Its da JOOS fault my life is bad

>Its da JOOS fault my life is bad

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The world would objectively be a better place if every single Jew and nigger were dead.

Jews don't really exist.

It's true, tho.

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Sloppy job mossad

Can you kikes stop using the term "joos"?
It's passe and it's like you are shouting from the rooftops that you are kikes when you use it.

Hard to argue with that.

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My life is good, but jews are factually behind almost every (if not every) destabilizing movement in the west.

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>its da wypepols fault

>1 post by this id

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Is it?

My life is great. But what does that have to do with the fact that jews should be exterminated?


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>Laurence Fabius

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>Niggers shrunk muh cock
>Jews lowered my IQ
>Spics stole my jobs

These are the things a weak whyte supremacist say.. How can you be the master race but be such whiny losers?

The whole objective of being supreme is being better than everyone else.. If a dumb spic stole your job and inferior jews run your planet.. How the fuck are you superior?

sutherland isnt jewish m8

Da heebs be keepin snow niggas down yo

I'm not jewish
Nice strawman
I just posted the thread 5 minutes ago calm down

Suck dick cheese out of your uncut corndog masterrace cock fucking school shooting queer ill rip your tiny cock off your body and feed it to you through a straw you snowbeast hermaphrodite

First day on Jow Forums?

Even worse, he was Irish.