Be 25 yo woman in unisex salon near Delhi

>be 25 yo woman in unisex salon near Delhi
>ask employer (Muslim) for salary
>employer says "have sex with me if you want salary"
>woman complains in police
>employer calls the lady to salon to take salary
>lady goes happily, gets ambushed by Muhammad and his amazing friends
>they almost rape her
>she runs out
>they come out and beat her brutally
>post video on social media
How to solve the islamic parasite problem Jow Forums?

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>be poo woman
>get almost raped
Sounds like she had a pretty good day.

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looks like a guy being beat you absolute shitter retard

Delhi area should be nuked

What is the detroit/chicago equivalent in india? and what is the maine equivalent

Watch carefully marty

Poo is trying to prove that he is /ourguy/ because he hates Muslims. GTFO shitskin

I'm sure you have invented Ovens by now.

It used to be mumbai but after renovation of Delhi in 2007 it became Delhi and surrounding region
also if we're talking about islamist/communist/socialist chaos then there were three states : Kerala, UP and West Bengal. UP was the worst but change of state government improved the situation. In WB they removed the communist party after 35 years but what they elected in place turned out to be way more communist and radical islamist. That state is fucked. Lastly, Kerala. It is as bad as it was. Muslims, communists and sometimes Christians slaughtering/ bullying natives. It's not like natives are great people either. It's a hopeless land. Good beaches though
Is that a peaceful area?

Go back to Pakistan
Well we have mobs which are mobile ovens :^)

Good to hear. Tell that Mob that they rape cows at Night on your designated shitting Streets

from what ive heard it is nice rural areas with least crime

Getting rid of Muslims by mass genocides is an effective way, mass deportation is another solution

I guess seven sister states

>How to solve the islamic parasite problem Jow Forums?
Invade Pakistan.

I think Himachal as well.

thank you based poo. hope you manage to deal with the same problem we've been encountering.

No, it is definitely a woman.

The problem isn't Islam, it's their shitskin, unevolved subhumans. Sure Islam is stupid, but whites on Islam wouldn't do such shit.

Aaaand another case. Guess the religion of the convicts

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ask Tarrant

Our gun laws make it near impossible for a regular panjay to legally acquire a firearm. Ar15s are not an option here, unfortunately.

move to united states en masse and buy gas stations

Form militias and go all Sri Lanka up their ass.

At least small local groups of people who watch out for each other is necessary

Diversity is your strength. Stop being such a bigot.

Diversity amongst Hindus yes. Dessert diversity? No thank you

>Almost rape her
Why make a thread? Almost? Wew she had a scare

But it was deserved, she asked for it + she shits in the street

does indian bob lust know no bounds ?

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kill all the muslims

Old delhi or new delhi? Surely the old colonial area is nicer

Maine equivalent is the Deep Ones - the batrachian look...