Backup is here:
Soph's video was just Jewtubed
Other urls found in this thread:
Another spammed thread. You guys understad the more you spam the more people realize this is a psy op?
She’s 1000% a zionist shill
this is the same type of content that Laura Loomer creates.
come back when she makes a video about Israel
You guys understand the more you spam against /ourgirl/ who just got banned by jews the more people realize you are terrified JIDF kikes?
>damage control
You guys are doing a good job, first post in every thread. A little obvious but not too bad.
i never been attacked so much on this site for making a fucking frog meme..
this must be the big 1.
she will be on alex jones tomorrow...
this must be the real deal folks..
bunch of kike niggers keep shitting on me for posting a homemade ms paint apu apustaja with a soph link...
Megabrain Girl. Would leave Israel to marry here when legal.
Based and redpilled
Why does Soph's scriptwriter (her dad) love Jews so much?
Yeah the jews would make a video with her wearing the star around her neck. It was clearly a joke.
>a 14yo who has been online for year is a zionist shill
please off yourself skyzo freak
Anyone know if it's possible to put subtitles on BitChute? Having that as well as a transcription would be good
Bitchute seems pretty cool actually - pro free expression.
Soph has nearly a million jewtube subscribers - if they move to bitchube it will be a big shift
I already let joe know along with a screenshot of this thread
She literally is against the US giving money to Israel and she got shit from Jesse Lee Peterson (actual Zionist shill) for her opinion...
>wears it as a joke
>last name is davis
Welp this confirms it. She's a jewish shill.
KYS fucker, i'm so tired of literally every single person who states their right wing views online being called a kike because they didn't actively call for jewish genocide on a public platform. That seems like the real jewish shilling going on here.
>you have no heroes goy
mongoloid is a retrovirus that first infected the human genome in 7000BC, it went on to genocide the entire Asian continent of Caucasoids. The inserted genome disrupts the DNA sequence and expression of a gene involved in regulation of oxytocin hormone signaling.
This causes disparities in oxytocin, which is involved in empathy, compassion, beauty, sexual dimorphism, intelligence, and dopamine/serotonin regulation, all things that mongoloids tend to lack.
mongoloidism is caused by a virus/bioweapon and it's going to destroy the West. mongoloidism has genocided native Caucasoids in Asia and caused total civilizational collapses multiple times before in history, and over the past century we've been experiencing another outbreak
East Asians have much higher rates of an Oxytocin-receptor genetic mutation that affects the shape and number of the receptors in their body, which results in a greatly diminished ability to empathize with others or fall in love. It actually explains *a lot* about how they act as a race and regard other living things.
The mutation (SNP) that causes this is located at rs53576.
Ah yes my waifu's at it again.
fuck off with this pedo shit
Who is this sandnigger bitch? Any nudes?
Never watched it. Only 1:15 in, Dayum.
Sloppy job Mossad
watch this and come back with your thoughts, user
wtf? first time seeing this person
it’s a fucking girl. what is she 13? some anti-SJW child? this is alt-lite levels
>unironically listening to this retard
I thought whites are supposed to have 100+ IQs?
reminder she knows you want her
She is the little sister raise by pol
Holy shit based! I wasn’t gonna bother finding out what this was until I saw how pissed if it was making the shills. I’ll be sure to share now!
Who raised this little turd with such a cuss mouth?
Her live reaction to this fiasco:
I hope she swears up a blue streak on alex tomorrow.
>Raped by my 40 year old husband
>These fucking reddit homos
>They're still evolutionary dead ends
>Faggoty microcasms
>Kill yourself faggot
>Suck a fat cock in hell
This kid's great.
Group effort no doubt, but a monologue that goes on for 10 minutes or whatever and yet remains cogent and for the most part pithy and witty is a pretty good theatrical work product for high school kids.
Loli fantasy.
It is a collaboration between her and some brazilian highschooler
t. shareblue
Nice hyperextended schizo rambling, dad.
who in the fuck is this mooseland and why does new Jow Forums and reddit love her...let me guess because shes a loli.
you fukker are disgusting and sick...
came here to post this.
Soph is clearly a GITDN
>KYS fucker, i'm so tired of literally every single person who states their right wing views online being called a kike because they didn't actively call for jewish genocide on a public platform. That seems like the real jewish shilling going on here.
Careful lad, you're dangerously close to the truth there.
she makes a vid about how the left wants to silence speech they don't agree with only to have it happen to her.
she collabs with a 16 year old quadroon (VapoRuboy) from Brazil you idiot.
Streisand effect
t. Cishet Pedo
>KYS fucker, i'm so tired of literally every single person who states their right wing views online being called a kike because they didn't actively call for jewish genocide on a public platform.
agree. i just ignore them. we have to accept the good and the bad if we believe in free speech.
She shits on pedos relentlessly in at least six videos
She’s annoying as fuck and kids are stupid but the monologues are well written and she performs them well. Why the fuck are you fixated on lolis, fucking pedo?
>Ben Shapiro's little sister.
You need to be over 18 to post here.
Yeah Bitchute is cool, but registering the company in the UK was a huge mistake. We have so little freedom of speech that wrongthinkers get "hate incident" police visits for hurting people's feelings with legal statements, and our libel laws strongly favour the "libelled" party, meaning that people can get fined for publishing unflattering things about the (((elites))) even when they're provably true.
The first time the ADL and friends come after bitchute hard, they're not going to have any choice but to delist the content in question. The only saving grace is that bitchute content is distributed by webtorrent, so provided that somebody saves and shares the magnet link at the bottom right of every video, it can never truly be taken down.