Opinion about Jack Posobiec

This thread is for Poles, who are following american politics and especially Posobiec.
Some facts about him.

>Had his honeymoon in Israel
>Always talks about how Israel is such a good ally
>NEVER talked about ACT 447 signed by (((Donald J. Trump))) which would lead to bankruptcy of Poland by paying absurd sums of money to jewish NGOs
>His admin for social media (I think; cant look it up), Wojciech Pawelczyk, blocked me in under 1 minute after asking him about ACT 447 (pic related)

So, the question is how big of a thread is Jack Posobiec? Is he a jewish mole undermining the U.S.? The more I look into him the more skeptical I get..

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Poles are pro Israel.

that wasn't too hard... he's literally a government shill spookchild

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Fuck off, Shlomo.

totally void of white power which he should embrace and preach

Used to work for Uncle Sam, now he works for the Mossad.

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Jesus Christ i never fought that a fucking american will call my nation pro-israel, reaching the tip of retardness

Israel is planting theyr glownigger everywhere, im really disappointed

Oh WoW, that's the first time someone called Poland pro israel, GJ mutt

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neo-con gatekeeper

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>Poles are pro Israel.
Can confirm so unfortunately

Zydy kurwa żawsze krencą jak spinery
jusz 80 lat po wojnie
i nie wiedzą Jak wybaczyć
diabły, hytre i złe
i głowno dostaną

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execute him for treason

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>Cernovich intel groupie
He will go wherever the wind blows though.


/pol is now polak nigger shitting board

Migrant kurwa, could you try to agree to the /pol rules of communication in English? Or is it too much for polak to understand?

Prep a bull, Nigel.

It would turn Poland very anti-Semite, so they probably won't do it.

Hungarians and Poles are two friends, their drink their wine and beer together.

60% of the Israel population are from Eatern Europe.

It's almost like Israel is the fifth V4 country.

Yes, Posobiec is a Polish surname.

The UK media and Nigel Farage will have to stop with the anti-Eastern European propaganda and incitement in the British media. It would be better if they stopped discriminating against Polish, Hungarian, Czech and Slovakian candidates for professional jobs. The Trump administration has a lot of Eastern European key members (Kushner, Gorka, Posobiec, Lewandowski etc.), Trump's kids are Eastern Europeans.

To be honest, Soros should have stopped the propaganda against Eastern Europeans in the British media. He is from the V4 region.

I think if Eastern Europeans worked together globally, we could achieve literally anything. We dislike oppressive systems, we value freedom and sovereignty highly, most of us are highly educated, and Eastern Europeans are present in every country.

Where is that anti semite conspiracy theory writing muslims always talk about, the Elders of Zion book. It has a few good ideas.

Let's replace the words Jewish and Israel to Eastern Europeans and Eastern Europe in it.

And that's our plan.

And Eastern Europeans should work together globally to achieve this goal.

I already have a lot of power in global politics, who wants to team up with me?

Mind your words.

Suck my dick kurwa brydna

>60% of the Israel population are from Eatern Europe.
no, more than half of israel jews are mizrahi, they are not from europe

you lying jew

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Pol est une planche Français maintenant.

Kike, so the ones from poopland, are they kike's or are they are still polaks?

Posobiec administered several honeypots.