Other urls found in this thread:
>Hail Trump, Hail our people, Hail Victory!
Where is Richard now to see this?
Goat fuckers BTFO!
Musical tribute to GEOTUS and Vice GEOTUS.
>Thanks for the record number of illegal immigration.
>Thanks for sending our tax payer dollars to Israel while straining our relations with other countries.
>Thanks for doing nothing to stop your supporters from getting censored by corporate establishments.
>Thanks for flooding our senate with leftist asian and spic judges.
>Thanks for throwing everybody who wanted to push your agenda into the trash for Kushner and Ivanka
>Thanks for allowing the corrupt democrats who wanted you removed from office to be free from criminal charges
>Thanks for increasing legal immigration via H1B and H2B visas
>Thanks for never once caring about the main demographic who voted for you
it's pretty based t b h
Boy you're convertin' them evil Jow Forumssters, huh OP!
Trump is a fucking shlomosexual and it's disgusting
Does this shabbos goy ever tweet anything other than israel related drivel?
lol been there 2 days ago
yes sometimes he "monitors" stuff
This is what Israel gets. Meanwhile, we get some flimsy facade that barely compares to the barriers I've erected on my own property. let alone the ones my kjd makes in Fallout 4. Thanks, GodBoomer Trump. So much winning.
blessed you shall be
So hands down, Trump is the biggest kike we have ever had in the white house
Does this fat pitiful orange sack of shit ever stop talking about Israel?
how will he ever recover
it's almost like the geography is totally different!
not an argument
>it's almost like the geography is totally different!
Yea..and I bet mexico didnt pay for the other one either
>fucking beaners
yours either, it's just a cope.
itt: shill niggers spam the same few images that they spam all day every day. They're so scared lmao. I hope they kill themselves when trump wins again.
it's all so tiresome
>itt: shill niggers spam the same few images
well maybe you can find the wall, and when you do send the white house pics, seems they cant find it either
retard, mine is an argument.
hahaha like fucking clockwork, kill yourself shill faggot. If you spent all this time and energy on working to improve yourself you wouldn't be such a massively pathetic faggot failure.
nope it's a cope
Trump is a great president but he needs to get that wall built fast.
>nonamerican shilling this hard
yep, it's a gay faggot. possibly the same VPNigger as OP.
>JewSA but with no walll
i'm here to celebrate with my jewbros, are you mad?
anyone spouting
is a tranny discord shill
so you're probably right
not an argument
so you cant find it either? Maybe we should check that gofund the wall guy. I guess you are no use, Im sure it's a big beautiful wall, i mean the best wall, a big big wall, the greatest wall paid for by the best people who build big, I mean really big beautiful walls
>u mad whiteboi?!
hello nigger
whiter than you Miguel
hahaha you retard faggot. the gofundme guy bought the bought before the gofundme, you're just a lefty faggot that can't spot fake news. once again, i have never expressed support for trump so you only out yourself as a faggot shill when you spout these tired lines.
race traitor
literally no argument in ANY reply. pathetic
i do, look how awesome the WALL in israel is, compared to your FENCE
shitskin faggot
>trying this hard
lmao pathetic. get a job.
and you know what's the best of all?
you paid for it.
yep, you, with your little tax money.
in fact, all americans, paid for it.
and they even building a new one, how awesome is that?
it's 23h30 here.
What was the promise we have to keep?
yeah so obviously you don't have work tomorrow - besides shilling, that is.
it's still early fucking boomer i don't have to wake up at 6
kill yourself shill faggot
>Thanks for never tweeting about your supporters getting MAGA hats knocked off their heads, whilst tweeting constantly about anti-semitism
>Thanks for caving on the shutdown and ruining any chance of winning an immigration battle for the next 30 years
lmao pathetic response, kill yourself faggot.
>franceboi screencapping a leaf
now, i've seen it all
i never even called you that, seriously dude are you even trying anymore? come on! let's see some fucking hustle! kill yourself.
admit it you wanted to
hahahaha your life must be so sad. you should end it.
He also warns anyone who doesn't "respect" him and his authority.
It's like Eric Cartman became a Jew-loving shabbos goy.
based and redpilled frenchposter
im good user thanks for asking
Trump is a zionist cock sucking traitorous faggot.
Who’s this beauty?
Vote Mommy Tulsi.
Their time is now!
4:29 AM - 14 May 2019
visual tribute to two fags