Why does Jow Forums hate muslims? Muslims like "traditional values" like women being breeding machines and they are militaristic like pol. why do you guys hate them?
Why does Jow Forums hate muslims...
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I don't. Islam is based.
Just stop invading.
Call him and defend your religion.
Go be based in durkadurkastan. Stay the fuck out you stupid sand niggers.
As Muslims are killing Whites by stabbing and multiple other ways, they are unconsciously following the agenda of the Jewish World Order. It would be ironic if it were the Muslims to be the Jew's best allied on their way to world domination.
Though the Muslims would be thrown away like a wasted, useless tool if the Whites were really to be hopelessly defeated once. Most likely the Chinese or Russians would exterminate the Muslims from countries formerly inhabited by Whites.
because they are hypocrites. In Germany many muslim men cheat on their wifes and then send the wifes for HIV or Chlamydia Checkup because if the wife has it, it means the man has it and contracted it to her. because they are too lazy to get tested themselves.
At the same time many of them don't allow their wife to use a male cashier in the super market.
That's not traditional, it's degenerate.
>Islam is based
I wish Seth tears you apart for saying that. Islam isn't based, period. They support pedophilia on children, literal inbreeding (which causes IQ to drop) and other kind of mentally insane shit.
Indeed, Seth shall take care of them and bring them to Osiris's court when they will be judged properly
>As Muslims are killing Whites by stabbing and multiple other ways, they are unconsciously following the agenda of the Jewish World Order. It would be ironic if it were the Muslims to be the Jew's best allied on their way to world domination.
And when Amerimutt ''Christians'' are killing Muslims by the millions in the Middle East for Israel, that's not serving the Jewish world order?
That would not be the case if it wasn't for oil and greed. USA would never harm muslims based upon their hypocritical mentally insane beliefs, they are only there for oil and drugs.
Bacha Bazi is more of a cultural practice of Afghanistan than a religious one. It has nothing to do with Islam, it's Afghan culture.
mora saturn worship
pagans are better than this
No science
and muslim education can't compete against China in the AI age.
In Germany students made a petition because the math high school exams (which qualify for studying at a university) were "too difficult". even though German school system has become completly worthless and easy over the past 20 years. And Germany only has (had) education to offer because Germany has no oil.
This was the person who started the petition.
Shut up sand nigger
>USA would never harm muslims based upon their hypocritical mentally insane beliefs
Then why does Mike Pompeo say Trump was sent by God to protect the Jewish people? The mentally insane Evangelicucks want wars in the Middle East for religious reasons. They think if they help the Jews rebuilt their temple and destroy their neighbours then Jesus will come back. That's according to their fucked up interpretation of the Bible.
Pakistan too and sex among boys or with animals is prevalent because they can't have contact with girls.
It’s anti christian
also, why is Allah not able or willing to tame the Afghans and Pakis and make them stop fucking boys if Islam has so many values and doesn't tolerate degeneracy?
This. The only problem Jow Forums has with Islam is the demographics. If they were white, they would be considered heroes.
I guess same reason God is not able or willing to tame Catholic priests fucking little boys...
Your coutry outlawed bestiality in wich year? 2009, 2010?
Because muslims do not belong in Europe. Stay in north Africa and the middle east where u belong!
Pfft, while the mental retardation among muslims is pretty high because of their religion, killing muzzies for Jewish people and their fake God that claims to be real and all knowing. Fucking retards, I hope Seth gives me strenght to deal with both of them when the war breaks out.
Go back to your shitholes, all you Bilals and Mamadous. No one's buying your bullshit.
It's still degenerate and it happend often in islamic societies.
And Islam officially allows it. You only can't eat the animals meat after it.
but they at least try to hide it because they know it's wrong and society condems it. Afghans have no probelm confessing it.
What the fuck?
yeah that's normal there and they don't care about hiding it.
>Muh based muslims throw gays off rooftops
another example but adult men gladly
commit mass suicide
>Islam officially allows it
nice lie, "if someone engages in sexual intercourse with an animal, kill him and kill the animal" - sunnan abu dawood hadith 3933
because they like to push their shit where it isnt wanted.thankfully we have muslim repellent (pic related).
why are those Moroccans still alive then?
Khomeini says you can sell the meat in the neighbour village, just not in your own. A man can have sex with animals if he's horny.
>A man can have sex with animals such as sheeps, cows, camels and so on. However, he should kill the animal after he has his orgasm. He should not sell the meat to the people in his own village; however, selling the meat to the next door village should be fine.
>Ayatollah Khomeini
(Quotes above are from Khomeini's book, Tahrirolvasyleh, vol. 4
>Hurr durr why does Jow Forums hate pedophile shitskin rapists!!?!?
Lmao you all would love Mohammad if the only, and I mean only, thing he did different was be born in Lower Saxony or some shit
Because they are moving to our lands, not respecting out culture and not assimilating.
Muslim culture is based in some ways but in almost all the other ways it is extremely backwards and makes even the most ferverant evangelical american southerners look good by comparison. There is not 1 noteworthy university in all of the muslim world, most western countries wont even recognize some of the degrees. inbreeding is rampant in much of the Muslim world as well, many people arrange marriages between cousins.
*Non-Muslim here*
>I wish Seth tears you apart for saying that.
Seth is not God.
>Islam isn't based, period.
Islam is definitely based. It was a civilising force among tribal nomadic societies. It forced a very divided and tribal Arabia to unite. It has created order and a rule of law in a region that was strife with violence, crime and wars.
>They support pedophilia on children.
Yes and leftists support paedophilia. Paedophila will be legalized in the West once the number of Christians will be reduced thanks to the wok of atheistic society. The biggest supporters of pedophilia are to be found in the Western world among LGBTQ population. bbc.com
>literal inbreeding (which causes IQ to drop)
This is a deceptive stereotype. Inbreeding is forbidden in Islam. The quran forbids marriages between brothers and sisters or uncles and cousins. But cousins can marry just like in the Bible. Cousin marriages are practiced bit not that common in Muslim countries.
inbreeding is also my theory as to why so many pakis in England rape so many children and commit so many crimes. I saw a study last year that like over half of the Pakistanis in London are inbred or they are married to a family member. I think if we could bring this statistic down I would be more willing to allow them into my country.
clearly Morroco does not abide by sharia law
twelver shia's are not muslim, the book he wrote consists of shit he decreed himself
lol trad beta muslims who cant get hard to anything but trashbags and goats. why dont you get assraped by a sunni they love to fuck white boys during ramadan even in there version of the k-ran.
>i really think you should kys soon traitor