Are high college dropout rates a problem?

Are high college dropout rates a problem?

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Because not everyone is cut out for college, but everyone is told they have a right and obligation to go to college. Also lots of shitskins who get scholarships for being shitskins and not for being college material.



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I know what you want to hear.
That nobody needs college, and that college is cancer, and you can learn everything on YouTube.
Well that’s all bullshit.
Few things will enrich your life as much as a quality liberal arts education.

No. The dropouts can either go back to mommy and daddy, starve, or work a trade. Most likely the first and third. So best case scenario is cost of tuition drops cause supply and demand.

I'm graduating sunday :)

Women shouldn't even be going to college.

The female of our species, or more correctly, the female mind in our species, is extremely susceptible to individual psychosis and solipsism, and even more so, herd panic, trend and consensus; and verbalizing those behaviors by drama, outburst, disapproval, shaming, ridicule, rallying, gossiping, and reputation destruction that never ceases.

This is the reason why women’s testimony has been discounted throughout history; why the cancer of Abrahamism was spread through women; why women defected against their men and their civilization yet again, to feminism-postmodernism; and why there are continuous calls for “women must be heard”; and then, not surprisingly, counter-to-all-evidence that “women must be believed”. The female lacks the degree of male agency because she is more dependent upon the panic of herd than the hunting of the pack.

It is rather obvious that once given the franchise under the presumption of agency, that women took out their anger on the church in Europe, and on men in America. It’s rather obvious that as much as Marxism was designed to appeal to and rally men at the bottom, that feminism and postmodernism were designed to appeal to and rally women. It is rather obvious that women’s urge to nest and preen are more easily manipulated by advertising marketing and media.

As much as some people respond to the Jewish question and support their removal, I think others will respond to the woman question, and support removing most women's legal rights, restoring them to a childlike legal status.

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I dropped out of college because I realized my master was exactly the same as my bachelor
same topics, same level of difficulty, just a couple more years of the same shit (except for essays which now had to be 15 pages instead of 12)

The only reason I didn't drop out is that I was 90% done. Those basic credit requirements are a fucking bitch and a half and a waste of time.

yes because that's how you end up with a bunch of angry no pussy getting NEETs

I dropped out cause I got hired to design network circuits at Bell Atlantic when DSL was the new shit.

Ya but only 30% of people even have bachelors so you're not really a dropout

>Abrahamism was spread through women
Explain please.

>piece of paper is proof I am smart
Lol if you are rich you could buy a diploma and claim to authority everyone because you are lee ebin smart

College is the easiest 4 years of your life

>abrahamism was spread through women

The reason I wanted to go to grad school was because I thought I could study what I wanted. I also wanted to fuck more college sluts. But now I see that zoomer girls are mostly fat dykes and getting into grad school is hard and you can't study what you want. That sucks.

Not sure. College seems damn worthless to me. I'm going to finish because I have one more year left but it seems like mostly a waste of time. I don't say this as someone who's getting a meme degree. I say this as someone who's getting an EE degree at a highly ranked school. I will probably have to live in a car once I graduate. College isn't the get into the middle class free card it used to be.

yes any time someone wastes their time it's a problem. time is running out for the west. we fuck off and go to liberal arts school and take lesbian dance theory majors, we saddle our young men and women with debt rather than with children to raise, and all the while the world is passing us by.

You don't have to work in your degree field.

ment to say to

it's because everyone goes to college and there's an older generation in the way of highly specialized people moving up into those jobs.

why hire a fresh out of college EE when you have an abundance of 45-60 year olds who already have experience? only realistic solution is boomers die off

>is extremely susceptible to individual psychosis and solipsism, and even more so, herd panic, trend and consensus; and verbalizing those behaviors by drama, outburst, disapproval, shaming, ridicule, rallying, gossiping, and reputation destruction that never ceases.
You just described Jow Forums

Well said/pol/.I would only add what I think is an important component to any thread like this.
Biology precludes a woman's ability to Lead or manage effectively. Biologically and psychologically, women become distressed,distorted and lacking of sound judgement once every 28 days.By design,intelligent or otherwise,they are not fit for leadership !

