
Hello pol
I'm a muslim (converted from christianity) and i don't understand why you treat us like a race.

I'm white and muslim (bosnia) and i just don't understand why all the hate...

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Nah. you're a mossad agent.

I can't wait for muslims to kill Israelis like you. USA won't defend Israel this time faggot.

Pffft, why don't you worship Egyptian Gods instead?

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Why do you call your god "Allah"?

Means god in arab

Do not ask these Jow Forumsytheists anything about religion.

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Remove the meme flag.

So why not just say "God"? Or whatever "God" is in Bosnian? Could it be because Islam is actually a vehicle for Arabic ethnic nationalism? And you implicitly realize and reinforce this when you use an arabic word for God instead of your own?

>Converted to islam
Kek what a fucking retard

Nobody treats you as a race. They say that your ideas suck and don't mix with our ideas.
You guys cry and say, why do you hate our race.
We say we don't.
You say, yes you do obviously because our ideas are great and you can't hate us for that.
And we say, no your ideas are super violent and destructive.
And the response is violence and destruction to prove us that we are wrong

because there is a good chance you go boom boom

a) We use both Alah and Bog
b) Not all of us are extremists

No idea. I joined this criminal street gang who robs old ladies, and now everyone looks at me funny and avoids me. I don't get it, it's like people associate the behavior of my group with me. Weird shit.

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Perhaps we should rephrase your question.

Why do muslims hate everyone?

The Croats decided to acctualy be normal around us and guess what?

We turned out normal, not all of us are boom boom ISIS warriors genius

How big was the kife at your neck when you converted?


Why does English use the German word for God? Is it because the Vikings and later Saxons cucked the indigenous English into their ethno nationalist spiritual “vehicle”? Your argument is 3rd grade tier and would suggest that people in the UK should use the ancient Welsh or Brittonic words for God.

>Not all of us are extremists
Osiris would beg to differ to that, user. If you are not extremist according to your own holly book of Qur'an, then you will see that the ones who do not want to participate or support jihad are deemed as hypocrites. Your God is a fucking monster, and one day, Seth shall put a sword through his chest.

Here, take a look at the evidence for yourself guys:

mashallah brother

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Ain't clicking a link on this site.

Btw violence is only "allowed" if we are exiled from our land, but since land claims and stuff, it can get exploited by extremists, sadly.

Why not? Are you afraid to debate me or what? Ra is disappointed with your cowardlish behaviour.

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Come home, OP.

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that is Arabic for god

Then how come ISIS wasn't even called out by the whole Islamic community if muslims are only allowed to use violence in self defense? And how come did your ancestors were converted to Islam?

I often times wonder, if your Messiah was a false prophet. If we want peace, we prepare for war. Has Islam found peace in it's holy war? Can it?

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It sadly can't. Their God is not really that all knowing as they might claim it is. On top of that, I already have decided in what Gods to believe in order to give me strenght against Islamic death horde.

May Seth give you strenght for the war that is about to come, user.

>how come Isis

This argument fails on multiple fronts

1.) ISIS was a direct result of the JudeoChristian invasion of Iraq. It started as a defensive response and started to commit terror attacks against western civilians later after those countries bombed civilians in their territories. This in no way excuses what Isis did as it is indefensible morally and also strategically retarded. Terror attacks against civilians do not work in a unipolar world where they are only used as an excuse to continue invasions in muslim countries by imperial states who dont care about their own people to begin with.

2.) Isis has been condemned by all non-Isis muslims. They are fought by literally all other sunni groups since Isis started assassinating their leaders and trying to steal their territory. Isis is a colossal failure and the tragedy is those kids had good intentions but were utterly misled to premature destruction.

But yes, when we are strong we can have some skirmishes to expand our borders it is true and allowed in sharia. After all like Treitschke said war can be a sport. But the difference is an offensive campaign requires a legit islamic emir and for us to have at least a glimmer of winning. We have neither right now so muslims can only fight defensive wars - which require no emir.

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So you are from Bosnia and converted to Islam.
Were you Croat or Serb before? Or another confused Jew?

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Whatever you say... still you cannot tell me that Islam isn't evil. Just take a look at all these links and you will see what I mean:


>bosnian convert to islam
serb or croat?

Get rid of ur meme flag

There is no hate.

Islam is based. It's brown people who are clearly shit.

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I hoped only niggers would fall for that bs user, that is why

Trying to get with next migrant caravan to western Europe, huh Hrvoje?

So what made you convert anyway?

>Islam is based
Since when pedophilia is based you fucking retard?

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Are you a white Muslim? If so can I see a pic of your hand.

But anyway, you seem like a educated user, I’ll give you an opportunity, convince me to convert

How about you get the loicence for the fork instead though?

You will find yourself in a Chinese re-education camp soon enough, Mohammed Bin Goatfuck

>converting from one sandnigger religion to another
might as well snip off your foreskin and become a jew

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Found it more beliveable and more "realistic" than christianity

Indeed lol.

Maybe they should. I wouldnt complain about a return to old european language.

This. Send all Muslims back to the Middle East once Israel is destroyed and give them the West Bank and the Gaza Strip as a sovereign nation while Christians keep Jerusalem

what god is that
i want his cock in my tight white butt
god i hope his cock is black

Honorary shit-skin

bad larp is bad and you should jihad underwater

>while Christians keep Jerusalem

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>didun du nuffin
>it’s our victims faults

That is Orisis, the God of Death and Ressurection. And he isn't black you filthy meme.

