Raises your gas prices

>raises your gas prices

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POTUS can raise prices wow why not just make walls cost 0$?

His Israel-first policy toward Iran is raising the price of crude oil which in turn affects the price of gasoline here in the United States.

Americans are going to end up spending billions of dollars more on gasoline because Trump wants to fellate the kikes.

thanks retard it's not like the US produces oil or anything

>floods your country with garbage

Trump is not responsible for the increase in gas prices today, it was Saudi Arabia.


You are an idiot. The US has never bought Iranian oil, we get most of our oil from Canada if we import it. You are wrong.
You’re so wrong, you probably wear your pants on your head.

>sucks jew penises

I've never understood outrage over gas prices. Under Obama republicans would ree over $1-$2 increase. How much of a poorfag do you have to be if you can't afford $15-$20/week extra for gas? Skip a few trips to Hardees faggots.

Attached: unnamed (4).jpg (900x900, 77K)

>you don't even need all your money
>give more of it to the jews you big baby

The prices of fuel goes up every summer

>I've never understood outrage over gas prices.
Can make you a bit salty if you have low income and need your car for work on a daily basis.
That said, gas price will inevitably go higher exponentially in the coming decades, so poorfags will have to find another solution.

There are a lot bigger expenses you could cry about. Nobody cares that you can't even get a shit asian car for under $25k because they get to pay 14% interest for a car loan with a $250 payment.

Gas prices are factored into the price of everything else.

So I should invest more in shale oil companies then.

Attached: us oil production.png (574x292, 27K)

After all, its not like shale oil extraction is getting any more expensive or anything...

Attached: cost of us oil production.jpg (1288x804, 244K)

Only if you are seeking long term investment. The US will war or subvert over crude until it’s obviously depleted. You might die before that happens.

Makes no difference because any embargo on said commodity results in a price increase.
You can bet your ass he has stock and hes making a killing.

Yeah, whatever, that's cool, I just totalled my car a couple days ago and my insurance is fucking me around so I probably won't be needing gas for a while. Probably won't need a home either, go ahead and raise the rents while you're at it.

It does because OP is a liar.
You’re right, Saudis raised prices because they can and everyone else follows. I just checked five companies stock quotes, the largest gain was one percent. It depends on how long this crap goes on, but it’s nothing new. It’s estimated that thirty percent of the house (congress + senate) make millions every time we go to war. Trump is just a figurehead in a broken system.