Foreign Anons

Have you visited America?
What was the reality vs expectation?

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New York was less white than Toronto.

New York is the world’s melting pot. Ground zero for immigration for America’s entire history. What did you honestly expect?

I did not believe that there would be as many Mexicans as you all said, especially in California and Utah. I will be traveling to Maine soon for the wedding of a friend.

Europoor here. I visit the US as little as possible. Loud annoying fat cunts the lot of you.

beatiful country
disgusting people

countryside is ok-isch however

Like 90% of the place is unused

and leaf land?

you forgot the memeflag, Leaf

New York state less overweight. Florida had a lot of fatties. I enjoyed myself I liked it very much, Canada was shit though.

The Canadians are alright, when you can find them. Anyone that lives 40 mins outside of the city centers are good people.

Get fucked Kraut, two world wars, one world cup, get fucked.


It was less white but new York more yellow or brown than Toronto? I think not. Lots of Mexicans and niggers but will not outpace our gooks and mudslimes

I liked firing off assault rifles and eating burgers. Lived the fucking dream lad!

The first time I went to the states was a week before I needed a passport to get in. All I wanted to do was drive through Montana, grab an American flag tshirt or hat and drive home but I couldn't find any. It was weird, I'd figure you guys would have that shit everywhere but not one of the malls I went too had any. Seriously numbed me out until I went to Vegas the other year and got my USA swag!

Nice people, everyone was friendly and I only seen a normal amount of fat people, no morbidly obese people that needed forklifts or helicopters to be carted around. I was surprised that every gas station sold beer. Surprised and delighted.

>city centers
I see you spelled "center" the correct and American way . . .

I was a young leftist when I went there. I came back less so.

Yeah, I found them to be friendly too. Toronto needs to be nuked though, where in Canada is good for a visit?

Said I had a British accent (which I very clearly do not)
Could literally hang with anyone since I was from exotic 'Europe', making the cool kids feel awkward when I proceeded to call some of the nerds over to the table to talk about history.
English teacher glorified my viking ancestors and then proceeded to shun the American colonization
Took Mormon girl's virginity, then she dumped me cause I didn't want to stay in the country to marry her at the ripe age of 18 and 19.
Walmart was actually p. cool if you took away the 'walmart people'
Corndogs were nice and I honestly miss them.
Mexican bloke hooked my face during P.E when I tried to gently push him away cause he stood in my way.
Friends nonchalantly would take 5 hour road trips to Ohio just to go to jack-in-the-box.

Utah was a weird place.

america visited finland. Americans were fatter than i believed possible for people who travel.

1. Americans are actually dumber in real life compared to the Internet, which is funny, because they're retarded on the Internet.
2. The mutt meme is not a meme. It is REALITY.
3. The infrastructure is a joke
4. Americans can't drive for shit
5. Americans tend to be more social outside the major cities
6. Everything is cheaper

The first time I left burgerland was to go to bongland. I was surprised by the amount of . . . diversity. You know how Americans are obsessed with DNA testing and telling you they are X, Y, and Z? Older Americans still look at European countries as their ethnic homelands. I kind of did too. I looked at England that way until I went there.

One of the main characters in Game of Thrones is a Danish actor and people think he's British
because he "sounds" like one, but to me, he speaks with a very heavy Danish accent

This is what Canadian education has to lead up to. This post.

No where that I've been. Vancouver people are all pretentious assholes, Calgary was frustrating to drive around, Regina has nice people, easy to navigate city but it's super ghetto and really dirty, lots of trash and garbage floating around.

Honestly, I'd say come to saskatchewan and explore regina if you really had your heart set on canada. I've heard amazing things about Newfoundland and labrador also but havent been there myself. Supposed to have old and unique architecture and the peoples accents are soothing. Supposedly a great place to go if you would like a nonstabby Ireland.

Isn't it because Americans don't have an ethnicity? They want to cling to something which they don't have. It's like reaching out for a straw.

I live in Canada, I use "z" in recognise here too while I'm at work, you fat cunt.

Funny thing is that when I went to America, every time I had to introduce myself, the first thing Americans would say after their name was that they weren't actually Americans, but from X or Y country - When I then asked if they immigrated or at least knew their country's language they'd laugh and say they were X generation. I was so baffled cause I thought most Americans were the internet perceived 'proud american'.

you were not as fat as i expected
to many mexicans and east asians
to much traffic shit infastracture, you need more public transports you mutts

It's not as tidy and clean as I expexted. And there's only fat nigresses in Miami Beach, nothing like the hot girls in the movies

Yeah, maybe it's cause scandi's generally still use the same sort of vowel sounds as brits do - but I have a very clear potate in my mouth when I speak english.

I couldnt find any clothes in my size in Walmart it was like they only sold clown pants.

