Strike and Mike episode 63

Episode discussion, the usual deal

Post em if ya got em

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Thanks for the bump

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Peinovich is a kike and we will never get anywhere if these agents aren’t hanging off lampposts

i dont care if he is a rabbi for mossad, hes got good info

bumpin. Can't wait to consume next product

one of these idiots actually got me banned last time


Striker is definitely Hispanic. He wouldn't go to such roundabout ways of denying it. He should come clean.

who cares his show is funny

Came here to post this

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What time is it in Germany? That guy's been coming through the last few weeks...

he is probably similar to fuentes, being overwhelmingly european
looks pretty huhwhite to me anyway

He implied that he is a European whose family settled in South America first. He could be 100% white. He doesn't look like a spic.

Louis CK is funny too. Dave Chappell is funny too. Bill Maher is funny too.

Tbf CK had the chutzpah to make fun of parkland after he became a pariah for jacking it in front of randos

You sure convinced me with that hot shit opinion, Chaim. Thanks for the bump though, dumb kike.

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Even worse - he's a communist. The guy is always either starving or appropriating peoples ranches.


I am not saying he doesn't look huwhite. I am not saying anything other than he is definitely hiding something. His story just does not add up. He is not Italian. He just picked that 'adjacent' ethnicity.

wtf I hate jews now right meme flag?

dave chappell dropped red pills retard

>He just picked that 'adjacent' ethnicity
just call him a jew already and fuck off retard

Paycucks pls

so that's why Striker never names the Jew.

Paylords please post content

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I'm putting a stop to this once and for all in this thread. There will be no posting of free content.

He's /ourkike/, fuck off

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Looks hu-whyte to me

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You're hiding something, d&c shill

I have the same attorney as Warwick Davis and anyone that would not like to know how it feels to be sodomized by brutal litigation would do well not to post stolen shit on here. Don't be niggers, or you're going to fucking get it.

Shouldn’t the UN be pimping underage girls in Bumfuckistan or something?

Midgets are inherently immoral so that lawyer better repent for his sins lest he becomes an accursed littleling himself

Rockwell reborn?

You're right. He should be leader of the Alt-Right. He is the type of man we should want to marry our daughters off too.

paygods pls

Hey Boomer!


George Lincoln “Iron Cock” Rockwell sez: It’s the moral duty of all paylords to post content to ensure excitement of next content

You sound like a Boomer

lmao all you begging faggots prove the only people cheaper than jews are anti-semites



shills call pundits Jews yet never offer alternatives.....remember that people

Pls post I will be fired tomorrow.

No moneys to buy trs sub.

You sound like a cumdrunk newfag that just learned a new favorite buzzword. Kind of embarrassing, redditfugee. Maybe lurk a bit more before posting and you won't stick out so much.

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bls paypigs. The coming Finno-khanate will spare you only if you post it. I swear.

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You're right. I have never posted and probably never will again. I just wanted to point that out. I like Striker a lot. Am I not allowed to say that I think he is hiding Mestizo ancestry? Also, you sound like an incel.

please see pic related

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please have link

Imagine unironically not being a paycuck.

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just post it so we dont have to liten to these fags anymore



I agree, post so we can be annoyed and frustrated with the world on our own time

Come on please post thx

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post it nigs

if your reaction to the statement "that guy tells the truth" is "holy shit bruh why do you want this guy banging my nonexistent daughter" then i don't know what i can tell you to bring you back down to reality.


Fake and gay.

pls I need to consume product

fake kys

rick rolled again.

cmon svenpai don't you have better things to do


Bump for the Brain

Ok post it to piss off Shapiro clones

if you want the show fuckin pay for it kikes


Are you that Santiago guy?

This guy is so lame, please post just to piss him off

Sven I forgive you

Now bost content bleze

idk who that is so no


Sven please post the content


But Sven..... please.... I need the content

No. Nick Fuentes is.

You miss the entire context. Chapelle doesn't tell the 'truth.' He hates whites just as much, actually even more, than any other nigger. He just happens to be funny about it.

Fucking nigger.

Did Sven dox Striker?

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it puts the content in the thread or it gets called Sven again

Go to bed, Nick. You have school tomorrow



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>meme flag
that's a IDF Shill.

After me and the rest of the based castizo crew are finished banging the ever loving shit out of your daughter cuck.

that has exactly zero to do with your previous claim about what could be extrapolated from my statement, fuck nut. get it together.

Anyone who makes a strike and Mike/ TDS thread without putting the show image in the OP deserves to wait longer.

But post it anyway

That brainlet?

And bean pilled.

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The same fake you posted earlier. Frig off

I’m sorry boss

His sister is a qt

Probably because you're a paki luvver.

Back in my day cartoons just made you want to fuck animals. Now they want us to fuck other men in the ass. I swear lads.

Fuck the episode is my contribution to the discussion. I would subscribe immediately if these spiritual kikes said, "Our target salary is $100k. Once we're making that, 100% of the rest will go to overhead and dropping prices." But since they want to get rich off of mass media like kikes, fuck them. $10 per month is CHARITY. If they want to charge $10 off the backs of charitable people until they hit $50k salaries, progressively drop it to $5 per month and leave it there until they hit $100k salaries, and then resume dropping prices from there, great. But I'm not making anyone rich for being a mass media kike blowhard just because the goyim happen to be making kikes rich on a similar model.

Says the 56%