A bit more proofreading, but its a nice work. Just watched the videos on him yesterday and most did not have subtitles. Thanks.
Maybe look into spreading a condensed version into instagram.
Logan Lopez
thanks! And as I said, any direct feedback is welcomed. If you see errors in the english, just post the time in the video and what is should be corrected to. And I will update the CC if it makes sens, (its easy) but it takes some time. Example: 5 min video takes 30-90 minutes to add subs(depending on volume of speach).
Im doing this for free to help us all (europeans) (I might consider setting up a patreon or simular to get some funds to get a better computer so I can edit videos and hardsub them) (depends on the help i get online..)
But as said previously, if you like the content, please help with the translations where you can, or spread the good words of this Scandinavian Hero!
It's just come forth today that he's a fucking traitor. He's a lawyer as many of you probably know.. And today it came forth that he's been defending rejected asylum seekers in court as late as 2018.
He's a former Radical Left member (a Danish Libshit party)... And now this.. Something tells me he's still a Radical Left supporter, and only created his party to split up the strong Danish right wing.
twitter.com/startsnakken/status/1128320911478796288 Sad journalists and possibly antifa members are threatening to dox and expose discord chats connected to RP. Sharing videos of recent terror attacks has landed a harsh verdict few days ago. Nonetheless, the twitter post has been "liked" by several litigious lawyers and active SJW crowds.
Jace Ward
Slutt å forvent at noen andre skal gjore det for deg, stå opp og ta saken i egne hender!
Jack Bell
Imagine my shock. Rightoids are the easiest to fool around with, so dumb and obedient, easiest votes in the world, while at the same time not being able to politically achieve anything. Easy gibs in the pocket.
Det her er mit rigtige flag din fucking amerikanerbums, skyd dig selv i dit burgerfyldte hovede.
Benjamin Brooks
fucking hell the arrogant sand nigger scum is exactly the same low IQ brown skinned subhuman genetic mistakes that are in the UK, except the police here wouldn't protect the right wing guy, they would applaud him being attacked and then give the paki a free ride home then like their video.
We definitely need more criticism of Islam and mass-immigration now. However, burning books -even the Quran- is anti intellectual and retarded.
James Carter
Paludans explenation paraphrased: I burn the Quran to show that those who want to use viloence to stop us from beeing free and doing what we like, are not in power. And that its ok to burn a book you own.
(basicaly i agree, but its a statement beyond intelect, he is dealing with unintelectual people..!)
Jacob Bennett
been looking over some of his stuff. Tight Course is the direct translation. He's own translation (he mentions it in English in some of his stuff) is >Hard Line So probably run with that in the future.
Brandon Thompson
The problem is not with Islam in general, but with institutions that are incapable of dealing with Muslims. Burning books isn't going to do shit, cleaning house will. The so called "moderate Muslims" who have secular and democratic values can't express them, because our cucked governments allow the radical core to exploit democratic rights to establish a parrallel society within our nations. What the fuck is burning a holy book going to do? Exactly, give the enemy a very good reason to not believe you are open for dialogue. Just like how burning national flags is not ever ok, even if you "own" them.
You dont enough about him and what people in scandinavia belive is ok or not.
Nothing would happen if you burn the bible, hindu or budhist or jew book in scandinavia. NOTHING! but if you burn the quran...
This is just the first step to sending all the mudslimes home! Read up about it, or maybe someone else can be bothered explaining the strategy.. Its going to work in Denmark!
Of course nothing happens when any other holy books is burned. Christians and Jews aren't such tribalistic faggots, as the Muslims who take pride in chimping out. But, now you have given them a stick to hit you back with, which is exactly what you do not want to do in politics.
Want to get rid of this mess? Get to the point. Ban Foreign funding of schools and Moskues, especially from Sharia states. Force criminals with a double passport to choose one (protip some of them can't cancel their passport, Maroccans for example). Deport criminals, if countries don't cooperate; sanction them. Take away their development aid money or landing rights in your airports etc.
Nathaniel Moore
Thats all well and good idea's but you wont get any media attention with just those opinions..
What Rasmus Paludan did ended in muslims rioting and national attention. His party's popularity sky rocketed afterwards.
He has redpilled more normies in a shorter amount of time, than ive seen anyone do (considering Denmark is 5million people..)
Chek it out before you criticise! Its working, big time!
Robert Roberts
Also, he suports almost all of the things you have said, and he says them publicly and gets attention and voters because of these "stunts/statments/protests" (burning qurans etc)
Aiden Mitchell
>Suddenly everyone is voting for the most nationalistic/ patriotic party in my country, it must be because of their 3D chess moves
Plausible. Do consider that this has been happening in almost every Western nation in the most recent years. Those voters can go as fast as they came. I applaude the guts of Paludan and I do aknowledge that we are in desperate need for politicians with a backbone. So, cheers to that.
