Press F
Issac Kappy Dead
literally jwho
that's a big nose
Was going to celebrate, but hang on a minute
Pls respect Q community’s privacy in these difficult times.
They totally fucking killed him
Was it a "suicide?"
Any more details on this?
For you goy
Didnt give any evidence, is e-celeb cancer. Is kike. S
Thats what happens when you call out Tom Hanks and Spielberg as pedophiles. Hope he learned his lesson.
Absolutely murdered.
I remember hearing about this guy a year or so ago, he was doing hollywood pedo exposes, about either Brad Pitt or DiCaprio I forget..
And an impressive jew-fro
So this guy plus two of the Spacey whistleblowers all dead this year.
For Jew
Gogled this guy image and Colbert, Spielberg, Hanks, Thor, Seth Green pop up kek
Calling out spielberg is God's work. Gotta respect him for that.
We honor Isaac Kappy. Neioh provided info last year that I was able to share w/ him. He is MIEREE of Arcturus. Before he began disclosing, he was approached by Pure Pleiadians who told him who they were. He received downloads for his mission. He's at peace w/ his Soul family now.
Odd how anyone who gets close to exposing some pedos always winds up dead a while later huh
Definitely MOSSAD'D
He specifically said he loves life, doesn't do drugs and avoids red scarves. Now all of a sudden he becomes cryptic and makes strange posts about his misdeeds? There is definitely some (((fuckery))) going on.
>Jumped to his death
Oh so they're doing this now instead of "accidental overdose"?
Heater O'Rourke deserves justice after being raped to death by speilberg and his hollywood kike mafia cronies, fucking monsters
Just proves he was legit. Should have listened to him and kept an eye on him, but we allowed the shills to slander and memory hole him. F
He said he wasn't suicidal which makes this even more odd.
the evidence is in the filmography but you guys are too stupid to see how the luciferians operate behind the scenes. credits where the corruption is due.
spielberg sodomized Indiana Jones and luke skywalkers nephew
Is he of the tribe?
Lift the Veil reporting on this right now...
>You didnt listen
RIP Qanon.
Peace out Kappy
Fuck you Jimmy Comet
They suicided the shit out of him.
Yeah, what a funny coincidence, haha.
find 1 piece of proof that he provided at all
all he did was make accusations
Holy shit, the dude seemed in no way like he would do this. What the fuck, crazy shit going on.
literally never heard of this guy before
he was on alex jones and was making accusations against a lot of hollywood jews and alex jones was sceptical and thought he was being set up because isaac kappy was also jewish but now hes dead so it was probably true.
Literally not Q related ever, faggot.
You're trying too hard
About Seth Green
>I made a mistake and betrayed you guys
>you will hate me for this and I deserve it
>I am in danger and it's my fault
>I'm not being threatened
>I'm not suicidal
Yeah he definitely got murdered
That’s very sloppy of you.
Did someone mention SLOPPY?
Their sins are many.
They are seen by God, and will be punished in due time.
no, now go away you fucking idiot
He was definitely suicided.
Although a Jew, you were doing the Lord's work. May you reach heaven and your soul not burdened again with humanity.
Yes, i remember him. He kept saying "the proof is in the pudding", but never offered any real proof of anything.
He came off as a messed up druggie or alcoholic. Not saying he wasn't right, just saying he offered no evidence.
RIP Baked Alaska
this right here
Upset you fucking kike?
That pic looks like you at a day at the beach does it?
I hope cancer eats out the mess you call genitals you syphilitic tranny fuck.
I would literally belly laugh at your death you have no place in nature
Shit. I saw this interview with him about Seth Green on Devon Stack's youtube channel Black Pilled.
t. not Devon Stack or affiliated, but his videos are great
weird shit
What is this?
Big Mike
>Issac Kappy Dead
Kappy often posted Q redpills
Gabe Hoffman killed him
Rest in pepperoni
Who?, I keep seeing your post but fuck can u write some information down with the picture. I’m not gonna start research a like names David because I lost a picture
loork moar
A kike names David because u posted a picture****
Gay iPhone typing
David Brock, faggot
he never could just talk straight, scopolamine?
>Perhaps they’re wondering why some one would throw a man off of a bridge before running him over with a truck
That's actually a vagina and a bigger than average clitoris.
S to spit
Are we sure he wasn't already dead before they dropped him off the bridge? Usually that's the way they do this.
Who is Gabe Hoffman? I know who ENTY is, but who's this guy?
holy shit!
he said multiple times if he died it was them. God rest you my bro
self hating jew boomer.
Look the pussy hole. It's the pussy on bottom and the clit above.
This jew turned to Jesus at the end
Hey, the FBI tried to stop him from killing himself...then he slipped.
crazy kike came here a few times. looks like they got him.
News says it was 2 teenagers who tried to stop and restrain him, but failed. More likely they have him a hearty push.
We’ll never hear those names. That’s why they’re ‘teenagers’. I bet one of the names ends in Stein
would be too expensive. probably hired mexicans.
no more crazy kappy threads, feels bad.
spielberg did this
Or berg. After reading his IG post I don't know what he meant by July 2019. He wanted a public execution for his crimes, wasn't suicidal and then dies or gets murdered 2 months before the RETURN. Also, he thinks he's literally Judas which is pretty funny for a jew to admit and gave me a good chuckle.