Who runs the world?

Evidence only thread.

Post everything you know, solid evidence, facts, that points to the people who truly control what goes on in the world.

Things like control of the masses through the media are admitted but try to post examples of the people who own those companies and/or examples of messages found in the media that influence people in their favor.

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Other urls found in this thread:

the-eye.eu/public/concen.org/The Knights Templar & Secret Societies - A Collection/Knight & Lomas - The Hiram Key; Pharaohs, Freemasons And The Discovery of the Secret Scrolls of Jesus (1996).pdf


Who rules the world?
In the matrix: Jews, Illuminati, big bankers, liberal ideologies, celebrities
In reality: God

Do you have anything solid that you could show, say, your grandma, to prove that they're really running the show?

Do you have anything to back that up?

It's Jews dude. The evidence is overwhelming. You can look it up yourself. At this point I really don't care to explain to people why. The evidence is so in your face if you can't see it then you are wilfully ignorant. All this talk about fucking bilderbergs and bohemian grove and lizard people. Its fuckin Jews man. They are the only people you are not allowed to criticize. They are overrepresented in media, banking, government, think tanks, large businesses.

The evidence is right there but you just say "oh.... yeah but..... that's just coincidence!"

The truth is obvious and only pussies shy away from it.

idk how old your grandma is but mines 92 and I don't think you could change her opinion on anything at all.

I don't know, but I saved this yesterday. If you have interest it could help you start your research.

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Many people

The americans conquered the world when the Soviet Union fell.
Sadly, they had passed their power to a small minority of jewish families, who made their wealth in Europe by lending money.
So, now, THEY rule.
See, there are only 3 countries with no private national banks: North Korea, Iran and Cuba.
Russia is special.
Sure, the small minority could take their gold away, like they did to Gueddafy, but they won't cause Gorbachiov, while stupid, didn't dismantle the Trident ( system of 3 parts in air, sea and ground forces ), and Putin remodernized it.
So, they are aware, they if they try some shady shit with their national bank, the Russians will start ww3.
That's why the west is working towards killing Russia's possible response.
Hope that cleared it for you.
Now, the truth is that ONLY one system works and bring happiness to the people: minarchism.
But the USA tried it, and those rich influential families conquered it, showing that while that system is the rigth way, it's frail, and exploitable.

International mafia families

It's the bitches, man. It's always been the Bitches.

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The families who control the world's central banks and lend money to governments at interest. Rothschild most likely are top of the pyramid.

If the le Jews actually controlled the entire planet, why wouldn't e.g. Bill Gates or Jeff Bezos or Jack Ma or [...] speak up?


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in truth: aliens/spirits

You know who; and no, it isn't exclusive to (((da joozs))).

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I don't think it's a coincidence but the counter-argument is that it's because of their own merit and favoritist between them.

For example, white people are "overrepresented" in the best countrie sin the world. Because they're the most intelligent race and conquered the rest of the world.

In that logic, the jews were smarter than white people and in turn conquered them.

The point is, how do you prove it to the un-initiated.

A question for you: is a parasite stronger than the host it inhabits?
Think well before you answer.

That big difference between median and mean demonstrates that while the typical white has some modest wealth (about the equivalent of a single family suburban home), only a small minority of whites have multimillionaire tier wealth, but that small mostly white minority is so fabulously wealthy that they shift the average Boomer white wealth into millionaire territory.

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You can't. These criminals exist on all levels of society and they operate through word of mouth like a game of telephone. Instead of actually trying to keep society effective they do it for their own centralized gain.

Soon their words will be worthless while the rest of society behins operating in a decentralized but highly effective manner.

Thats simple. Its contrary to their goals. They cant have the control they want without them working together.

For what purpose bro?
To start a revolution against whoever the culprits are?
To take you the lead and rule with more Justice?

The highest standard of living countries are among the most goy in the industrialized world: Iceland, Japan, Norway and Finland (Switzerland is very well off and also has a nontrivial number of Jews, but they are exceptional in many ways). France and the US have the largest Jewish populations outside Israel, and are among the lowest standard of living industrialized countries (largely because of their imperialist waste and large immigrant populations). Jews do well for themselves, but large numbers of them appear to have a negative effect on the societies they inhabit.


