jumped off a bridge in arizona.
hes a pizza gate guy
jumped off a bridge in arizona.
hes a pizza gate guy
Oh shit
> Jumped
Funny way of spelling pushed.
Well, bye.
I wonder if it was him that posted this here the other day?
Who would even get turned on by this.. Am I right guys
Stop watching anime
Bumping the fucking shit out of this......
he seems based
what the fuuuuuck!?
>he sounds like he was mentally unstable
wew lad
He's been on Alex Jones a lot lately, right?
Issac Kappy was obviously not very happy.
I'll try
heres the video he uploaded before (((suicide)))
pic related is more info
inb4 memory holed
he died "jumping" onto (((Route 66)))
yes he was on alex jones
That could have been your daughter you maggot
kill yourself immediately
>Isaac Kappy
he jumped off an overpass onto the I40 west of Flagstaff. he got hit by a ford truck.
F...for the Ford truck
guy with serious mental issues jumps off bridge in front of various witnesses, some of whom even tried to stop him from jumping.
jumped onto Route 66
Kappy is dead? Fucking sucks, God damn it, he wasn't a bad guy. /ourjew/. Big F, what a fucking bummer.
'witnesses' claimed to have tried to hold him back from jumping but failed.
>we totes didnt push the turncoat
why did you put ((())) over route 66? its a very nice historic highway. and technically route 66 is not part of this section of the I40, route 66 goes through the town of Williams then reconnects to the I40
actually forget what I said
what in the fuck is this
what the fuck is this
Is... this an infiltration on the pedophile circles? Is the center where they do their sacrifices? Why are those girls dressed like that and WHAT THE FUCK ARE THEY DOING???!
kill urself famililam
Plenty of pizza gate guys are schizo, but pedo rings still exist user, it's bad shit, it's especially hairy when big money gets involved, as you can imagine, and it is entirely reasonable to assume that sometimes it does.
holy fuckk this was 3 days ago. Im too scared to click lin
what the fuck is this?
>Open (((Gmail)))
>Today is national pizza party day.
>Immediately go here.
>Kappy has died.
My almonds are activated.
his instagram post before he jumped sounds like he was going to commit suicide desu.
His post on instagram
How do you know it was him and not his killer?
What are they washing off?!
Confirmed LEftist assassin. Only Lefty's write 90 paragraphs explaining every excrutiating detail of anything.
He never rambled like this.
Kek that is so fake
Yep. Read it like a lefty demon projecting themselves. Fits like a glove.
Love that little brew pub downtown, Historic Brewery.
That's some serious cope for wanting to fuck children
what the actual fuck am I looking at here
Well, if anything, Kappy's death is going to drive this weaponized autism into fanatical overdrive. RIP anyone who has anything naughty to hide. These kids will put the CIA to shame.
When they learn to walk they lose their charm desu
Any video of him jumping? Please link.
>historic hebrewery
in his bitchute video he doesn't seem like he's going to do it
you faggots know kappy was a lefty trolling his "disclosure" shit, right?
probably just mentally ill from browsing Jow Forums and couldnt take it.
statistic don't lie CIA glowniggers
The favorite pastime of the (((elite)))
It's literally an alter in a tile room with a drain around the base of it and little kids washing it off.
Nothing to see here right?
Absolute horseshit and scare tactics. How is he a traitor that should expect to be executed for his crimes? They're threatening people with execution for looking into Pizza gate.
isn't it a nice place? everyone always wants to go to Flag but i really love Williams. the mountain there is nice too. great little town
Everyone who investigates pizzagate seems to keep jumping off bridges hmmm
bumpity bump
So did Seth Green rape/murder kids or no?
Pizzagate has been debunked multiple times.
because 66 is satanic. these pizzagate people love their occult numbers
Could someone please explain his connection to pizzagate?
Fuck you John
he accused his friends of being pedos
meant to quote ^ ((())) because 66 is satanic and the pizzagate people love their occult numbers
> moved to Jow Forums
jannies confirmed for trannie faggots
What the fucking fuck
What the fuck is this disgusting shit? Where is it? It needs to be destroyed.
bump. sleeping with my ar15 for a while.
Some pizza pedo wrote this, it's completely synthetic.
>americans who have never left their home state with puritanical values
it looks like a Turkish baths.
Wait until you see public beaches in Europe- naked children everywhere! (gasp!)
Whats a patriot? Antifags or Proudboys?
>be american
>be triggered by 8 year old halloween photos
Do i even wanna watch this user? What happens?
>be britfag
>let daughter get gang raped by pakis and MPs
>call American "puritans"
okay homo
whats going on here.
i bet he's the one that filmed those bikini kids carrying water jugs in that weird spa.
it was posted yesterday and got shoad pretty quick
umm guys what did he mean by this?
It's safe for work just eerie
definitely this. well said
Nothing. I legit was hesitant to play the video, but the weirdest thing is the design of the room, and the fact that it has little girls in bathing suits - which is not weird at all if you are a normal person in your 30s and have kids, who have friends.
The design of the room could be one of a zillion upper-middle class spas that have a greco-roman motif to them. I go to one.
I'm afraid to access this forbidden information
I want to be bluepilled again guys
Its been a long time since then but was this the dude that exposed some pedos on twitter and they threatened him after and exiled him from hollywood?
Tomorrow is D-day. The ultimate pizza party CRACKDOWN and every dirty rat lizard from mr. dressup to podesta THE MOLESTA are all going to the jailhouse for making pizza sauce from a baby. Tomorrow.
You know that feeling you get when you see something that is inherently evil? Kill all pedos
Nothing suspicious about this here. Eh, lads?
if it's a normal bathhouse you fags should be able to find other niggers with videos from it on jewtube
nothing ever happens faggot
>I go to one.
So a hammam with only little girls?... Is this an Islamic hammam or turkish? Why is the only adult behind the camera........
We got this all wrong. He's admitting everything he said was true but he's ashamed because he still used these people for his own gains and did nothing to stop them. He even tells people to keep investigating.
Look, he was ready to confess everything.
>I have told people in the Trump administration that I am willing to admit to my many crimes in a public setting, and committed to execution, in a public setting.
He was ready to blow the whistle to Trump. He was racked with guilt for not doing anything and so he wanted to make up for that. This is why they killed him.