You do know he browsed 8-chan's Jow Forums, not Jow Forums's Jow Forums, right? He was radicalized there, not here...

You do know he browsed 8-chan's Jow Forums, not Jow Forums's Jow Forums, right? He was radicalized there, not here. He's not /ourguy/, and never will be. He's a braindead retard who got meme'd so hard he actually commited a massacre and now will spend his life in prison. Imagine how weak-minded he was.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Sloppy job mossad


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You thought he was posting here OP? Are you retarded? Did you just find out?

Shut the fuck up. Adults think for themselves.


Neck yourself

He was radicalized in Europe, kike.

Don't mention cripplechan

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I browse both. I come here for banter, I go there for facts. Who gives a shit?

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Hello, Shlomo. Nice meme flag. When the white ethnostate is finally formed, we will extradite Brenton Tarrant and give him a medal.

Does it matter?

Fucking memeflaggot

They are owned by the same people anyway retard

Listen carefully kike. It doesn't matter if it's 4 or 8 or anywhere else that allows free speech. He was radicalized by the radical lies and blatant censorship instituted by the Jews. Nothing you can do will stop us.

He is a true hero and you are a fucking kike.

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This is how you sound.

All these butthurt burgerfags coming out of the woodwork lmao how's that KKK membership going? Have you been accepted yet?

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Show flag kike

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I don't need to join a group to kill kikes faggot.

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He has signifigant abo ancestry also. It's probably why he was so prone to the brainwashing, and quick to violence.

helo 8ch

He was radicalised by the truth and by reality

>I go there for facts.

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He is a hero

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>He is a hero

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So it wasn’t a CGI Moss*d sloppy?

he is going to love the maoris, he is going to spend the rest of his life around them.
radical dude

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This board is known as "cuck-chan," by that other place, for a very good reason. And you're basically starting a thread to brag about it..

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>getting raped by Maoris for all his life
I'm sure that his dream will come true.

Attached: new-zealand_maori-culture_apt_740_llr.jpg (778x463, 170K)

his new cellmate likes nazi boys. sieg my mongrels!

Attached: woofy.jpg (201x251, 7K)

Who cares. Stay in your edgy board for 14 year olds with somehow shittier design than this. Go full "non cuck" killer and see where that leads. Imagine changing a decent life for a life in prison and for a life of getting raped by Maoris everyday lmao

not sites like this one?

Those 51 mudslime invaders aren't coming back to life no matter how much you cry like a child about our saint. They're maggot food now.

Attached: d8a81d4df0672193f705b5f2830e44c6ada7fa25f68ec579f9e47d0fa3d93bc8.jpg (599x713, 107K)

>muh secret club

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>Those 51 mudslime invaders aren't coming back to life no matter how much you cry like a child about our saint
There's 1.8 billion Muslims around the world. This changes nothing, underage retard.
>They're maggot food now.
And he's a Maori fuckhole now. Top fucking keks. Congratulations, your saint is a cumdumpster.

found the faggots

Yeah I know, right?? Imagine "believing in something." Every good goyim knows that the values we should hold highest are the ones shown to us every day on TV. Imagine trading your comfortable, predictable routine of wagecucking and cultural humiliation for some sort of "ideal." Does anybody still believe (in the CURRENT YEAR) that there are things worth sacrificing and dying for??

LMAO! Amirite fellow based pede.

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found the goat fucker

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yes we know. its just shills and glowniggers that praise him in an attempt to put the blame here. any nonshill/nonglowies are just people having a laugh about it all. Jow Forums is a board of peace.

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Please don't it's trash and only go there when hiro forgets to pay the server bill and this place gets shut down


Attached: n3 (4).jpg (806x1024, 137K)

Try again.

Attached: Dont worry its laughing gas.jpg (1024x602, 99K)

Shut up, dumb smelly homo. Shills and cowards get the rope, historically and in the rather soon future as well. Saint Tarrant is a hero and no amount of screeching and kvetching will ever change it.

