Destroying the Planet for $$$

We don't want profit for oil companies, we want a clean planet to leave our children! Stop polluting, stop ruining America's ecosystems, stop killing all the animals.

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>we want a clean planet to leave our children! Stop polluting, stop ruining America's ecosystems, stop killing all the animals.
I don't even know where to begin with how retarded this is. Please, I beg you go back

If your going to get serious about saving the planet you need to support wiping out niggers , and kikes they are the biggest threat to Mother Earth

but its clean coal bro

t. faggot

Yeah! What he said, China!

We are all upset about these daunting issues. Instead of giving up and insulting people for bringing them up, lets work together to support a sustainable healthy planet.
From the people who brought you dry water and cold heat.

Biden and Al Gore sending the steel industry to china did far more damage to the planet than Trump saying natural gas is good and goverment wont sodomize companies that want to smelt steel with coal.

Talk to China if you want to save the environment.

Attached: us vs china.png (740x393, 40K)

>sustainable healthy planet
One doesnt exist. You don't understand anything about the planet, let alone how we interact with it. I know you're still in middle school so maybe you still have time to learn, but if you dont then you will continue being a sheep

Whats clean coal? How is it different from coal? Do they wash it or something?

The fact that capitalism will cause an environmental crisis that kills off most of the planet is an irony and justice that only God can engineer. I don’t even mean muh global warming, I mean things like water shortages, extinctions and resource depletion.

Fuck industrial capitalism.

Just because China does it worse, doesn't mean we have to make the same mistakes. China isn't the one destroying 1000's of lakes, rivers, and swamps across America by doubling down on non-renewable energy. Only we can keep America's greatest resource, bio diversity and healthy ecosystems, alive and well for years to come. Blaming other people wont alleviate the responsibility we have to this great land.

This, there's so much coded bullshit language in these environmental movements, it ain't helping anyone sending food aid to the Ebola/AIDs petri dish in Africa

America is the land flowing of milk and honey which our Lord God promised our fathers to give to us as a possession. We must protect this land from those determined to see it destroyed. The day will come when we must rise up against those groups working to ensure these blessed lands are corrupted by the poisons of greed and gluttony.

Oil companies have saved us from a left wing liberal soros dystopia by supporting Trump, and we should appreciate it.

I will do a bit of free recruitment marketing for them.

>chinas not destroying lakes and other waterways like America

You’ve either never been to China or America or both. Their lakes are empty while we restock ours. They dump trash right into the waterways.

The largest fuck up in human history was plastic. It was possible to make plastic that will biodegrade from hemp , yet it was made illegal at the behest of oil companies.

we fucked up

Sempra Energy, with the full support of Trump, are furthering their destructive efforts in Louisiana and pushing America's beautiful waterways to eminent extinction.

I want my children to be able to go down to the stream, catch a fish, and eat it. Without worrying about being poisoned, or worse, them going completely extinct. We must fight back against these evil greedy companies before our way of life is lost forever.

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But user who would keep the infinite growth ponzi scheme running then? The (((investors))) have to buy their 3rd yacht this year!

We should impose a carbon tax on all energy companies and raise income taxes to fight climate change it's that easy!