Been seriously struggling to maintain the inner Travis Bickle in me recently, but I’m starting to see the funny side of clown world again and I’m glad I can share it with you chaps.
What a time to be alive
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love you op
no homo
Life slapped me like a bitch recently and I broke my no fap streak today. I feel full of disgust and shame, and I'm waiting for ice cream to arrive so I can get on with becoming 600 pounds and never leaving my home. I mwan, not really, but that's how i ferl. Glad to see you hanging in there, user.
Don't do it user, as long as you are alive you can always better your situation.
we're all gonna make it
Feelz. I’m trying to quit drinking to drown out the horrors. Three days sober Anons. I’m fuckin trying.
Keep at it user, the pain of bettering yourself is worth it.
>t.former smoker
OP and I know dead thread but battery ran out.
Self hate is the fist step to improvement
I love you and your digits op. No homo. Unless you are cute, then maybe
It's everything I can do to not reach for the bottle, but it's a lot easier than it used to be. Nofap, though, that's a whole other beast. I'll make it, though, one day at a time.
Not me. I'm constantly attacking right wing Trump supporters who are not woke on race.
taxi driver hit me pretty hard. I got to a point where I was considering driving up to la and attempting vigilante shit until someone killed me, but that movie helped talk me down
Know that feel, user. I started getting ED from watching porn and fapping too much. Now I struggle to get and stay hard with tinder sluts. What a fucking irony. I reduced fapping to once every 3 days and things are improving.
I made money with btc and I have been a complete cokehead the last year. I feel like such a nigger, I'm so ashamed
You were better off fapping than fucking random std ridden whores
Are you ok, retard?
Nope. Fuck this world, at least I want to have some fun before I call it quits and an hero
>struggling to maintain the inner Travis Bickle in me
why don't you let him out?
>an hero
why do you faggots not take advantage of that to do something you otherwise wouldn't?
are you off the drugs?
dont be black pilled, as long as you are alive you can fix yourself and the enviroment around you.
Like what? Go full Brenton Tarrant?
or just fucking anything?
if not out of love for us maybe out of hatred for kikes?
Experimental aircraft / balloons.
3rd world coup.
Inject yourself with radioactive spidervenom just in case it works.
>if not out of love for us maybe out of hatred for kikes?
Point taken. Will try to think of a way to fuck with kikes before I go
>just overthrow the government, dude
Doesn't sound even remotely realistic
>3rd world coup
Do it. Executive Outcomes took over more than one African regime with nothing more than small arms and exceptionally accurate mortar fire.
all right m8
don't kys btw but if you do... don't waste it
3rd world coups in small countries are easy. The hard part is keeping power. If you're killing yourself anyway attempting something with low probability of success is a great way to go. These are just three ideas I came up with in 10 seconds.
Cheers mate
I feel like this is beside the point, but I'll bite. 3rd world coups are only doable if you have a diplomatic apparatus behind your ass and billions of dollars to bankroll an army and bribe local officials like mad. Private military ontractors are effectively just extensions of official armies where it's undesirable to officially start a war. Why do you think USA uses PMCs so much? Do you think the US government has too small army?
You don't need any of that. Just go for it. You have 0.0001% chance of success, if a million people attempt it one will succeed.
Eh. With three teams of eight guys apiece you could effectively wipe out the governments of some small countries. Billions to pull this off? 20 million maybe. Most for pay, but you can buy the equipment I'm talking about for five mil. is right, the coup itself isn't hard, convincing people you have the power is hard.
Stay strong user kun, we need you.
>24 guys are enough to overthrow a government
Maybe in under extreme circumstances - eg. you manage to take their parliament by surprise, Bataclan style, and kill all PMs together with secretaries who happen to be there by chance. Still, I don't have fucking $20m
>inb4 bet all your assets in roulette and win many times over, the odds are absolutely miniscule, but if everyone did that, surely some would succeed
Just admit it's all bullshit. The only successful case I know is this
I want to die and walk with Jesus tbqh desu senpai.