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>facts, that points to the people who truly control what goes on in the world.

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The Bourgeoisie.

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according to Beyonce, women do

a Catholic cult

you can thank me later

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>a Catholic cult
funny way to spell synagogue of satan

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So then it doesn't sound like it's the Jews in charge, but rather the wealthy elite more generally.

; )

I would say that it’s the White people who lead the world because they were the dominent species since the greeks and will continue

The faggots in the Vatican at at the top of the pyramid, why? because concepts are far more powerful than anything else and religion is the most powerful concept to exist. Research the Sea Peoples union, specifically Shekelesh and Denyen who are also known as DN, Dan, Den, Danaoi, Danann and Snake, also the Habiru (Ha-Ba-Ru), the Hyksos Dynasty and Hermes Trismegistus.

Freemasony began when the Habiru took the knowledge gained in ancient Egypt from the original Masosn and codified it, something that the original founder (Hermes) warned never to do. Using that newly gained knowledge the Habiru began the Hyksos dynasty by creating a religion using the ancient Egyptian legends while also introducing the concepts of fiat currency and usury. Freemasons were the "shabbos goyim" society for the Habiru, basically a group of people who were given power over others as long as they served their masters. This dynamic is still in play today.

Next are the Black Nobility. When Carthage fell to Rome around the 1st century BCE. The Edomites (Persians) mixed with Turkic people to make "Chazars" and they founded Venice which became a slave trading and money exchange/lending port for the Mediterranean. When the Catholic order chose to outlaw usury within the church during the 1st century CE the owners of the banks increased their power over the serfs by raising interest rates to astronomical levels in order to take control of the land from them. This was the birth of the Venetian Black Nobility which was comprised the families that owned banks and armies to form the largest mafia in the world at that time. Centuries later when a Byzantine roman emperor named Constantine V married princess Irene of Khazaria then the religion of Ashkenazim was created for the Black Nobility bankers so they can bypass the sin of usury when lending out their gold as well as the noble's and Vatican's. This relationship has been in play for over 1200 years now.


If you want to know who owns everything just google “nasdaq ownership summary” followed by the name of a giant corporation. Google a bunch of them and you’ll see that virtually all of the giant corporations in the world are owned by a handful of private entities like black stone, vanguard and fmc

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Quality post user. Any recommended reading about the subject?


Checked. Yes God. Any control the Jews have is temporary and superficial

God made this planet "free for all" apparently.

If the Jews win, he is not going to step in to stop it.

>1177 BC: The Year Civilization Collapsed (Eric Cline, PhD)
>Eric Cline;1177 BC Year When The Civilization Collapsed

>The Hiram Key: Pharaohs, Freemasonry, and the Discovery of the Secret Scrolls of Jesus, is a 1996 book by Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas
the-eye.eu/public/concen.org/The Knights Templar & Secret Societies - A Collection/Knight & Lomas - The Hiram Key; Pharaohs, Freemasons And The Discovery of the Secret Scrolls of Jesus (1996).pdf

>The Secret teachings of all ages by Manly P Hall

>The Ancient History of the Black Nobility

>Jews and Freemasons in Europe 1723-1939 By Jacob Katz

>Men of Honour and Honesty: Connections Between Jews and Freemasons in Early America

>The Synagogue of Satan - Andrew Carrington

>Proofs of a Conspiracy against all the religions and governments of Europe - John Robison, A.M.

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I was really into Manly Hall when I was a teenager, read The Secret teachings when i was 16, probably my first red pill, along with realizing I was growing up in a cult. The Eric Cline presentation seemed really interesting, but I was watching it way too late and passed out. I'll check it out again. Thanks for the book list. I'll get physical copies since I tend to stay on track better when I don't have the ability to open 18 tabs while I'm reading.

Wrong. Masons/reptilians.

no problem
>along with realizing I was growing up in a cult
I think the same thing when looking back at my roman catholic indoctrination

It's all a coincidence.