Edfag here. This is not an issue. One issue is that fuckers are using college loans as a general welfare program. Get into college, ride that train as long as they can until they drop out.

Another issue is a mismatch between degree programs and what the workforce calls for.

Finally, there's a "give blatantly unqualified people a shot at college, because, and this is a direct quote
>College is for everyone.

That last one OCCASIONALY comes up with a success, but in order to get that success, you need to send a whole lot of failures through the grinder.

Community/Junior college/trade schools to get job skills for whatever jobs are available, or even to make low wage workers more competent. You don't need a fast food to take 2 years of extra liberal arts, but a course or two in food safety, CPR, basic finance, could make them much more effective at their jobs.

Consder, what's the problem? Good students failing? Bad students getting in? The current philosophy is to let everyone in, but in order to have a standard that means something, it means that some people will fail.

Because college is a scam to get taxpayer money these days.

Doesn't mean that it won't work for some people, it does, but this whole "everyone should go" is a massive scam.

I tried college for a year, it was a local community College so I didn't lose much money.

Now I'm a programmer, all self taught- admittedly my Linux knowledge has gotten me the bulk of my jobs though.

College has turned into snake oil... cures a few, worthless to most

Why do people go to college in the first place? The trades are far better. Gives you practical useful skills, and lands you payng work that cant be replaced with robots for the most part.

Why go into debt when you can go into trades?

If anything, college is anti-education. Its litterally just 10 year old information, or propaganda for some political movement.

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Dropout and fail rates aren't high enough, there are too many bullshit degrees, the ratio of administration to professors to students is all wrong, too much of a college's budget goes toward constant expansion and renovations of non academic functions, and it's too easy for anyone to get guaranteed government loans straight out of high school. At the very least there are many degrees that should be self-contained within academia - it should not be possible to use loans to pay for these degrees, since expecting a job afterward to cover those loans is ridiculous.

Agreed, there are too many normies in college


I dropped out because I fucked around and didn’t care.

I sat smoking weed in my room during the day and went to the rec center and played basketball at night.

If I had a direction in college I would have been more obligated to try, but I have no one to blame my lack of direction on but myself.

I fell behind and it all felt below me, like what difference would it make? The kids who are going to be making the big bucks committed when we were freshman, no one gets there crap together junior year and ends up with a quantitative finance major(which I’m retrospect is a terrible thought). Yet others loved to act like they had every thing together like they were prepared for every test and had all their course loads planned out, then when these things came up my peers were never actually prepared and panicked, even in baby retard tier classes. It created an even greater feeling of insignificance and made me blow off my school more and spent more time at the school gym. In retrospect I should have never let this effect me and is honestly one of the biggest disappointments in myself.

My work ethic was not there plain and simple. I’ll realize soon I should have incentivized it, I don’t really enjoy my job now but it pays the bills and loans. College was gay as all hell school wise, almost demeaning, But if I ever see the opportunity to benefit from a degree and have an effective means of payment I plan on finishing. It’s really just another career option but if utilized properly can be extremely useful.

There’s a plethora of reasons people drop out, but I’d bet a majority are like me, just didn’t give a fuck because to them there is no objective.
Always be objective kids

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This is why they should teach philosophy in high school. Too much nihilism.

Agreed. I wish I had woken up to it sooner. But i am glad I woke up to it all, because I see it in many, even ones who do finish.

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The most likely reason is that they realize how badly they are getting scammed and would rather leave with no degree and some debt than with a worthless degree and a mountain of debt

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because a ba/bs means, you passed the filter faggot, now pick a masters or doctorate at anything and then you actually learn skills for a field.

No the problem is the high amount of people wasting their time going to college

I was about 90% done with college but dropped out a few months ago and went to go talk with an Air Force recruiter the same week. Just couldn’t do it anymore. Was close to killing myself. Fast forward to now, I ship out to basic in July after signing a 4 year contract with a really cool job

>why hire a fresh out of college EE when you have an abundance of 45-60 year olds who already have experience? only realistic solution is boomers die off
What? Literally nobody does this.

