Could they, dare I say it, be /ourguys/?
/ourguys/ Iran
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How's that Strait of Hormuz closing going?
They're not wrong. If any country on earth wanted the USA out of its hair, all it has to do is tell them if thwy attack, they retaliate against Israel. It's what Best Korea did.
I much prefer Jews to shitskins desu
fuck off kike
They're /Schrodinger's Guys/, perpetually in a state of /ourguys/ as well as not /ourguys/ until observed.
Right now though, they're /ourguys/.
I prefer them all to stay the fuck out of the west. Take care of jews, the mudshit problem goes away.
Muslims will always fight with other Muslim sects
Yeah make more rooms in your country for Iranian rapefugees,leaf
when have they been not?
they want their own soverignty. they want nothing to do with america or any other cesspool of degeneracy. and they opposed jewish global(homo)-domination and zionism. it was and always has been clear, the jews who opened up the borders and pushed forth legislation for more mass migration. to then fund zionists who blame everything on Muslims.
You told them they can't close the straight, so they've been bombing the oil tankers using drones at the ports.
Muslims have been a consistent leech and net loss for this country. You can blame the pushing for their presence on Jews, that's true; but the actual actions once they're here? That's on the Muslims themselves.
kys kike. they want nothing to do with this degenerate continent. its kikes like you that open up the borders, bomb the shit out of the middle east, and rape kids.
Iran is our greatest ally, this isnt to say open up the borders like what israeli kikes now want. But its to say that we appreciate and acknowledge our nations and our interests- which happen to align as of now. Israel has never and will never be an ally- for they are the ones responsible for the (((wars on terror))) that created so many refugees
>Death to America
>continues to live in America
Politicians can say no. Eastern Europe does, but Western Europe is full of female politicians that hold Muslim invaders in the regard they should hold their children - if they had any.
They can do so in the middle east away from the USA
If the situation is so dire and we're so evil why don't they just man up and get ready for a noble war?
You are a shitskin kike.
Those are african migrants and afgani migrants who are disproportionately violent and will gang rape and such. of course, this is a case of savagery, but forget not that these are not the countries that represent most the of the middle east. look for example at Libya, one of the most prosperous countries under Gaddafi, but was successfully shoah'd by jews yet again. Also many examples like assad and sadam
and plus, that is beside the question. muslims and migrants from the middle east do not belong in the west, and I doubt they even want to be here. its jews that are pushing for integration. As it stands, the middle east muslims serve as powerful allies against israel.
Assad won, you can go back to Damascus now
Owie Zowie!
The whole Iranian and USA situation is a Jew trick so your bastard PM can open up your country's border and further destroy western civilization
/teamdany/ /teamiran/
Ran by the CIA and naming the Jew doesn't change that, they are pandering to Muslims after all.
Think of them like the shills on this board who learned to use our lingo to fit in.
that's literally Jow Forums, based iranian shitposting
not going to address my initial claim? kike-worthy behaviour my man. keep on bowing down to your Israeli overlords I guess.
>The whole Iranian and USA situation is a Jew trick so your bastard PM can open up your country's border and further destroy western civilization
well yes, its so that the US and Israel can go in, bomb the shit out of Iran, and create a bunch of refugees to flood the west. Iran doesnt want this, so why not work with them? its the same sort of kikery we saw with Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria. enough is enough
which claim?
Yes that's the kike tier leeching
Economic migrants, primarily young men, definitely do want to be in Europe for the gibs and freedom. Don't know how you can pretend they don't.
This is a good point. All of you mudshits ITT can go back the fuck home. But you won't--because you love leeching off of the first world too much while you cry about muh great satan and muh jooz.
these nationalist countries in the middle east (currently Iran) are allies to the christian white America. any opposition to this allyship is clear signalling of Israeli allegiance. otherwise, why wouldnt you want muslims being nationalists and caring about only their country and interests? unless of course you want to go in there and create another war, steal their oil, shill for israel, and create a bunch of refugees ready to be mass flooded into the west
they wouldnt be there if you just shut your borders and not bombed their countries in jewish zionist interests. its pretty simple my man.
The Enemy of my enemy is my Friend
Right?I like that
I like your point
>why wouldnt you want muslims being nationalists
they can in their own country
>unless of course you want to go in there and create another war
I don't
This guy is pretty based tho
Reminder that Iranian literally means Aryan, and that Christians in Iran are exempt from Sharia law and can drink alcohol, etc.
Pic related is a church in Iran
Bashing jews is retarded
At this point ashkenazi's are basically white. While pol is focusing on muh jews the niggers and muslims are out there causing havoc and subverting society.
Go be a boomer somewhere else
Man I just wanna grill
fo gods sake
Iran is based and redpilled
Farrakhan is a nigger and up to no good, they should kill that ape already
yes, then let them do so in their countries. I never once said they immigrate to the US or Canada you retard
That is the most caved in head take ive seen in a while.
>Yeeehaaa! Ya darn tootiƱ I'll die for Israel. Praise Jesus...
based and redpilled
>chant "Death to Israel"
Death to Israel is not a folk song sing around the world...
What a time to be alive.
>fuck zion don
>fuck israel
>but Western Europe is full of female politicians that hold Muslim invaders in the regard they should hold their children - if they had any.
No, they love those muslims because they are strong and dark men, and they hate their own children for being white and therefore weak.
Do these guys have nothing better to do all day? I mean, Americans (the regular people, not the neocons) don't exactly love Iran either, but you don't see them in the streets burning Iranian flags everyday.
Oy vey, this isn't funny anymore goyim, it's really hot in here! It's burning goyim! aaaaaahhhhhhh!
Iranians aren't shitskins
They are literal Aryans