What happened to punk music? Why is it no longer relevant?
What happened to punk music? Why is it no longer relevant?
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because punk sucks.
they certainly aren't metal.
nigger music and online games killed it
All the punks of the early 80s were dead or in rehab by the end of the decade, and their whole zeitgeist as Underground Teenage Rebel Music was replaced by grunge, anyway.
The stuff they were rebelling against: "traditional values", the Cold War order, etc. are mostly irrelevant today.
They decided to embrace the system instead of rebelling against it. Pic absolutely related
White kids aren't social enough these days to underpin a cultural movement. They play video games until they can buy guns and shoot up schools... it's more "participatory".
Because inferior, untalented nigger music is popular apparently.
they sold out to social justice
they have literally nothing left to rebel against, their clown world utopia is the here and now
times change. i remember being 16 in the late 90's and starting pit fights with guys twice my size/age at berzerk concerts... great fucking times:
I wouldn't say it is dead though. People have a way of getting fed up with shitty music. Eventually, punk will be more popular again. I cannot understand how these untalented niggers can let a computer do all the work for them and then pretend like it is their own work. It's like Milli Vanilli went mainstream. Sure, it's okay to be a fucking fake. Who cares? That's the way this brainlet generation thinks.
No you didnt. All punks were fags back then. Now they try to claim they were what they fantasized about, but it was only a fantasy.
God you fags annoy me.
Horror punk is a genre asshat.
it is punk you 12 year old faggot
As if punk had more musical merit than edm. It was literally no talent hacks as a form of rebellion.
this sort of. punk was cool right up until degeneracy became mainstream. being punk feels normal. being trad is rebellious now
eat shit you nigger faggot, i routinely got socked in the gut and shrugged it off like nothing because it was fun
>Original punk sucked:
Ramones, Sex Pistols, Wendy O Williams, etc were no talent hacks
>Modern punk has actual talent
A lot of bands classify themselves as punk, but actually have a LOT more musical talent:
Foo Fighters, Sprung Monkey, etc.
Bands like the Kinks and MC5 people like to call original punk, but I'm not so sure
it's still sorta around I guess.
Punk died in 90s
not bad
Fat mike use to seem cool through the 90s, now days you will find him at the front row of a Clinton rally holding an I’m with her sign.
Still more talented than these fucking lame hip-hop artists. I wouldn't even call them artists. It doesn't take much talent to pick up a mic and talk. Especially when a computer does 80% of the work for you.
because the youth of today vents by being an SJW, and listen to bruno marz and other stupid shit
Punk stopped being apolitical and became blatant communist
Punk was bastardised by faggots like Billie Joe Armstrong calling themselves punk.
Dead Kennedy's
GG Allin
Social Distortion
Suicidal tendencies
Agent Orange
And the like are not relevant?
I suppose that Nigger shit is too cool
OP is gaaaaay
punk and underground scenes were actually doing really well a few years ago. facebook events and networks made it very easy to organize DIY scenes. once signaling about your social justice warrior values infiltrated the social networks instead of signaling how punk you are, it was the beginning of the end. punks do not even talk about punk anymore. its meaningless to them. they're terrified too. terrified of some social justice warrior scenester using them as an excuse to virtue signal. they believe in safe space venues, which is a massive appeal to respecting authority. it doesnt feel like punk
>fat mike seemed cool in the 90s
kike singing "kill all the white man" "don't call me white" "we're the 'brews"
This total trash
oh man you missed out some rad fucking shit, check out F.Y.P... front man todd is the guy that signed up berzerk
I raped your mother today
And it doesn't matter much to me
As long as she spread
Misfits are emo. The name. wearing makeup and hair in your eyes? You. Are. Emotional...
Excuse me while I go sing about "Halloween", muh favorite holiday. How Punk!
because all punk songs sound the same
This is punk
who owns the industry and decides what makes it or not regardless of what people want>?
mtv was metal then overnight bam rap only then bam faggotry. the people follow along not the other way around.
good shit man. west coast stuff?
In Portland Or the mentors came to town and they were goimg to play at the Hawthorne and you can guess what happened, shit libs protested and got the show cancled.
The music scene is now inclusive, diverse and feminist. The future is female and NPR tier boring.
Punk is the most standardized conformist genre of live music
Misfits Collection 1 is great fun to listen to.
lol nah thats shit
you are so fucking retarded. when they toured with necros was that an emo tour? is black flag emo because henry rollins has misfits tattoos?
