The Republic of New Afrika, (RNA) is a proposed independent Black-majority country situated in the southeastern region of the United States. The vision for this country was first promulgated on March 31, 1968, at a Black Government Conference held in Detroit, Michigan, United States. Proponents of this vision lay claim to five Southern states (Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, and South Carolina) and the Black-majority counties adjacent to this area in Arkansas, Tennessee and Florida. A similar claim is made for all the Black-majority counties and cities throughout the United States.
The Black Republic of New Afrika
Our flag
Can't wait until we range ban India
I'm completely fine with this and would wish them great success. Multiculturalism is a failure and re segregation is the solution.
Shut up nigger
Hell fucking no. Cram them in Puerto Rico and be done with it.
I support this. Black power.
>I'm completely fine with this and would wish them great success.
We do need to negotiate the borders a bit, but I think it will be best for all.
Also we will need to build a wall
Thats too much land for subhuman savages, just give them Florida and set up land mines by the border.
We want everything that belongs to us
why don't you focus on uniting the African nations, your fellow comrades?
just give them florida and tell them to fuck off.
so the homeless shelter house and jail?
Think for a second ape that land area is larger than Nigeria and Ghana combined, you cant even run nations that big properly so its for the best you run a small state.
Didn’t we try this with Liberia once?
We already created a country back in Africa for american blacks -- Liberia. Lincoln would have given blacks 40 acres of Liberian land and a mule to incentivize self-deportation if that faggot idiot hadn't shot him.
Fuck off pajeet
Why is it in America if its supposed to be the New rebublic of AFRIKA?
Blacks are only 10-30% of the population (26% in Alabama for example) in the states that you're demanding so much land from.
Read Lincoln's final speech
Give away your own state faggot
You would have to pry it not only from the US Government but also take it from the racist south.
Absolute pipe dream. Consider purchasing cheap land in Africa and hiring armed militants to do your bidding, and enforce your will. You know, a strategy that actually might fucking work?
The lands in the south where built by black hands and what have we got in return? NOTHING! It’s time for you to give us back what you owe us. Every last bit of land we ask for
Florida is the only state they can live in because it has no winter which is the annihilator of all niggers without whitey's magic electric heaters sweaters n shiet. Without white people niggers in the northern staets would die by the thousands every winter.
The fact that we let you live in our society after releasing should be good enough. Otherwise, you’d be talking in clicks and cannibalizing your children.
You were cotton pickers, you didnt build shit
One million dollars for each of them over ten years but have to go back.
This would include our army clearing out whatever the best land in Africa is for thier state.
hard no, your ancestors should have been sent back to your beloved Mother Africa after the Civil War
South would be super comfy without niggers
>dead nigger storage state
sign me the fuck up
You all are missing the point. No land borders or they will just flood back in after shit goes south. Give them Hawaii. 2000 miles of water between us.
that niggers belong in jail doesn't mean jail belongs to them
Only if we can have the northern states.
Race mixers and mutts get the west
You guys should try for the West coast. I don't want my mom to have to travel through "nigger country" literally, kek, to get to her winter home.
Come home yankeeman, we belong in northern climates
I say we ship all the blacks in the US to Mississippi, maybe give them Alabama too. It's better this way for everyone.
>ceding real estate
not even once
We just need to start buying them tickets en masse to Liberia. We can come up with some slick marketing campaign, dressing it up as "Wakanda."
You dont realize how backwards nigger nations are, it wouldnt take long for several settlements in the area to lose electricity FOREVER because niggers are psychos they only will help you for gibs aka money. They dont care how much you starve to death over no electric stoves you better get a job and pay up. The next issue is the niggers will simply ignore your settlement if its too poor to care about like most african countries do right now. With no electricity or running water the niggers in these settlements would starve or dehydrate in weeks. Assuming they have cars they would loot any supermarket they can find and then that would be the end of that supermarket for good, they would never even attempt to sell shit after that mass thief. Therefore niggers in the suburbs would be doomed to starve and die off in great numbers. The only places that would have hints of modern society would be the wealthy cities wealthy by nigger standards I mean. Even then Flint has shown their elites are very evil and will poison generations just to make a buck so in the end the endgoal of this negro nation would be complete disaster. In addition winter would kill them off.
Ever heard of Wakanda?
Good. Wall them off, and let them suffer. When they all starve to death and/or plunge back into the stone ages, we can roll in, wipe them out, and take it all back.
Lincoln, that INFP faggot. I use this line when dealing with libtards, "If the parties flipped, then why is it that I would have voted Republican in every election going back to the foundation of the party, with an exception here and there for good Democrats like Grover Cleveland?" I'm lying of course, because that war monger Lincoln was a big exception, but it's still generally true.
McKinley is underrated and would have been really great, but the Illuminati got him. They never let us have nice things.
There would also be welfare because the nigger elites aint giving no free money period, thats for whitey to do not them. The job market would become less competitive because the absence of whites means most niggers fail school and barely get into college which results in more nigger on nigger criminality but outside of whitey's morals the police simply beat the shit out of criminals rather than reason with them like actual african police.
>yo man dat Wakanda place look nice
Wakanda is simply not possible.
It’s not fictional if you want to believe in it. It can be built.
certainly not by niggers, though
Why settle for a small sliver of land when there's a big continent that needs your help?
As usual your thinking is too small. Reminds me of all those silly hip hop vids...yo yo yo, my cars, my shoes, my bitches, my monies. Pathetic.
Niggers are too dumb to make a state that advanced.
I think this idea would be good. White america and black america. 2 seperate places. Seems like the perfect way to divide and seperate our cultural differences. Just don't fuck it.
>You would have to pry it not only from the US Government but also take it from the racist south.
The blacks don't need to do anything.. They will tell the USA that due to racism, at least this much surveyed and developed lands and their resources are owed to them. Why should blacks do any work when the gov't will do it all for them and force the non-black citizens out of those lands? Also, the developed infrastructure and huge construction costs of that infrastructure would be given to the blacks. Developed dams, electricity, water, and sewage facilities would also be given to the blacks.
The USA should just implement a Social Credit System just like China has developed and will officially declare is the formal law in 2020. This would stop blacks from commuting from slums over to my nearly all white suburb and loitering for mugging victims who have keys to the house which is then burgled.
Come and take it.
Your death