pushed you the fuck out.
Oh, are you that much of a pussy that you are afraid of us and your government? You have your fucking gun rights? don't you? Go fuck yourselves and your second amendment, you don't do shit with them.
Are just gonna pop into a public school and kill everyone because spics n' shiet? This is the general white 'murrican faggotry. Have the guns, have the law, still too much of a pussy to grab their guns but too much of a loudmouth on the webz about "spics destroying the us".
Do something about faggot.
The issue is most of them are heavily indebted to the point anything below 60k means poverty, which means welfare is a better option. Boomers in the federal government created this problem by allowing schools to jack up tuition to the max, pushing "everybody should get a college degree," and therefore indebting an entire generation while simultaneously allowing businesses to outsource and offshore every decent job and use illegals for the rest, which drove down wages to the point they cannot even come close to paying student loans. It's a catch 22 created by government interference. Boomers should be held personally responsible for this, because they are responsible for electing the politicians who created these policies.
Stay brown, paco. You and Jamal keep voting as a monolithic block.
You've crossed the line into glow territory, friend. Have a nice day.
Cant wait to savagely execute boomers.
Maria and Jamal, boomers' best friends, will do that for us in the retirement homes.
>general whitery: the post
stay fag
>heavily indebted
Maybe they shouldn't have paid 100k to go to day care and delay adulthood for half a decade. And before your "YOU NEED TO GO TO COLLEGE" horseshit. Lies. We don't need more marketing majors. We don't need more philosophy students. There is an oil and gas boom in this country where I can't find enough help with basic functioning brain help. We actually prefer people who didn't get a 4 year liberal arts degree because they're a pain in the ass
Also affirmative action and government subsidized loan structure is why college is a rip off. All part of the plan. It's their fault for being fucking drones and wanting to get their dicks wet for half a decade.
You need to get raided by Policía Federal for your violent posts online
Good one beaner
they'll probably recruit me for their cyber division
This debate is a sidetrack from the thread, but let me point out that boomers pushed the fed gov/kike loan scam by brainwashing their kids from day one that they needed to go to college, and children are stupid. They simply cannot do the financial analysis necessary to figure out that they're destroying their lives. This was essentially a scam perpetrated by kikes/zog at the top and pushed by a bunch of idiot boomers on their children. Anyway, this is a diversion.
In a 80 IQ country, yes, you might have a good shot with a 90 IQ
IQ was enough to place on a top 50 Uni. *shrugs*
Missed the obvious chorus:
>We don't need no kikes in office
>We don't need no kikes at all
>No dark debauchery, on the tv
>Hey, rabbi, leave them kids alone
That's a strange brag, considering top 50 is pretty shit. Online, you can be a Navy Seal and MIT rocket scientist.