My guess may be off, but he comes across as a bagholder. Take for example what just has happened in The netherlands. Geert Wilders has kept a nationalistic, pro-freedom of speech, anti-Muslim sentiment alive by spurring out edgy BS on a constant basis. Now, just 3 years ago, Forum for Democracy was funded, who have taken off many voters who were interested in something more reasonable. They just became the biggest party in Senate.
Joshua Harris
My point is: Critisism of globalism, multiculturalism, mass-migration and especially Islam in particular, is very important, but it alone isn't enough. You need a vission that the whole nation can (theoretically) get behind. Otherwise, you will likely always be the opposition, instead of leading.
I think I'm going to go for a less direct translation here. And focus on getting the actual meaning through, rather than the exact words.
Paludan: I'm sure feeling the cold, should have worn warmer clothes, but, oh well. Invisible mumbler: kamelåså Paludan: Well good for you Invisible mumbler: kamelåså Paludan: Say what? Invisible mumbler: I still think kamelåså Paludan: You think so? Then surely you understand that I find the weather really cold. Will you look at that! The writing on that sign over there. It's quite the oxymoron. Invisible mumbler: kamelåså Paludan: It's an oxymoron because “Danish” and Muslem, doesn't belong in the same sentence. Invisible shouter: PEDOPHILE!!! Paludan: [stifled laugh] It was the prophet Muhammed who was a pedophile. (both the invisible mumbler and Paludan goes kamelåså for a while, really quite like, so maybe just ignore that bit) Another shouter: Dude, this is ridiculous! Invisible mumbler Oh my! Female heckler fucking disgusting! Paludan: Oh no [sarcasm implied] Invisible mumbler: [laugh] that was so obvious cop: I'll take over at this point Female voice could be the same as the heckler: You are not welcome, you know that right? Paludan: I suppose so. Female heckler: fucking disgusting! limp wristed cop: 94!!!
Justin Clark
[whistling and kamelåså] Shouter: Where's your friends Paludan? Paludan: All Danes are my friends Shouter: Disgusting hobo!!! Invisible mumbler: kamelåså the both of us Rasmus, kamelåså. Oh no! Heckler: You know that SEJR (victory in Danish) begins with an S, right? Paludan: Let's get this started Invisible mumbler: дa Are you ready? Paludan: Yes. I am Rasmus Paludan. Soldier of freedom, protector of the weak, guardian of society, light of the Danes, the bringer of peace of mind, the great hope of the North, bringer of truth, the creator of peace AND leader of the party Hard Line. I'm standing here at Blågårds Plads in Copenhagen, Noerrebro. A part of town, tormented by turf war between, amongst others, Loyal to Familia and Brothas. Because of that, it certainly is important to show up here. But the demonstration was planned for Mjoelner Parken However, the Copenhagen police, working with P.E.T. and others have decided that, that's not possible. Because of that, I had to pick an other spot. And I chose Blågårds Plads, because supposedly it the main turf for Loyal to Familia. I however believe that the main turf for Loyal to Familia currently is Vestre Fængsel and Nyborg Statsfængsel [jails], because the wast majority of the criminal loosers in Loyal to Familia are incarcerated. But, that's not really the topic today. It's neither LtF or Brothas. Nope, the topic is Omar El-Hussein.
Hunter Robinson
This son of a whore, this gross, gross! terrorist murderer, who killed two innocent people. Finn Noergaard and Dan Uzan back in February 2015 during the terror attack in Copenhagen, against Krudtoenden and the synagogue. He also wounded 5 police officers. So, the demonstration is against that awful gross, gross! evil, evil! murderer. Uhm, the terrorist murderer El-Hussein must be crushed to his eternal shame we'll play 5-quran in his name. And burn the big-book-of-the-whore quran. All of this in order to achieve our final goal, the survival of Denmark. And we will! achieve this, and when we have achieved this, I'll flash the V-sign, and say SEJR [victory] We can go ahead and play now. Because there's no-one to debate right now. Lets play 5-, eh, 2-quran Invisible mumbler: I'll put down the camera Paludan: You go ahead and do that. I left the packing on the book, so it wont fall apart as easily Invisible mumbler: clever trick. [kamelåså shouting in the background] Paludan: Sure, but keep in mind, it is the big-book-of-the-whore. Visible mumbler: Shi-ite, we got a lot of space cop: kamelåså baton Crowd: Fucking whore Disgusting Female Nazi Pig [more shouting along the same lines] Polite cop: You need to go over there [weird cop-speak] Paludan [swearing] youtube.com/watch?v=KOgVD78F0AA&feature=youtu.be
Ethan King
the invisible mumbler is clearly the cameraman and he really needs to learn how to say >talepædagog
Austin Flores
Awesome work once again! Almost missed this one.. going to bed now. Ill have it up tomorrow!
Have a great one based Dane!
Caleb Parker
Hey Denmark bros, I made you guys some symbols and a flag. I'll post the rest as replies to pic related.