What the fuck has happened in schools?

Holy shit.

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Yeah the teacher should know who to spell inappropriately

Pics or it didn't happen

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I used to do things like this up until age 12. But then again I have mild autism.

It's parents that have gone crazy. Schools just have to do this shit to appease parents and protect themselves from lawsuits.

Wait, I'm confused, I thought they're supposed to be encouraging young children to expose themselves?

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Parents expose their kids to degenerate shit. It's a fucked world man...

Whys a little girl doing THAT..
Whats going on in that house? Geezuz wtf. Your worried about the school/teacher?? Should be worried about the parents teaching their kids that

Hahah for no reason... haha.. ha..

It's not like the germans were worse off before Hitler...

How the fuck is that a treatment?!

>He never played butthole surfers
I bet your parents didn't even love you

well her future has already been predicted

>children acting childish
Parent's fault for not beating some sense into that bitch and expecting the schools/daycare to do it

You're right OP that handwriting is horrific and a shocking indictment of American education

She's going to grow up to be a stripper.

I flashed my dick in 1st grade to annoy girls, was innocent as you could be back then.

>Calling that bad handwriting
Have you even seen the spastic handwriting of some people? You can at least read what is in the OP.

Please let this be an 11th grade girl.

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how many years were you in the 1st grade

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>11th grade
You rode the short bus to school.

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That's just something stupid a kid in that age (say's she's in daycare) might do, get a hold of yourself.

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Autists. What's the "TLC"-option for, when it's so fucked up you call them to make a program about it?

I am so erect right now

meh, I've done worse stuff. My friends even worse

lmao nigga

it's when you basically coddle them so they stop whining over nothing

tender loving care


Not that there's much difference from schools.

Daycare. So obviously it's a very little child. Children do strange stuff, that's normal.
But ofc the women dictating in they daycare have to have some drama and outrage, althou that traumatizes the children.

Females are just horrible creatures, sorry to have to say, but they are NOT good for children.