This triggers Jow Forums

>this triggers Jow Forums

And yes, white pride does mean black hate. In fact, it means you hate all non-whites. There's not only a historical precedent for this but, you even admit it on this board everyday.

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Yes, I hate niggers.

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Nothing wrong with black pride. It seems a little silly considering they haven't achieved anything, but I support their right to self determination.

Progressivism is the gayest possible ideology

It literally is hatred of whites, though. They have no history or true pride. They live to hate and destroy.

Remember, whites are the ones being forcefully occupied by blacks, not the other way around. Whites are the victims that have a right to hate the blacks ruining their culture and lives. Blacks can go home and be free of whites at any time.

I actually agree, most proud blacks don’t hate whites. It’s actually the self-hating blacks that hate whites. They feel humiliated.

Do you wake up in the morning and think, "God, my life is such a fuck up." or are you totally oblivious as to how unhappy you really are?

there is literally nothing wrong with having pride in your own race

>bring black people over by force then tell them to go home to a place they never stepped foot on.

white pipo

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>this is okay & logical, this is completely not racist

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white pride is not black hate, but i still hate them

White pride isn’t black hate

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I don't care blacks just belong in Africa, like Lincoln wanted.

It doesn't matter Lincoln freed you so you could go back to A(pe)frica.

White pride is not black hate

black pride is fake kangz and rap music so no one cares

I hate niggers, I don't give a shit about pride
There once was maybe an ounce of my self that believed there was something to be proud of, somewhere, somehow
That's not the case anymore, pride gets you nowhere. Hate gets you places, motivates you, gives you something to fight for. It's a feeling that's never leaving you, no matter how hard you try.
No, you don't find peace, you just fall into acceptance. You do not understand, you compartmentalize, ignore, excuse.
You try and repress the one feeling that still drives you forward, and it only makes it sting more when it rears its ugly head back up to howl at you. Being content, happy, is not going to save you when it hits you back to the ground.
So if it's not hate, it's nothing important.

Sure. Pay for the centuries of unpaid labor and subjugation and we'll leave. $10,000,000 per negro seems reasonable.

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what, am I supposed to be a bad person for agreeing that that was an awful thing for the Jewish shipmasters to have done?

why would it? why are liberals braindead?

your reparations should be one free ticket back to Africa and that's it.

They sold themselves away, therefore it is paid labor. It's just that their "brethren" took the payment for them, aren't they nice?

They sold themselves away, therefore it is paid labor. It's just that their "brethren" took the payment for them, aren't they nice? Aren't they?

I see you are an aggressive deal maker. I respect that, very Trumpian of you. I counter your proposal with: cut off military and financial aid to Israel, and use the 38 billion (no more or less) to help blacks move back home. To be renogiated after 10 years.

>Pay for the centuries of unpaid labor
You haven't lived for centuries.

Ok, I still don't like niggers.

Based & redpilled

Op doesnt want his own nation because he would rather go on blaming his problems on white america

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White pride worldwide nigger, remember that next time you make a post and who made it possible.

Only triggers me cause your a jew sliding a good thread. A seperate place for every race.

Someone shop this to show the holocaust and the 70 years after the holocaust.

This is solid meme op material. You see, the human brain does not process negation very well. When you see a sign like this your subconscious removes the "not." Anyone in marketing knows this. Plaster this poster all over campus and collect wins.

Imagine, being so delusional you believe what you want regardless of the facts.
Like some sort of play pretend super hero that thinks he can actually fly

>>this triggers Jow Forums
you've GREATLY underestimated the thickness of the skin here

Ask any African to name 10 historic African Kingdoms/Empires/Nations prior to the 20th Century.
The entire continent. 10.
There's no such thing as black pride, just black envy.

It's different for white people.

White pride means hatred and elimination or removal of all non-whites. Other forms of pride in the US do not have this stipulation.

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Honestly, i think that'd work. It's a shame Trump would never allow it.

>What is generational wealth

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is the reverse true?
>black hate is not white pride
sure, anyone can hate niggers

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u r going to die

non-white racial pride only ever amounts to "ooga booga kill whitey"

pride is a sin and is literally for Niggers.

I'm with you. Nigs are harmless as long as they're segregated. They don't pose a threat in warfare.

But women, well they love a good dicking. No exceptions. That's why we have to control them, so they can have a good life. Giving women sexual freedom is like giving a child candy freedom. You're going to have a fat balloon child in no time. With women you get used up whores, mentally unstable, unsuitable.

The female of our species, or more correctly, the female mind in our species, is extremely susceptible to individual psychosis and solipsism, and even more so, herd panic, trend and consensus; and verbalizing those behaviors by drama, outburst, disapproval, shaming, ridicule, rallying, gossiping, and reputation destruction that never ceases.

This is the reason why women’s testimony has been discounted throughout history; why the cancer of Abrahamism was spread through women; why women defected against their men and their civilization yet again, to feminism-postmodernism; and why there are continuous calls for “women must be heard”; and then, not surprisingly, counter-to-all-evidence that “women must be believed”. The female lacks the degree of male agency because she is more dependent upon the panic of herd than the hunting of the pack.

It is rather obvious that once given the franchise under the presumption of agency, that women took out their anger on the church in Europe, and on men in America. It’s rather obvious that as much as Marxism was designed to appeal to and rally men at the bottom, that feminism and postmodernism were designed to appeal to and rally women. It is rather obvious that women’s urge to nest and preen are more easily manipulated by advertising marketing and media.