Too big until you get a fuckin’ car

It was great. You have central heat/air and lawns and all the light switches are at the same height from the floor.

This is where I want to visit is Utah it seem so alien and beautiful in pictures

Fuck off we’re full

Just came back from 6 months Flint, MI. I expected carnage and people dying on the street, reality was that it was an awesome city with a lot going on but people were friendly and helpful.

Try upstate.
White as fuck.

I don't think you've ever been in America.

Let's speak English and see some blonde qts
>All talking Spanish and pure goblinas

Bullshit I'm a 30x30 and I have a few pants from Wal-Mart.

>One of the main characters in Game of Thrones is a Danish actor and people think he's British
>because he "sounds" like one, but to me, he speaks with a very heavy Danish accent
I'm not familiar with the actor, but I know why this is. We hear it in a lot of ESL Europeans, and it's because you learned or were primarily taught British English, so the way you pronounce, conjugate, and phrase things will be more like the English than Americans.

You all need to be more specific where you visited, the difference of a few hours drive around here can be huge

It is. Beautiful mountain range with Moab close by - some nifty 'western recreation cities' if you're looking for the touristy shit.
Don't drink the fucking root beer though, it tastes exactly like actual mouthwash.

Maybe its just Floridians then.

It's because US Simplified English is the odd one out. Nobody else does it.

>what are white Europeans
That's pretty much it did a DNA test and I'm literally all of western Europe with Scandinavian added on.

Grandma is Swedish.

Next time try Gap.

>it's because you learned or were primarily taught British English, so the way you pronounce, conjugate
Not true, we don't learn British English in Europe and we don't have teachers from England, so we don't sound British at all.

The reason why some people will assume some Scandinavians are British is because vikings (Anglos, Saxons) invaded the British isles. We basically invented the sound of the English language.

Yes, I have visited America.

I was invited to a conference at Harvard University. Harvard economists are really into behavioural economics, it was very interesting. One of the scientists focused on genetically coded economic behaviour in humans and monkeys regarding sharing and welfare strategies.

Another topic was about the difference between future based and present biased strategies, and procrastination in micro-economics.

I have always known that Harvard economists are specialised in this field, so my experience matched my expectation.

Cambridge in America looks nice, it's better than New York.

I went to Las Vegas as a child and it was really nice. Then me and my parents are walking down a street and a red sports car speeds into a car park (or parking lot) playing really loud rap music and we hear a bunch of shouting. It was a couple of blacks, and they were up to no good I suspect (although I can't be entirely sure). But apart from that it was great.

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>monkeys regarding sharing and welfare strategies.

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That's where I went, Rochester NY is quite nice desu. I like the cider too.

Well yes, they're constantly trying to figure out new ways to Jew the goyim. It's like you're surprised Harvard is full of kikes.

I visit Boston for a week. Visited Salem and rock port too. It was out of season so rock port was a ghost town but pretty view of the sea. Salem was interesting. When browsing a occult shop there was a Christian man who argued with the guy behind the counter about something something curse, evil energy, satanism etc. Very American and just as expected. Talking to boston people they all got very excited when I told them I was from Norway and most of them would never shutup and let me say anything. Polite but annoying so I stopped talking to people on the street. Usually I don't mind talking to strangers but having to dumb myself down as in to not offend Americans was tiring. Then again I stayed at some hostel and there were black people arguing every night so maybe wrong neighbourhood.

>Isn't it because Americans don't have an ethnicity? They want to cling to something which they don't have. It's like reaching out for a straw.
Yeah kind of. It's also a proxy for ethno-nationalism because actual ethno or racial nationalism would make you a pariah.

It's not that no one has an ethnicity. A lot of people are mutted to all Hell. Mostly only new arrivals and those descended from them are going to be fully one ethnicity, but a lot of people are predominately something, and that's what most people go with. I mean I'm like 3/4 Anglo, but I still go with that. Both my parents are predominately Anglo, and the rest isn't ethnically that different. I guess I'm like an Anglo Castizo, except the other quarter isn't non-white, it's just white people from neighboring countries.

Where did you go???

My brother has had to shop there and he just wears men's medium to small.

Not sure about pants though.

Eddie Bauer and Zumiez is more my thing.

Literally can't survive without visiting America bahahahahahahahahahaha!

>like this

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He is right the Americans sice are bigger

>I was so baffled cause I thought most Americans were the internet perceived 'proud american'.
Yeah, to each other, and maybe in an effort to banter with non-Americans, but when trying to relate to you or another European, we break out the old, we're actually X generation of Y. Black people have started thinking this "where are from" and "what are you" is us being racist, but it's just our way of connecting with people.

