Meleah Davis General /mdg/

Any Houston anons keeping up with this?

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Bump, he looks guilty

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Following it from South Africa. He looks guilty as hell.


kid bit his head. had to fight her off

Yeah he probably did it...

Dude killed the kid. Mom probably helped cover it up what's the big deal? I wouldn't be suprised if that Baytown shooting takes over the headlines. Remember that girl shot in the Walmart parking lot? These stories get dropped real fast when Smokey is the perp

Are you saying you didn't believe his bullshit story about 3 men kidnapping her? I didn't believe it either. He's the reason she needed brain surgery.

why should anyone care about a dead negro?

Nigger kills nigglet, who cares?

Natural niggers
Who cares

That nigger is guilty!

I thought Houston o lay cared about black girls when they’re murdered by white men who turn out to be niggers. I ant imagine Houston is making a fuss about this missing niglet unless there’s a “white terrorist” to march against.

Stepdad blamed it on hispanics, so that’s why it didn’t get much press.

>why would anyone care?
Because it's a child who was murdered.
The worst she probably deserved for anything she's done is a timeout or maybe grounded for a week.

Does it not bother you when people are victimized?

I know it's getting harder and harder to care about other people, but you really need to take a step back and do some reflecting if it doesn't bother you at all that this girl was murdered.

>but she would've grown up to be...
We don't know what a kid will grow up to be. Yes I'm aware of statistics and the *likelihood* of things, but none of us knows what kind of person she would grow up to be.

Hurting children is an easy way to incur God's wrath

niggers aren't humans

Who cares. One less nigger.

of course he does, he's black.

Well it’s only getting press now to make an example out of him and also it’s of great public interest. Civilians are forming search parties and looking for clues at possible places he may have dumped her. Note white people normally do this when a kid is missing

Didn't his car trigger cadaver dogs? He's guilty as fuck.

Hardening of hearts

Yea it did. But no body so he’s only arrested for tampering with evidence.

Hey guys. I'll only ask this once. My life has been going to bad and i dont think i have much time left. Im from Houston, specifically Webster, and im looking to do some good before i go. I've always seen threads about boston or cali or new York, florida, but this is my hometown. I guess i dont know what im asking. But if there was justice to be served id like to help

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Houston here as well. Want to join the search parties? If you know his area well you can help find easily accessible places where a body may be. Kid was in a trash bag so I’m guessing he threw her in a dumpster. You know the landfills that service his area

Take your virtue signaling to reddit. Not caring about some dead niglet isn’t the same as celebrating it, in fact it’s the opposite

If he's in jail then we'll talk if he gets out. Im looking to pay someone a visit. Houston is the human traffic capital of the US isn't it? If not her than someone please direct me to someone who deserves a visit

Yeah but now she won't become a brood mother.

I think he could be bonding out. Keep an eye on the news and follow him out the jail if they do.

But for real if you’re from north Houston and young then join the search parties or the mob outside the house

The dead kid had a brain injury and CPS wouldn’t take her away when it looks like it’s from being hit in the head. When the girl was taken she required daily medical treatments her parents were to administer.

These people killed a 5 year old because they didn’t want to give her her daily treatments they caused. The lords wrath will come down on them and to those who dismiss this

If anyone knows anything, even a discord to people dedicated to this please just give me (you)

In case you think im larping pic related is what my bowel habits have looked like for a few weeks. I have enough time to make a difference but not enough for a full life with kids and what not.

Forgot pic

I think im just being egdy. I'll just die with a mouthful of fast food like everyone else lol disregard everything

Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-14-15-45-10~2.png (704x856, 689K) they already have him. hope he gets jail raped and dies.

Nothing wrong with DIY abortion.

Who cares. Dead niggers are a good thing.

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This is how niggers behave and it’s a never ending cycle. My race is dying off and all our resources are being spent on appeasing these niggers who will only end up raping and killing you or at the worse calling you a mayo or unseasoned or claiming “black bodies” are constantly under attack by wipypo all in attempt to build enough hatred towards you that some other bigger murders or rapes you. Fuck niggers and fuck you. The only thing that matters now is that the dad get locked up so he doesn’t kill a white person whose life actually matters.

He can literally be out in hours if he has 4.5k. It’s not for murder either. It’s all they have


Whites need to kill people like this guy if we'll ever survive.

A judge set bond at $1 million on the "tampering with evidence, namely a corpse"

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hi kike kys

Check an updated article. They lowered it


It’s 45k and he only needs 10% to get out

Vence's public defender asked for a $5,000 bond, while the district attorney proposed $500,000.

Instead, the judge ruled Vence be held on $1 million bond since the ongoing investigation "is likely to result in a significant upgrade to this second-degree felony."

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I’m going to find another article hang on

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Who cares? Dead niggers are never a bad thing.

well is it possible that the attorney knows he doesnt have 4.5 k and no one is willing to bail him out? I'm not too familiar with usa bond system

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Basically you pay 100% in full (in his case 45k) and he gets to go free until trial. After the trial he gets the 45k back.

