Seriously, why does this orange clown always seem to come out ahead of things? He has been on the edge his whole fucking life and somehow he has survived it. Don't tell me Coca Cola is his secret...But what is it? And why does he never sleep? Something evil is going on here guys! Now he even got his own creepy special prosecutor what he wanted all along, and I don't even know how and why he got him. I woke up today and read in the NYT that Barr has assigned John Durham, the top federal prosecutor to investigate everything and everyone who was involved starting the Russia investigation. This is such a witch hunt. Not fair, NOT FAIR!!!
He's the second coming
Winners win, losers cry.
thanks for all the niggers, trump. you retarded jew fuck
It is almost like a self-fulfilling prophecy, isn't it? Fuck this, I don't want this hocuspocus!
Time Travel
Can't lose when you call everybody anti-semitic and give all the nation's money to Israel.
>Proud, wealthy, indulgent, whoremonger, Zionist shill
>second coming
Shameful, disgusting, and honestly possibly irredeemable blasphemy.
Hes the avatar of a egyptian chaos god
>We have the best MAGApedes, don't we folks?
>We have the best BLM, don't we folks?
>We have the best LGBT, don't we folks?
>We have the best feminists, don't we folks?
>We have the best religious diversity, don't we folks?
>We have the best gun control, don't we folks?
>We have the best illegals, don't we folks?
>We have the best welfare, don't we folks?
>We have the best wall...
wait, this doesn't sound like winning....
Unironically this.
He has seen the future thats why
Give me a break guys!
Hrs king of the shadow people oy vey
hi jew
>Not fair, NOT FAIR!!!
IQ of 160-175
Honestly he hasn't done much but those liberal tears are soooooooooo sweet.
He's an israeli stooge
Well I like freedom and I like speech
But I don't like miggers, no siree
There's two known things that'll make me puke
and that's sloppy job mossad and a campaign spook
Because he’s actually a smart guy. Look at anyone in history that generally knows what they’re doing. Goldman Sachs CEOs, tech innovators, committed medical researchers. They seem to be the luckiest people alive or have things given to them by god their entire lives when really they just make wise decisions
Because winners aren't losers faggot
I see it again and again
The appreciation of my words in these days
Makes me feel I've told them before
All my plans will come true
I'll control destiny
In the desert of my life
I've seen it again and again
Maybe because he is not a clown (and you are)
He isn't winning, he's losing on all fronts when it comes to immigration. We actually have the most people coming in then we've ever had in this country's history. Unless you're a complete fucking brainlet, then you'd know that Trump is arguably one of the worst presidents we've had when it comes to the immigration question. He's slowly making Reagan look like a joke.
you create a strong economy and people will flood in to get a piece of it. if the liberals weren't stonewalling him on fucking EVERYTHING and preaching to all the bleeding vaginas out there about "muh racist borders", that entire fucking wall would be done by now.
Trump was sabotaged before he even had a chance to get started.
Hey meme flag, you should prove that immigration comment you just made.
congress is obstructing him. anyone who pays any attention to politics at all knows this. he needs congress, the executive branch does not have full authority over immigration. I see this allot on Jow Forums lately, is this some type of psyop? you guys are smarter than this.
I actually didn't even know I had a memeflag on, thanks for pointing that out.
I prefer America having the most shitty economy in the entire world if it means nobody is coming in. Trump sabotaged himself by picking Kushner and Ivanka into his administration. He never once gave a shit about immigration restriction. He simply used that campaign promise for white votes. It's pretty obvious GOP presidents tend to open the borders the most. Democrats are too incompetent to fully push their agenda.
Republicans had the congress and senate for two years. Even then he doesn't need either to pass his immigration agenda. Kris Kobach pointed this out during a Breitbart Interview from a couple months ago. It's not congress stonewalling him, It's just Trump being a lazy piece of shit. Stop making excuses for betrayals.
Kike on stick
>wall is being build
but he isnt
Because his opponents are retards, and beating retards is easy.
the house always wins
>not understanding bribing the guards/warden
you would get fucked so hard in prison
You mad, bro?