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He was radicalised overseas when he saw exactly what he wrote about in his manefesto. The rest is just memes.

Fucking based

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Heroes make a positive impact in the world. This faggot changed absolutely nothing. The world's Muslim population will go up and up. His actions were reverted in a couple of days. Top fucking keks. All he achieved was getting himself into prison and getting raped by Maories everyday for the rest of his life as a result. And no amount of screeching and kvetching will ever change it. Get it right inside your brain, retard.

>This faggot changed absolutely nothing
>His actions were reverted in a couple of day
This is some next level tranny cope.
>acceleration around the world. France, UK (600% rise in antimuslim "crime"), Sri Lanka and others.
>greatest spike in Google search history of "great replacement" and one of the greatest of "white genocide" - redpilling possibly hundreds of thousands
>absolutely brutal push of the Overton's window, as both zoomers and boomers openly and publicly praised mass shooter
>further radicalization of many valuable groups and individuals, shown many what a single regular white guy can do
>NZ people are buying historically the most guns ever. To the point where many shops (including one which sold guns to St. Tarrant, kek) report being completely sold out.
>at least one copy cat already
You yourself, who is now more than month later here shilling, is a proof that he made tremendous waves.

>raped by Maoris
Show flag and stop projecting your degenerate fantasies, dumb cretin. Remember, you will always be just an ugly fat guy in a wig, you will never be passable. Now stop being annoying and go be a part of that suicide statistic already. The fact that you sage your own thread shows how weak you are.

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Its more than that. It was a wake up call for several whites ,he sacrificed himself in order to help others see the reality of what was happening

God damnit you are such a faggot user

You should see how fucking scared a couple muslims ladies were when they spotted me behind them at checkout wearing a US army t shirt (I've never been in the army). The look of fear in their eyes was palpable, the children instinctively started hugging the mothers leg and the mother skittered out of the store as quickly as she could without saying a word. That massacre has changed quite a bit you mentally ill faggot, and there will be more to come yet, so buckle up buckaroo!

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Tarrant was an Apex of social & societal sentiment. The avg westerner didn't recoil in horror, other than the media it was silent. New Zealenders didn't turn in their firearms enmase, seems we have reached the sentiment that violence is the only real response to violence. The drums of saxon are starting to beat if you listen closely

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Get this inside your brain you retarded faggot, we can and will kill all these fucking shitskins and anybody that supports them, you included. You can suck their cum as much as you want faggot but you'll bow your head and take it when people like tarrant come for you, just like all those pussies that stood there in that mosque and let themselves be killed like the sheep they are!

>UK (600% rise in antimuslim "crime")
How many deaths, though? You forget there's 1.8 billion Muslims.
>stop projecting
>Remember, you will always be just an ugly fat guy in a wig, you will never be passable
>The fact that you sage your own thread shows how weak you are.
Well, yeah, most people are afraid of mentally-ill looking creatures. Especially of people as insane as White Americans. And bragging about women and children being afraid of you, seriously? lmao Let's see how your little sister or nephew would react among Muslims. Pretty much the same. It's called xenophobia.

He looks like a caveman

Doesn't matter who wins, you're dead either way. The right wins, you'll be purged in fema camps. The Muslim will stone you to death. Either way you lose faggot. Enjoy it while it lasts sweetie, stay moosey

Stop playing dumb you mentally ill subhuman.
Around the world. Why would I care about sandniggers living in their countries? Especially those, who do not seek to harm white nations and/or lack the capacity to do so. I care about the 50 million in Europe and also those who live in other white countries. And they will go, oh how they will go. Together with kikes and filth like you.
>muh xenophobia

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If a muslim fucked with my family I'd bury them alive you fucking faggot, oh and I used to beat the shit out of muslim kids in high school, so much that one time this little faggots parents tried to sue me after I split his head open with a belt lmao

cripplechan is for serious stuff and effortposting, cuckchan is for larps and shitposting.