Walmart in Davenport FL

>It was a couple of blacks, and they were up to no good
I got in little fight and my mom got scared
She said you moving to you auntie and uncle in Bel Air.
I whistled for a cab and when it came near
The licence plate said fresh and it had dice on mirrior


Utah is nowhere near Ohio and I've never seen a Jack In The Box here, unless maybe in some places in the south

Too much blacks

>you need more public transports you mutts
We prefer not to use public transport. Only the lefties want to expand it, but no matter how much they virtue signal, they're still going to use their personal vehicles because they want privacy and safety. No matter what excuses we make, it really does boil down to diversity not being our strength.

It’s really obvious you’ve never been. Everything you just listing is an internet meme.

Yeah, you don't want to get on a bus and have some fish smelling nonce sit next to you.

I still have nightmares about NYC Metro. I visited in 2006 and it was in horrible condition, I visited in 2016 and it somehow become even worse.

>I couldnt find any clothes in my size in Walmart it was like they only sold clown pants.
Clothes shopping at Wal-Mart. That's below pleb tier, but you're still lying if you say they had nothing in your size unless they were simply out.

I lived there for a while. As expected Cali is a shit hole.
Colorado is nice. Utah is nice.
Few fat people, lots of hiking.
Driving is easy.
Job pays double what it does here, taxes are half.
Work/life balance is shit though.

Is Eddie Bauer considered redneck apparel?

How bad was it?

it's not though

>Black people have started thinking this "where are from" and "what are you" is us being racist, but it's just our way of connecting with people.

It's less black people and more people from shithole countries who don't want to admit / think about their heritage and have a real complex about it. Black people don't have a clue beyond some vague idea about Africa, and nobody asks them anyway because they're obviously from the store, so it's mostly poos and Central Americans who get butthurt.

Yeah NY Metro is fucking awful. St Petersburg and Moscow Metro systems are great though and very pleasing to the eyes. Helsinki has the best public transport I have been on so far.

>Let's speak English and see some blonde qts
>>All talking Spanish and pure goblinas
Did you expect things to change as soon as you crossed the border? Those areas have all been settled by people coming from Mexico.

How can you not have an enthnicity? It’s impossible. Do europoors really have so little going for them that they think being 100% anything is worth something? I’m 50/50 on my ethnicity and I’ll take living in rich super power country with the best everything any day at the cheapest price any day kek. Feels good to be in country where inferior Europeans envy you so much they hate you for it.

If you haven't been, stay away from NY city, Florida, and CA. DC is pretty nice, tons of free museums (Smithsonian) and the national parks are usually great aside from the ones filled with the shitty Chinese tourists like Yellowstone. Jackson Hole was great to visit.

>It's because US Simplified English is the odd one out. Nobody else does it.
Canadians sound mostly like us.

This isn’t Reddit.

Visited New York and some cunt tried to call an ambulance because I was puking in a gutter.

I would like to see the everglade as well but Florida seem much less affordable than some other states and alligator could be frightening if too large

>Clothes shopping at Wal-Mart. That's below pleb tier,
It was only holiday clothes I dumped them when I left. Judgy bitch

Not really. It's more granola / hiking. Like LL Bean except maybe not as nice, or Patagonia, except more middle of the mall.

everything in your country is filled with as much calories as possible, everything is greasy with extras. no wonder why youre all so fat

Canadians aren't even people.

SW Florida is good. Try Naples. Almost no dindus.

>and nobody asks them anyway because they're obviously from the store
Top lel

>dumb myself down

They were doing the same for you too. Should have went to Harvard or MIT, actually nvm, Europeans aren’t used to top tier universities. You wouldn’t have fit in

Fuck sorry I meant Idaho.

Sort of. More like hiking and outdoors

I can't even describe. Ground level stations is kinda fine, but underground looks literally like there was some kind of apocalypse and station was without maintenance for like 30 years.
Alos it in general work like shit, and if there raining train can just stuck for 30 minutes somewhere between stations.
And it cost 2 dollars for a ride. While niggers and hobos using fire exits and ride for free, because there is no security whatsoever.

>Europeans aren’t used to top tier universities. You wouldn’t have fit in
Imagine being THIS delusional

Angles, Saxons, Jutes, Frisians, etc were a northerly group of West Germanic speaking peoples, referred to as Ingvaeonic as they considered themselves collectively as the Ingvol (various spellings), Yingvol, Ingfol, Yuengling: It's all the same.

The point is they were not North Germanic let alone Vikings.

>south side of the state
>called up-state
it's 200 miles SOUTH of me & I'm still in NY.

I cross into western ny fairly often to use mailbox services and shop etc it's not bad, although a fairly has been part of the country the built up areas are full of niggers and Puerto Rican and hideous mutts are fairly common. It's funny how as soon as you cross the border the words 'dollars' becomes 'dallers' but all in all I like it Seneca casino is pretty good and I like shopping at wegman's and eating at the olive garden and chick fil a among other places.

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Any oldfag knows fresh prince has always been a meme factory everywhere on the internet, especially the chans

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