Brit/pol/ - Our flag's red, white, and blue edition

>Secretly in love with Nigel
>Omar Ashfaq jailed for leaving 'violent footage' in shoes at mosques

>Carl Beech told 'extraordinary tale' of VIP paedophile ring

>US 'blames Iran' for damage to tankers in Gulf of Oman

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Other urls found in this thread:

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could anyone here retake their GCSE's as an adult?, kids make me feel dumb

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4 Monster Ultras for £3.50 at Tesco right now bois. Stock up.

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who'd vote for this?

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Reminder that, canonically, the Slitheen killed Tony Blair

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Read Julius Evola.

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>retake GCSEs as an adult
>kids make me feel dumb
I don't know where to begin mate.

To many whiteys

Wish they did in real life.

i don't get oyur comment maybe i really am dumb

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Read Ted Kacyznski

No 10 confirms they will bring back withdrawal bill back week after MPs recess - same first week of June as Trump here - less clear whether there will be deal with Labour by then that would give the bill a real chance of passing

She. Doesn't. Fucking. Listen.

Read Siege

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Yes lad

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Someone start a petition to exile Theresa May from the realm.

I wonder if the BP vote will scare Tories into voting for her deal.
After 4 years of officially not being part of the EU people will forget how shitty her deal was


Thats what i was wondering

Nah, the Tories know if they vote for her deal, the hurricane of anger from Leavers will destroy them. If they don't know now, they will on the 23rd. Make sure to vote lad.

i dont see labour benefiting from being seen to be in cahoots with tories, especially if the tories get btfo in the eu elections
most likely they will play politics and just delay as long as possible

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It's literally over. The Jew has won.

>Inb4 furious trip/namefags

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People won't fucking forget, do you think the germans forgot when their politicians backstabbed their military at the end of ww1.

BXP is controlled opposition

UKIP is the party for the people - service guarantees citizenship

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>The crisis at British Steel comes less than a fortnight after the government provided it with an emergency £120m loan to cover a bill from the EU for its carbon dioxide emissions

daily reminder the climate meme is a hoax designed to fleece money from corporations and governments, it's a shakedown

Most of the Labour MPs are just kicking themselves that they have the absolute clusterfuck that is Corbyn in charge right now. Literally anyone else would be skyhigh in the polls. Even Labour know how dangerous Corbyn is.

>hurricane of anger from Leavers will
Will it though?
What hear from most normies is "why don deh just bloodeh get it over with "

No matter how bad our politicians are they know the worst that's going to happen is they won't win the next election. Someone else is going to get Britain First'd someday soon. At least one but probably not more, most of us are probably going to passively aggressively grumble for a few weeks when Brexit is cancelled.

Saw a darkie on the train today shouting loudly into his phone in some jigaboo language.

When we leave the EU we can send him back to Poland.

>politicians backstabbed their military at the end of ww1.
Weimer republic was also Venezuela tier economicly , kinda of a bigger factor

too small Abdul

What happened Britain lads?

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Problem with this country is that the tories are fake as fuck and labour are trying their hardest to rig the vote.

Remember South Thanet and Thurrock back in 2015 election, those places were fucking rigged.

ukip is on its deathbed and is entirely populated by drooling goons

Yes and Corbyn will get in with the SNP, which make the backstab myth even worse

the Kalergi Plan

the public would only be mad (bar NI?) if it can clearly be demonstrated that the deal is "brexit in name only" e.g. no control over immigration

Attached: London prior to paki occupation.webm (480x360, 2.87M)

Partition of India. That opened the floodgates. Then giving independence the other countries of the Empire, and allowing commonwealth(empire) citizens to come to the UK.

UKIP likely has more 18-20 year old supporters than the tories and lib dems combined

Overabundance brought around by the industrial revolution and the empire made us fat , domesticated and lazy, basically the same that happened to you

it was a legislative oversight, remember.

Mate, if you only knew how cucked middle-class 18-20 year olds are.

>service guarantees citizenship

>gordons gin
>max factor

nothing's changed.

The labpur candidate in thanet south promoted the tory candidate iirc

>our flags red, white, and blue
Dumb Brits copying America again.

The United States Of America

Independence didn't really have much to do with it.

Technically up until the 1940s any empire citizen could immigrate here without restriction, but very few did becuase of the sheer expense at the time

>service guarantees citizenship
Typical UKIP tier banter to be fair. They like to think they're some Roman Legion esque force an not some fat fucks at the pub.

if you take the The Decline of the West - Spengler pill then it's an unavoidable natural aging process of a civilisation, there is nothing you can do to stop it and if you attempt to the results will be the same as accelerating it, in other words the fact that you will attempt to is part of his prediction and you yet again fall back into the unescapable cycle of birth and death.