You are implying more people do not use both imageboards, memeflag kike of a whore.

>we can and will kill all these fucking shitskins
You won't do shit, Brandon. Finish your algebra homework and go to bed.
>all those pussies that stood there in that mosque and let themselves be killed like the sheep they are!
Killing unarmed, people. Such an achievement! "Tutorial Finished" - 5G.

Go back to /leftypol/ or whatever shithole you crawled from, ugly mongoloid debil.

Wait you actually think I'm LGBT?? lmao

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Do you honestly think anyone browsing 8ch doesn't also browse Jow Forums?

>implying being a jew isn't gay

We've killed millions (with an M) of muslims in Iraq and we're about to kill a few million more in Iran, keep talking shit though faggot.

>im just pretending to be retarded

gtfo you've lost this one

You're more Jew than me, burgerfag. I imagine you had your foreskin removed like the cuck that you are.

Shut up faggot

>Stop playing dumb
Why would I sage my own thread, checkfag?
>50 million in Europe
You're having a hard time getting rid of such a low figure? top keks
>And they will go, oh how they will go. Together with kikes and filth like you.

my favorite part was all the bodies arranged in nice orderly stacks with nary a bloodstain forming on any fabric
he even shoots one, in the head. the muzzie's fake jew hat hits the wall, clean. and the wall stays as clean as the floors

Astounding! Keep on the good work, Greg!

See pic, stop shilling.

Attached: Pills for shills.jpg (2500x2500, 3.39M)

Friendly reminder

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You didn't do shit. Your over-budgeted army did. Stop bragging about another group of people's actions.
Whoa. This is it. How will I ever recover?

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Of course he posted there. Why would anyone worth their salt take this place seriously after 2016? Most people here cannot even write in complete sentences anymore.

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Please user, consider suicide. It would help you, this board and your nation. Thanks.

>He doesn't even know about the exodus


Not as weak minded and hopeless as a suicide bomber on Easter Sunday! Sloppy job mossad, kys, sage.

>being this much of a homosexual groupie
He's busy being gang raped by the Maories. Don't bother the guy.


Attached: pepefroggie.jpg (800x450, 40K)

>provides infographic against claim nobody's making
>'stop shilling'
what am i shilling?
your pic only supports what i said. where's the blood? people with holes in them bleed profusely

>I will put my sexual fantasy in every second post I make
>I'm definitely not projecting, a-anons
Neck yourself.

>where's the blood?
Look at infographic, there are even time marks with plenty of blood. It also explains compression which is a reason why you can't see many smaller details. It also talks about "bodies arranged in nice orderly stacks". At least look at it before you reply, this is just lazy niggery.

This. Anyone takes this board seriously while scorning infchan is mentally impaired.

The IDF keep embarrassing themselves, they can't use tanks without topping the tanks over somehow and they can't defend themelve's on foot as ground support.


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>replies with 'no u'
>'lazy niggery'
exactly. sloppy job mossad

Okay, write a love letter to your terrorist boyfriend, then. Tell him about how you're defending him and cleaning his name on a Jow Forums thread. I'm sure he'll love you even more, faggot.

Kill yourself jew.


You damn retards won't make any progress thinking and acting how Tarrant did, use your 100IQ brains would you?

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Are you retarded? You seriously think that playing blind somehow makes up for an argument? Again:
>no blood:
It's there, specific time marks when you can see it.
>bodies piled up
It's explained there as well
>I can't see small details
Compression/why is there explained too

You are not even trying anymore, dumb shill.

Lel. You're a fucking idiot if you think someone from 4+Jow Forums doesn't browse this place too.

Nah, he was a good guy who did the right thing. Fuck muslims, fuck kikes, fuck niggers, and fuck you, OP

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COPE harder faggot

Stunning and brave! Very nice new toy you're using, too!

he posted here too

look at all the posts mentioning ebba from australia

it's obviously him

You want to send love letters to a terrorist and I'm the one "coping"? That's gotta be either bait or a giga COPE.