Who would your dick vote for?

Who would your dick vote for?
For me it's Tulsi but Marianne Williamson is a close 2nd

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probably kamala. she has that stern mommy thing going.
tulsi seems like a girl from college you would have a one night stand with but no spark.
marianne comes across as the hot teacher you want to bang, but can't picture what it would be like.
kiersten seems like a ditzy bang you regret halfway thru cus you hate her voice.
amy seems like the grody neighbor you'd do for the thrill.
warren has no sexual energy.

Snow Queen Klobuchar

>OP worrying about other peoples dicks
OP is always a faggot, always.

objectively no contest.

I guess Kamala is somewhat pretty but she has this constantly-exasperated-sounding way of speaking that makes her annoying.

Kristen Gillibrand is just a feminist cunt like Brie larson, I can't even tell if she's attractive or not

Attached: Tulsi-Gabbard.jpg (1010x1200, 1.74M)

3 and 5

Kamala would be a comfort girl, just some whore you pay to pound that puss and not have to treat her as anything more than a human cock sleeve.

>amy seems like the grody neighbor you'd do for the thrill
Amy will degrade and whip you

5 and then 3. Would not stick my dick in the other ones

i pictured it would be an older dom thing with her.
could do without the whip tho

Not even for hate fucking purposes? You're no fun bro.

am. and yes, tulsi

Tulsi is the only one even close to fuckable.

tulsi with a lot of makeup.

1-Tusli, 2) Kiersten, 3) Marianne

Depends on which orifice? Are eyeholes fair game? Something about an eyeball bouncing off my dick trunk.

Tulsi hands down

Hildawg. Sodomy wise....

I know she is not running but that lady from Arizona, I don't know if she is a senator or the governor but she is an absolute 10/10 MILF

The bi chick? Yeah, she'd be the best piece of ass in this line up.

*audible sigh
pic please

Google Krysten Sinema

im diamonds

Attached: 1200px-Rep_Kyrsten_Sinema,_Official_Portrait.jpg (1200x1800, 282K)

*continues to wipe brow

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Soccer mom slag, don't look up her ice bucket challenge, she's was too heavy then, but she looks decent in this pic

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>too heavy
user i-i......

Attached: man-wiping-sweat-from-his-brow-c6ycae.jpg (640x446, 46K)

She’s a Wiccan.

This effects my dick how?

NO WOMEN IN POWER! Look at NZ and what a shithole it is when you allow a cunt to dictate rules.

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who said anything about power?


I wouldn’t touch one of them with yours.

>Muh Dick
would vote for that pot-faced hawian bitch to get her ass in the kitchen and make me a sandwich. The rest get deported except for the blue eyed injun. She gets put on the reservation.

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increased chances of herpes and throat cancer if you go down on her b/c of her hpv

Maybe Klobuchar and her old milkers secondly

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Mommy of course.
I fucking love the white hair lock.

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Dental dam, condoms, I'd be fine. Plus this is a thought exercise based on looks, I think the only one I'd ever willingly have sex with is Gabbard.

going by OP picture?
my final round on dating game? would come down to bachelorette #1 or bachelorette #5... BUT, this is looks only. I have a "sliding scale" whereby a beutifal woman can drop a couple points for personality problems, and a cute chubby or plain girl can rise up and punch abover her weight by having a great personality or trustworthy-ness... on that note? Bachelorette #4 and even #3 are in the mix too.
(#4 in the OP pic? has some kind of cute in the smile thats looks infectious there)
#2 and #6 are deal breakers

gut reaction is klobuchar