>we will unironically never know civilisation

America copied the east India company

>search change uk twitter
>user's cringe uk account still comes up first
Absolute state of them tbqh

>all of the people in that video are either dead or on the costa del sol asking for 'muchos gravy por favor'

When's this? The 60s? 50s? Already too late by then

You think air travel is the cause? You could be right actually thinking about it....

Their bus is school bus tier

Then you have to blame WWII because that's what bankrutped the country, forcing us to give up the empire

Putting the obvious bait aside, there does seem to be a lot of shit that gets copied from you yanks, your garbage culture of celebrities, obesity, cultural marxism etc. Dystopian societies seems to be the usa's biggest export

No, we killed the Indians.

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Civilization is what made us weak.
There's a reason why the Afghans can take on the us military with ak47s but we cant take on a few paki manlets

Partly, but we could have just not let them in

i dont want to live like a sand nigger lmao

The US has become degenerate also.

And all I wanted was hot fresh fish and chips wrapped in yesterdays newsprint.

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cucks and soibois

Now the guv gives out free gibs to everyone that can make it ashore.

You'd rather live like a slave to a Sandnigger?

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There'll always be an England,
While there's a country lane,
Wherever there's a cottage small
Beside a field of grain.
There'll always be an England,
While there's a busy street,
Wherever there's a turning wheel
A million marching feet.
Red, white and blue,
What does it mean to you?
Surely you're proud
Shout it aloud.
Britons awake!
The Empire too,
We can depend on you,
Freedom remains
These are the chains
Nothing can break.
There'll always be an England,
And England shall be free,
If England means as much to you
As England means to me.
"This royal throne of kings, this sceptred isle,
This earth of majesty, this seat of Mars,
This other Eden, demi-paradise,
This fortress built by Nature for herself
Against infection and the hand of war,
This happy breed of men, this little world,
This precious stone set in a silver sea,
Which serves it in the office of a wall,
Or as a moat defensive to a house
Against the envy of less happier lands
This blessed plot, this earth, this realm
This England"

it will come to you as well , like age it's unavoidable.

Khan manlet confirmed.

can't be winners in life without also losers, can't go from the top and not go down. we made some very bad decisions in the 20th century that destroyed us and now we are suffering the consequences.

>Bailiffs getting BTFO'd

All you did was replace America with Britain and Republic with Empire. What a bunch of lazy faggots.

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Do it for her lads,

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They will grow up, however UKIP and Tommy has lots of backing from working class youth and non-urban middle class

Probably told students to vote twice as well

false dichotomy, there are many countries today with modern living standards that aren't multicultural hell holes
we were even that way only a few decades ago, even the yanks were 85% european without mixing not so long ago
but sure muh varg muh pagans muh ted or whatever

central london is still relatively paki free.

Should also be noticed that the absolute state of the UK has all happened under the rule of Queen Elizabeth II. Maybe if King George had been more based and had a male child, we wouldn't be in this absolute mess.

Inb4:monarchs have no power in the UK. Google:soft power.

Someone should tell security that some coon bitch has stolen a union jack from the gift shop.

Only really Japan but they are going extinct and like 40% of men there are virgins

>New withdrawal bill
>Not until 3rd of June
Delay, delay all the way to October.

>Should also be noticed that the absolute state of the UK has all happened under the rule of Queen Elizabeth II
Apart from all the stuff that happened for the few decades before her reign

None of this is going to matter in 20 years time when the Chinese finally conquer the world and genocide the stinking lot of us.
We all know it's going to happen, just no-one wants to say it.

she isn't a ruler and makes no decisions, blaming her for the actions of churchill, attlee and thatcher is deluded

Google:the beheading of Charles I

Such as?

Look at Japan, Korea and the other developed Asian countries. They’re suffering as well.

cringe and wrong
there are 120 million of them on a little island, thinking you need to have constant growth to survive, especially with the increasing amount of AI is nothing but a (((capitalist))) trick

>expecting a sensible conversation that isn't full of hyperbole on my brit/pol
ok retard

I visited London in the mid 1990s.
One thing I distinctly remember is that I saw United Colors of Benetton billboards everywhere.
They were pushing race-mixing and multiculturalism super hard even then.


Over 65s outnumber school age kids at least 3 to 1 now in Japan.

those are multi cultural? i think korea is literally the least multi cultural country on earth

who says populations cant naturally decrease?

18 year olds are basically shamed into going to university straight out of school, which could explain why we don't hear much about 18-20 year olds supporting UKIP or Tommy.

Most African nations are pretty homogenous. Ironically.