I don’t care if you think Islam is evil or not, I just want to address relevant points not change people’s spiritual views.

>professor kafir

I go directly to the primary sources, this doesn’t work on me. I also don’t think you understand how we evaluate, view, and interpret hadith. We have five universal articles of faith in Islam, hadith are debated and discussed by us amongst eachother no hadith collection is a sacred text in any school. Even our sahih hadith are viewed as very good yet still (highly) probabilistic, whereas the muttawatir are largely undeniable.

>He'd rather marry a jew pozzed 30 year old roastie than marry a nubile teen.

Never change Jow Forums

Daily reminder "the middle ground" is a Jewish trick.

Imagine worshiping a man who proclaims himself to be a God and then gets nailed on a fucking cross. Pathetic.

on one hand, deus vult
on the other hand, jew dogs

or do mormons and catholics have a certain perspective on jews?

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Can you give some examples?

>Our victims

WE were a victim you idiot. Heard of Srebrenica cucklord?


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Yeah, do tell that to the Croats from central Bosnia.
They celebrate Srebrenica like a holiday.

I'm glad that Croats got them selves stores of enough Napalm to torch Bosnia to the ground a dozen times over should you ever decide to chimp out.

A man claims he's god's son and does litteral healing magic? No thanks.

Prove that your God is all knowing and I'll start to believe in it. And before you ask, my Gods aren't all knowing, if they were, they wouldn't have a need to procreate and have emotions.

Croats are our friends lmao. They helped us in the war

Srebrenica is a fucking meme lol. Only 500 or something are dead. Big woof, plus all of them were worshiping a fucking pedophile.

if you believe in sky fairies that tell you that you must kill non believers then you should be classified as a disgusting race

According to your religion, they are not. They are infidels who must be destroyed dear Adnan Husanovic.

Indeed, at least my Gods don't tell me to do that shit unless it's neccessary (in this case muzzies by Seth)

Yes they gave you shelter and civil aid... And for that you stabbed them in the back.

While most of their men were on the frontlines warding of the Serb invasion you went full durka durka on them instead.

Several cities worth of Croats slaughtered and even more homes raided and now empty because people have nothing to return to but a shitty caliphate where they would have to live every day in fear.

Did you convert before or after Srebrenica?

Before, why?

What is the meaning of litteral?

Acctual, real... or something simmilar.
I'm not good at english

Ok, I think I know what your getting at. You didn’t believe in the miracles.

Jesus never claimed that he was literally god or part god, not even in the Bible - until supposedly after he died - ie never.

Via Positiva: From revelation see pic related

Via Negativa: Aristotle’s unmoved Mover. God, being the cause of the universe, has knowledge based on being its cause; while humans have knowledge based only on the effects of such causes.

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Muslims believe Jesus had miracles but that doesn’t make him anymore God than it made Moses with his.

I suggest everybody read this

That does not make any sense. If your God is truly all powerfull and all knowing, how come he didn't stop all these atrocities that have happened throught whole history?

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>I'm a muslim (converted from christianity)
>I'm white and muslim (bosnia)
So you are a fucking traitor to your people (be they Serbs or Croats). Fucking disgusting

We also belive he'll return to fight our version of anti-christ, if im correct

Allah is mentioned in the Bible too.

Islam is inspired from Satan. A phony religion which uses and perverts the legacy of Christianity to create an army of barbaric bug people. Why would you internalize the demons of your former oppressors? Christ is Truth.

The point of Creation is why. Eternal Life is knowing Jesus Christ.

I know, but he wasn't god's son. That's what i was saying

>or do mormons and catholics have a certain perspective on jews
Can’t speak for Mormons, but Catholics run the gamut from literally hitler to almost Zionist (that’s really only in the USA though) the more trad you are, the more likely you are anti Semitic

And do we have free will in After Life?

I don't hate muslims but I don't like Islam due to the awful sharriah law. I know some people claim to be muslims that don't practice it, but the koran says that anyone who doesn't follow it is not a true muslim.
That and because my ancestor was a Templar Knight who fought in the crusades.

Deus Vult

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Cringe bro, so why don't majority of Christians actually follow the way he prayed, head to the ground, greet people with peace be upon you

But there are miracles that are attributed to the prophet Mohammad. Do you not believe in them?

>Because your hero was a murderous, violent pedophile
>Because your book tells you to conquer the world. And if the worlds doesn't want to be conquered, use violence.
>Because you're book- that you will defend to the death at the slightest criticism - incites you. to violence again and again.
> Because you're permanently insulted and lack any sense of humor and levity.


You look like Turks.

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Islam twisted up the gospels for itself then accused the Christians of changing them, despite the fact we have used the same scriptures from the start. I will say Christians need to be better, but that's part of our fallen nature. Especially since the natural order of Christian Monarchy has been disrupted.

i dont believe you son. can you please allah ackbar your nearest iman op.

This is explained in Sura 18 ayaat 65-82 when Moses sees the man committing “evil” and asks him why.

And again humans can only derive a causation from witnessing a snapshot of effects but they never see the full cause or the full effect.

“But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you; and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. And Allah Knows, while you know not.”

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I do belive in them, because he is not Allah's son. The only thing i find absurd is god sending his son to earth

what is with balkshits and larping

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Maybe God wants followers and not mindless minions.

>thinks that anyone not from Scandinavia is white