>le edgy 15 year old who just found punk rock music
>So we get the liner notes from the band and at the end it says, "This message was not brought to you by George Soros". This is where the problem starts. George Soros is a Billionaire who got his money from exploiting the foreign currency exchange. He screwed a bunch of countries to make his money. It is also important to note that he is also a member of the Carlyle Group, which is a company that makes money from selling weapons. Okay, that sucks. Meanwhile he has been giving close to 500 million dollars annually to progressive causes and has founded a network of philanthropic organizations in over 50 nations throughout the planet. He is spending a good part of his fortune trying to get Bush out of office. Maybe he feels guilty or something, I don't know. The point is that he has given money not to us, but to many great organizations such as Moveon.org and America Coming Together, and these organizations help support us. I didn't want an anti-Soros message on the first Rock Against Bush comp, because I don't want to make enemies within our movement. I am trying to unite people not alienate them from each other.
Singing about raping your mother and killing a baby is pretty punk. Punk is whatever you want it to be. Death Grips is new punk, they're pretty relevant.
its literally not a punk song but it is a punk singing a cover. and yes I do like that version and that song
You are the biggest faggot known to modern man.
Ok faggot, nice trops though
when did this happen?
Because white people and their culture is no longer relevant you nazi fuck
I've seen most of these bands in the last decade and I can assure you none are relevant. They're all old men now, it's sad. DRI still puts on a good show but no new material. GG Allin made shitty music and was never relevant.
yeah california based but we're their portland branch, i'm still really good friends with the guys... i still have a pair of chad cellars's (RIP) drum sticks
i was the drummer for his previous project band
GG allin was a performance artist and I still have his stuff on rotation.
>I prefer prostitutes to relationships, and jacking off over all
Absolutely brutal man.
Got co-opted by communists, and everything they do becomes lame bullshit and falls apart.
If this poser commie was attacking this:
then I would understand. this shit is actually gay
listening to them the other day. classic
I know Jow Forums is gay for death grips. what is this shit? kinda sucks
Suicidal Tendencies' first album was punk but they went metal and DRI was thrash
well its not misfits so fuck it:
Technology. Garage bands are a thing of the past because kids make music alone on their computers now.
I agreed with you until I found this
fuck yeah i love that raw sound, takes me back, cemetaries, goth chicks that look like that little slut in that movie the craft...downhill from there.
It's got the energy and aggression of old punk and they're actually relevant and making new music. That vid was at fucking Coachella
white people have been denied any form of uniquely white cultural capital that is not country music
the purpose is to make whites adopt the "country music" persona and become worthlessly disarmed dregs concerned about the minor details of life OR adopt the full kike agenda and worship niggers and shit
It’s still around just gotta know where to look.
The reason we don't get punk anymore is because it is not in fashion right now. Current music is all shimmering abstract overproduced autotuned pop made on computers. That is the complete opposite of punk music. The masses don't seem to want that right now. It will come back. Eventually people will get sick of the manufactured shit and real music made by real people will come back. We just have to wait it out.
Only faggots listen to that
DANZING > Misfits
spread em queer bait
Been hitting the misfits constantly
They are the BEST
he still got it too listen at him howl this chorus
I just saw them live last month in chicago
Punk music was also shitty
i'd call you faggot but i'll save it for a queer with less auditory pedestrian acumen.
this is like indie or garage. its good though. punk should be a little more aggressive, some parts are too chill. plus they look like hipsters and not punks. dont get me wrong I would totally go to a show they were playing
>Modern punk sucks
ftfy, modern day "punks" are nothing more then bootlicking commie college students living on daddy's credit card and whining about how everything that isn't in line with their view is fascism, all while they get constantly dabbed on by boomers and zoomers
both are good. and samhain too. I might have overplayed danzig. and misfits just never seem to be overplayed.
doing squats listening to astro zombies just today, i will make my son listen to the misfits.
There're still punk music around, only it's about defending the establishment and denouncing the patriarchy. The green days are long gone
I saw a GG 'show' sometime around 1990. His young son(ten yo or so) was running around the room trying to sell people GG's empty beer cans. Apparently, he was upset that night because he couldn't score any dope. He played like 3 songs, then pulled down his pants and took a huge shit on the stage. He then picked up the shit and covered himself with it. DESU the whole scene was revolting and pretty depressing to watch.
These kikes are establishment as fuck.
Punk literally means “prison faggot kept as sex slave.”
It’s amusical and retarded. Very Jewish and subversive.
NOFX right?
I reckon the timing is perfect for a new punk band to come out and give shit to modern lefties and champion freedom of speech. We need more bands like FEAR, Antiseen etc.
Was into punk/Hardcore during the mid-80's. Played in a grindcore band in the early 90's. Sockeye is the best/worst band ever. youtube.com
Half of those bands are crossover thrash
>original punk
> a bunch of corporate trash
You’re a stupid faggot.
oh i am here