As much as some people respond to the Jewish question and support their removal, I think others will respond to the woman question. These people will like the idea of removing most women's legal rights, restoring women to a childlike legal status.

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>whites and asians are more intelligent and create better societies than niggs
>wtf not fair
>give niggs infinite money in welfare and affirmative action
>niggs are still shit at everything 50 years later

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>Not an argument

all racial pride is good. the more black pride they have the less likely they should want to breed with whites.

Gee. I wonder how that happened.

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I am 4 different northwestern European ethnicities. Which one do I celebrate? I’ve never been to Oktoberfest, nor do I speak German. I’ve never seen the cathedral cities of England. I’ve never drank Irish whiskey in my life, and I fucking hate lutefisk.

I’m not German, English, Irish, or Norwegian. I’m an American mutt of different white ethnicities, as most American whites are. So why can’t I celebrate that newly created, white Amerikaner culture?

White power is not nigger hate. But most niggers are naturally very hatable

Sure. But why is important to make the distinction of "white" American? For blacks, it's about forming an identity in the face of discrimination and a loss of heritage due to slavery.
As a White American, what are you celebrating that's distinct from just celebrating that you're an American?

> black hate
Pity. Not hate.

Every "pro-black" and "pro-Latinx" movement just amounts to "ooga booga kill whitey now gibsmedat" You have no argument because you know its' true.

>modern Africa is a barren wasteland

nope it has plenty of resources, the niggs are just too retarded to use them without Chinese or European management.

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To your pic, the things on the white persons side are all gone, they are in the past, the thing on the blacks side is still going strong. Nothing we can do to change the past, and getting petty revenge on a whole race of people doesn’t make you a good person.

Are you really trying to say white Americans don’t have a unique culture? Are you retarded? What is country music? What is all that confederate shit, what are you making fun of when you guys say we can’t take spicy food? White Americans are a cohesive group, denying that is delusion.

I’m celebrating my family, which has been here for 400 years, building this country, and who fucking says you can only being proud in the face of discrimination? That’s that retried victim mentality you have.

>Actually believing this
>not realizing that colonization if anything only advanced African nations, something they couldn't do on their own for about 10.000+ years.
>Not knowing billions of dollars go to Africa every year from Western countries.

Just be honest, the Europeans should've exterminated all Africans and repopulated it, it would've been paradise on earth.

Yes it is

i think they celebrate the country they built and theyre ancestors work.

Probably because America basically amounted to nothing but seemingly inhospitable wilderness before europeans settled there and turned it into one of the most prosperous spots on the globe. That sounds pretty worthy of celebration imfao

Not something you are necessarily entitled to.

You're right. Kill whitey is white hate.

What do black have to be proud of exactly? Genuine question.

>black pride
>imagine being proud for something as stupid as the amount of melanin in your skin
Race is a 19th century social construct. There's no such thing as "black people". There's only humans.

Humans are a social construct, there is only mammals

there's not a nigger alive in the us who was a slave. reparations are a fucking joke and will never happen. niggers deserve one way trip back to africa and that's it.

fuck niggers
they will never earn their welcome in this country

False, homo sapiens are a specific species of mammals. Race has no biological or scientific backing. "Races" are just different phenotypes like eye color.

Thanks for this, kike. I say we make the 6 million become truth

Mammals are a social construct, there are only carbon based lifeforms

Carbon based life forms are a social construct there is only matter.

If only someone could remind the niggers of this

I didn't say any of that. I'm not even sure why you thought i did.
You're all missing the point. We all know Europeans were built the country. Brown people were also heavily involved in America's creation as well, but that history is typically looked over. I want to know what's the significance of their whiteness.
Gay pride is about perseverance in the face of anti-gay bigotry.
Black pride is about perseverance in the face of anti-black racism.
American pride is about building America and it's ideals despite coming to a new continent with no prior modern infrastructure.
Being black, gay, or American tells a story of success against the odds.
So in this sense, tell me specifically how having "white pride" in America is different than just American pride? How does being white tell a story of being a underdog?

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And what about before that wheel? Thousands of years of doing fuck all. Black people have been failing forever, parts of Africa hadn’t even invented the wheel until the white man came.

You're a hypocrite.

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Because America has been 90% white for all of its history until the 60s, so “American history” is “white and black American history” and the whites played a different role that the blacks. I’m proud of the role my ancestors played, and they played the same role as the other whites here.

Also, for most of our history blacks and whites weren’t just socially separate classes, they were LEGALLY separate classes, so yes, a distinction is made between whites and non-whites, I am of the white side of that distinction. I am proud of what people of my distinction have achieved in my nations history.

I hope there’s another holocaust soon. And by another, I mean one that actually happens this time

>races have no scientific backing
>races are phenotypes

Pick one


Maybe you'll get it if i simply it. Fill in the blanks user.

>I'm proud of my white ancestors because they did [Some accomplishment here] despite the fact being white [Insert a reason why being white is relevant to the accomplishment]


I’ll play by your retarded rules then.

I'm proud of my white ancestors because they created America and white American culture despite the fact being white made them a separate cultural group from other Americans.

Your template was awkward and retarded.

White Americans are an ethnic group

There is nothing for blacks to be proud about. They have not contributed anything positive to society. Their only "pride" is simply the solidarity they experience when amongst their own kind. Blacks have no value whatsoever and need to be removed completely.

Black is white hate.