Let's point and laugh at this shit show
Eurovision general
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This thing won the last one.
Darude should have remastered Sandstorm as 20th anniversary remix and it would have been Lordi all over again.
It would be better than this fucking Tri colour homosexuals
>tfw your country is so cucked that a literal nigger won the first eurovision for you.
>tfw another foreigner is representing your country.
I live in said country
>tfw another foreigner
Every year the songs get worse. Lucky a military jet flew over my house this afternoon and burst my eardrums, so I can't hear a thing.
They should add subtitles for songs like these so we actually know what she's singing about
>tfw your country is so cucked that a literal nigger won the first eurovision for you.
Tanel Padar isn't a nigger, you nigger.
jarzyna nie zesraj się
500 godina ne daju nam mira
stupid faggots made it unavailable to the us.
Hey goyim, Isn't our country beautiful? desert, forests, sky-crappers, dead muslims etc
you arent missing anything, the "singing" is utter trash
>contest held in Israel
>triangles everywhere
That's because it's EUROvision, not burgervision
Too fucking cringy
Hamas pls bomb tel aviv
Euro..Israel..? Whats one got to do with the other?
even though it's prolly funded by USA taxpayer gibs to Israel
I hope our sandnigger win this contest. All the sandniggers will cry and show their hates toward the gay in social media. Then i can redpill everyone in my entourage.
Israel or Australia shouldn't be a part of it desu
It's always funded by the host country and the big give - UK, France, Germany, Spain, and Italy
False flag to. Occur on 16 of. May
the amount of our greatest ally in this thread is comforting
what the fuck is going on in france? look at your soccer team, the eurovision singer. ethnic french are so talentless?
>It's always funded by the host country and the big give
That's usually true, but this year the (((Israeli government) gave a grand total of $0
Therefore this year the tickets cost about 5 times more than usual
>Eurovision fans go to Eurovision in Israel
>expect not to get ripped off
>lol guess again loser
Glad to see you here as well, greatest ally
I hope Muslims blow up everythign there
You're right, a few dozen IBCM's should make it look it look more comfortable and at home. Y'know the home where all your kind are from, Hell.
i saw interviews with tourists on the news earlier. they all say they are overblown with the prices here.
degenerate Island.
How is Israel so wealthy? Despite the USA giving hundreds of billions of gibs to Europe in the form of Nato, who don't need to have a defense budget as a result, Israel is wealthier than Europe.
I'm not even talking about dumps like Romania or Poland- Israel has a higher GDP per capita tham even France or the UK.
>Israel government gave nothing
Why you save this shit on your computer wtffff....
Most of the french folks don't bring their kids to the football because of the amount of niggers and sandniggers
>>I hope Muslims blow up everythign there
>Al Qaeda blows up Eurovision
>10% of Europe's gay population perishes in the blast
okay, this is a fucking joke, what's wrong with Israel? it's the fucking Babylon now
>How is Israel so wealthy?
"Questions that contain their own answer"
So basically native french
It's in tel Aviv, what do you expect...
Why waste money on this when we can use that precious money to make more money?
Lol true, if it was in Jerusalem like planned they would be stoned by now
they are hardcore leftists muh israel occupation faggots. if they pull up palestine flag or some shit during their act they do not come back to iceland alive.
>How is Israel so wealthy?
Because of the ashkenazi brain.
Good. I hope they die faster. those are the leftie jews who are dying out.
"U.S. Jews are more likely than Christians to say Trump favors the Israelis too much"
Jews need to fuck off right back to Israel, all of them.
Lieberman is an idiot, lets see some real souse
>Why waste money on this when we can use that precious money to make more money?
What good is all that money going to do you if you're going to keep poking and prodding at Iran until they decide to nuke y'all?
agreed, every jew in one place would be great
there's always at least one random nigger whenever i take a look
what is your excuse for watching zionvision?
fuck euroniggers for bringing your abomination here.
my only hope is darude
Iran nuclear facilities are already under our control, aimed towards Russia. greatest scheme of all time.
You want US jews here? are you nuts? you'll have meretz winning every election.
who the fuck watches this pile of shit show anyway?
those are'nt real jews anyway, they're americans not jews
keep the keks,keeper of keks.
They didn't bring this abomination
the shapiro types can come..
Women, gays, Swedes and Germans
do the Jews know that their country created by Stalin?
>Iran nuclear facilities are already under our control, aimed towards Russia. greatest scheme of all time.
Hope you're right. All things equal, I would prefer to forcibly deport all of Europe's Jews to Israel rather than to Madagascar.
>don't want the lemurs to have to live beside Jews
>nobody gives a flying shit, jews arguing with each other
>the thread
Havent watched this shit yet because I want the whole piece in one serving. Is it better or worse?
stalin didnt created israel. he supported the rise of isreal then turned against us with the arabs because we didnt want to become communist country.
>The absolute state of the Eternal Jew
Just kill yourself instead.
Hopefully do it the mossad way and die a hero like Brenton
based Stalin
They both have wives and two white kids. One of their songs is nothing but calling everyone degenerate scum for 5 minutes.
If your prime minister does not accept this gentlemanly challenge of glíma you will forever prove your nation has no honor.
Find the problem
This the winner of austria in 2014. i view them and germans made from the same shit.
The best song ever in Eurovision, hands down. GOLDEN SHOES!
>Faggot twink against special forces officer king Bibi
Bibi doesn't want to btfo you whites so he ignores you
Fuck mate, youre gay
>The best song ever in Eurovision, hands down
Nonsense, all connoisseurs of music agree this is the best Eurovision song ever
thats the endboss of mortal kombat
Full of muds, queers and trannies.
This was the best.
pfffff hahaha
Actually, this is the best song (but the other one is catchy):
bibi dosnt have white kids because he's not white.
bibi is sayeret markal, personally has tens if not hundreds of kills to his name.he wont accept wrestling challenges because he'll kill him in 5 secs and cause an international incident.
Can they not go a few minutes without peddling globohomo? I know Euovision has a reputation for being a gay fest, but this is ridiculous.
No need to wait for Saturday, ISIS, you can let that dirty bomb go off now
Wtf this is creepy
Thats not bad actually.
polish one was the most comfy
Did Bilal Le Fagot sing yet?
didnt meant to quote you
Keep projecting your degenerate infestation on actual Europeans merchant. Or in other words: cope harder
preddy good
Jews are ug-
shitty song. do you know more russian music like this song from the 80's:
i love italo disco music.
yes, its doomer music who show russian soul.
too good for euro
This is fucken bad I wanted DIVA not this shit
Is iceland based??
There song is hate will prevail innit.
Reminder to protect what you love hate that which it wants to destroy