Why do rich people keep hoarding wealth even when it doesn't provide any benefit to their life past a certain point?

Why do rich people keep hoarding wealth even when it doesn't provide any benefit to their life past a certain point?

Attached: 8k1q69lftgx21.jpg (459x301, 41K)

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Why do faggots like you keep hoarding AIDS even though it doesn’t benefit you?

Bitch on the left was one of my earliest memories of getting a boner and was one of the first cartoon faps.

To answer your question, don’t you have a bull to be prepping Sven?

Why do weebs keep collecting Amibos when it doesn't provide any benefit to their life past a certain point?

Attached: 1.jpg (852x480, 37K)

There's no upper limit on how much money you could lose. And it doesn't really require any effort to go from storing X dollars to storing X+1 dollars.

in the past the rich used to give up their wealth to give back to the people whose money they took.
In this day and age banks hire psychologists to break that conditioning and reinforce that people are garbage and that the rich owe them nothing in return.

Because they really really want to have their wives and children killed in front of them by enraged peasants I guess

Stop spamming these threads, no one cares you commie shits. There are like 10 of them on the catalog right now.


Help me out, what is a “rich person”? You mean a Jewish guy?