Or he can outright pay 10% to a bondsman (third party) and the bondsman covers the rest. And if he runs the bondsman can hire a bounty hunter to get him back to court since he ran on bond.

Also I think they did 45k because in terms of seriousness, the current charge isn’t “1 million dollars worth” of bond. Which is absolute BS. This guy will run if he has 4.5k

Are bondsman required by law to take on the bond?

No clue. But I think a bondsman would take his business desu. If he has the 4.5k. Maybe they’ll charge him 20%

yea he will run. they found her blood in his apartment. This dindu is guilty as hell. Or something else is going on... was he selling her for sex and killed her afterwards?

Not much to keep up with. He was seen walking into the apartment with her and she never came out. Trace blood of hers was found inside that someone tried to clean up.

SeeI summarized the full story. Mom is also guilty as hell I think. She was severely injured and required her skill be opened or something along those lines and she was back at home requiring daily treatments her mom and dad had to do. It’s really sad but maybe they got fed up with daily treatments and got rid of her

a bondsman rarely loses money

its a pawnshop to get your loved one out of jail, dont go to court and mom loses her house/car

glad we dont have bonds here. here one just get 3 years for murder.

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is the Judge black or even worse a hilldog voter? anyhow this world is going full retard at lightspeed and we're in for a fucking ride.

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The evidence needs to be there. He can’t set bond on what amounts to a really foul smell in the air

I don't follow it but heard some coworkers talking about her, I think. Frankly I'm apathetic.
>2 less democrat voters
>another nigger to be in jail
The kid's mom was a whore and likely a welfare queen. She left the kid with one of her nigger boyfiends and now look. He probably got tired of the kid and chimped out.

missing kid. blood on the wall. trying to cover it up. is enough evidence right... he will talk, they always do. Might even talk smart to a cellm8 that rats him out. my money is on the cops this time.

Mom is just as guilty she left them alone while she was out of town and known of past sexual assaults.

t. Houston

The Black Panthers are covering for the mom too when it all points to the mom being complicit. Why did you leave your children with a man you suspected physically and maybe sexually abused Meleah? She is tiptoeing very carefully

>missing kid
irrelevant on whether she is missing i think
>blood on the wall, DNA matches kids
well this is damning on the tampering with a body, which is his charge, but not enough to implicate murder

based on the alleged crime (tampering with a body) the bond is only worth about 45k, but rest assured this only means they value the "Tampering of a misc body" about 1/20 in the bond sense as murder which is usually 1 million.

I get what you are saying and that is probably what the original judge was trying to do with the 1million$ bond but i guess this piece of shit got a lawyer to lay the facts for the judge and get it lowered. He is still probably broke as shit and cant afford it, but 4.5k is nothing to many people and can easily be put up for his bondsman. Guy is only 26 so maybe his mom is alive and wants his son back

He's just washing some whites
Probably went to the store to get detergent
No problem here

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>theres a piece of shit lawyer in houston saying this unironically for the stepdad

Public service. He simply cleaned up his own mess and took a future nigger womb out of the equation. The fucking hero we need.

human != nigger


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Can a nigga wash his laundry without being accused of a crime?

no jesus he killed her man

>Are bondsman required by law to take on the bond?
Which is why some are complaining that bails should be lowered for low income people. They require you have something of value to cover the cost if your dindu skips.

Maybe they should have gotten their free taxpayer abortion rather than letting a niglet with a defect be born. That is the one time an abortion should be done but still frowned upon.

maybe, but now its cold heartless murder

Jesus it's fucked up

He probably sold her.
I'm just proposing some theories.

dead body matter tho

bump for justice

so does the kid


Probably killed by a white guy shooting from his car.
Anyways, it's always the family caught up in these deaths and missing kids.

I knew from day one that his story was bullshit. One less niglet on the world, one more nigger in prison. Circle of life.

Holy shit kill yourself you retarded faggot

>Hurting children is an easy way to incur God's wrath
Then 95% of pol is Oedipus-level fucked.

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She’s a human being man fuck you

She's a human been now.

She was going to grow up to be a racist sheboon that hates white men. I don’t care

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audible kek

nothing of value lost

i live in houston and dont give a fuck about this ghetto shithole

>She would have grown up to...

finish your sentences, retard.

...get pregnant at 14 and have 3 nigger boys and 3 nigger girls and one of them would have grown up to rape and murder your grandkid

Maybe The Lord’s wrath will fall down on the Jews who put niggers into section 8 ghettoes for shekels. Or the Jews who brought them over on slave ships.

>Any Houston anons keeping up with this?
Why? Its just another dead criminal factory.

Ugh stepdad. A women with children, young children, should never have a man living with them. These females are so fucken stupid. Anything for dick I guess

it's too far gone


She would have grown up to be racist, raised a bunch of nigger males that killed and attacked whites no sympathy here.

In case you haven’t noticed either God loves the Jews because they control and ruin everything, or he is at least indifferent.