I read somewhere the other day that the University of Michigan has over 100 diversity administrators or counselors or something. Like, what the fuck do these people do all day, go around counting niggers and queers?

Could've been an officer . . .

My gpa was fucked.

I dropped out, started two companies that both failed after 5 years
work for another company in engineering for 5 years
got hired by two other companies part time
then one other engineering company fulltime basically doubled my salary in a year
no degree
not really any regrets but my mom wishes I finished college
also this asian girl didnt want to date me because I didn't have a degree even though
otherwise all good.

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It wouldn't help, it runs deeper than simple ignorance of the concept of nihilism. Nihilism is the condition of our souls.

for jobs that want people with college degrees, the job itself should pay for the college courses/degree they want the person to have.
they can offer it to people that already have worked for them for an X amount of time, that have shown to be responsible or intelligent.
this way there's a job waiting for the college graduate, it stops the huge amount of waste due to dropouts, it also reduces the amount of unqualified people that slip through college system with degrees.
yes, it would gut the for-profit edumacation industry, but it's mainly useless liberals that will be affected by it the most, so who cares.

instead people are getting master degrees in ancient asian art and then they graduate with $75k in debt, and can only work as a barista.
The businesses should really show the demand for the degree, not the student.

>No not a problem yet.

But right now we have a surplus of college students. That makes it harder for people to find jobs that require their learned skills. Thus the job market that they can get into is limited making it look like all of the entry level jobs are gone because of this massive surplus of people. This lack of entry jobs makes the promise of a nearly guaranteed job out of college seem like a lie, and these now out of college adults tell the college students they should drop out and not go to college because it was a lie and a waste the money.
>Can't forget about the student debt issue too.

That's why we should start to see a decline in college admissions and hopefully a increase in trades and professions.

I considered military after college but even with the whole special treatment officers get being sent to Iraq for years would suck, and now it's been years since I was in college so that would mean burning out the remainder of my 20s in a bunker getting shelled by sandnigs.

Pretty sure I'm just gonna teach English in Poland and hook up with cute Polish teachers.

The state has no place teaching what one ought to value, that is for the family and community, and is part of the whole reason why everything is propagandized as it is. They should be teaching objective fundamentals such as language,writing,logic,math,science and history before they even get to anything as abstract as philosophy.

High college dropout rates are definitely a problem. You have to pay back the debt you owe, and you've earned nothing.

>go to college because that's what literally everyone told me to do
>See it's full of entitled and arrogant morons who have insanely inflated egos
>fuck this
>Drop out
>get cushy trade job making $130k a year

To each their own or whatever

We would need the entire college system to be redone. The system as it exists is meant entirely to be highschool 2.0 since that was what the rich did with their kids- sent them to Yale to fuck around for a few years. Frats have existed for 200+ years. To make college into a straight and narrow course to gain skills like trade school you'd need to uproot the entire thing and force them to cut back on the useless shit- 120 credits required to graduate but most degrees are 40 or less? Why not just 40 to graduate period?


No, it is literally that easy.
t. run several multi-million dollar operations.
The "smart" ones are the dumbest and hardest to train. You have to "re-learn" them everything. We are already in talks of hiring straight out of high school and building future employees from the ground up.
>If only college students knew how bad things really are

>why hire a fresh out of college EE when you have an abundance of 45-60 year olds who already have experience?
because you can pay them a lot less

You can't teach anything without teaching values. Department of Education should be abolished.

>Are high college dropout rates a problem?

More like a solution....and that liberal SJW bullshit made the real intelligent people realize that college is a joke (except STEM).

If there is a problem, colleges that still embrace STEM will lose their funding.

Nope. And Bernie's free college will just make the numbers worse. Unless it's stem or accounting or some shit like that it's a waste of time.

Im about to drop out after my first year because I dont care about taking classes that aren't in any way related to what I want to do. Even if I wanted to go back next year im probably not gonna be eligible for financial aid because my GPA for this quarter is almost guaranteed to be below a 2.0