Nothing to see here move along.

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masons are pedos
tech teacher wifed a student after grad
HS teachers are shills

What cult?

same thing

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Your wrong. God gave the world to satan. Read your bible please while he is the creator he is not the ruler of earth until he armageddons us.

The US. Cia is paid to scapegoat jews and muzzies on this site to distract from the US many regime changing proxy/cold wars against Russia in congo, cuba, venezuela, afghanistan, syria to control key strategic military locations and/or pillage country resources (mostly oil). Evidence: US dollar remains world reserve currency and will continue to be long after we're dead. In minecraft of course ahem. This post is satire.

Winners do, high IQ and driven mostly White Jewish or East Asian.

Supranational central banks and money lenders, and policy makers then giant MNCs with cozy relationships to politicians and Governments with their Intelligence and military arms.

>World bank

>Tri Lat.

>Exxon Mobil
>Goldman Sachs
>JP Morgan

Jews are akin to modern day Thugees from India, except they are smarter, more cunning and absolutely ruthless. I would not want to go against them.

Proof? Wikipedia will give you the outline of these groups


>/threading your own post
go back to plebbit

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Threading the thread.
Other anons will come up with pure BS
-space aliens

Etc etc.
Nope, money rules the world from top to bottom. Modern money wasn't just invented as a means to replace barter, but the most successful and ubiquitous system ever known to man. Before money, people lived in communities where everything was shared.

Also cool it with the anti-senitism.

The low IQ masses run the world, some people try to control them and partially succeed, but retards cant really follow orders so it backfires.

>messed up my post
Money created hierarchy and therefore control.

>Also cool it with the anti-senitism
Fuck off kike, you're in the wrong neighborhood

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>big old money cartel rules the world
>cool it with the antisemitism
Pick one (1), friend.

Whatever elite that are pulling the strings sure gave us a lot of slack.

Jesuits. Rome never fell, only balkanized. Everything you see in the media is scripted theatre.

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Here is a more in depth break down.

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Lizards run shit. Thanks based Icke.

it's the vatican....jews are only proxies in all this. Vatican has always been the most powerful institution on earth for ages. Check and read the book "vatican assassins" from eric phelps... alo this web site thebabylonmatrix.com

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Eckankar. Sorry I didn't reply earlier, I started reading The Hiram Key, really enjoying it so far.

>Vatican has always been the most powerful institution on earth for ages
>jews don't control the vatican
user please, just look at the current pope

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I ran off into the woods for a day when I was 9 to avoid going to a meeting. Shortly after my father quit going as well, and my parents got divorced. I moved in with him, so that ended my involvement with that bullshit altogether. As a teenager I began researching the creation of the group, compiled quite a bit of information about it's inception, and eventually confronted my mom with it. It took a while, but she eventually quit as well, and is now someone I can enjoy being around.

The Jews op. Is a are shill faggot trying to spread more disinformation

Part of the Jewish shills online program or whatever it's called

Op is a faggot

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The financial system rules to world and it is merely an extention of energy conversion/thermodynamics.

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Finally someone who actually knows what they are talking about

Ur pic is about CIA remote neural monitoring Gang stalking squads That find there victims on 4 chan

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I do. You're all projections of my mind.

>I do. You're all projections of my mind.
Fuck, a Bog showed up! SHUT IT DOWN

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>Makes a thread that has literally been summed up in a single picture

There's more people than this, but this a great start at where to look.

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>its the jews dude
Catholics have vatican city a pope as much money as the jews and run wall street.. Google wall street ceos their all catholics.. The catholics hired jews to takevthe blame for everything

If jews are so rich and subversive.. Why not hire multicultural CEOs to run their criminal enterprise and lurk in the shadows..

Jews arent innocent theyre just immoral when it comes to finance.. Theyre taught to save money dont buy from goyim etc.. The jews that are bad arent worshipping Yahweh on Sabbath.. They use the tribal nature of the jewish religion to get to the top

Now Israel is like an evil America jr. They are dirty assholes surrounded by bloodthirsty muslims.. So they cheat to win.. All races do this jews just had a lot of practice.