John Brennan has been losing his mind all day
NICOLE WALLACE: Who uses the word "spying" to discuss authorized lawful surveillance on a counter-intelligence probe, other than Sean Hannity?

JOHN BRENNAN: Well, William Barr, clearly, and I think Donald Trump as well.


JOHN BRENNAN: Well, I think they are trying to imply and to really indicate there was a misuse of authorities. That was not the case. Does CIA spy? Yes. Against our foreign adversaries? Yes. Do we spy against domestic individuals? No, we do not. We work very closely with the FBI. And when the Russians were trying to interfere in that election, and change the outcome of it in their favor, we, CIA and FBI, worked very collaboratively so we could have the ability to see what the Russians were doing and who they were working with. When William Barr said spying, it clearly indicated there was something inappropriate if not illegal. Nobody used the term spying when they are referring to a legitimate predicated authorized investigative action on the part of the FBI.

NICOLE WALLACE: Why do you think he uses it? Is it taunting? Does it signal to the intelligence community that he's coming for you? Does it signal that he's watched too much Sean Hannity? What does that word mean inside the intelligence community?

JOHN BRENNAN: I think he's playing to Mr. Trump. Throughout that testimony, it was clear that what Mr. Barr was doing was trying to say things and characterize things in a manner that was not only consistent with what Mr. Trump has said but also very supportive of it. So when he responded to Kamala Harris and to others on these issues, he thought about it. They asked him, was there spying? He said, yeah, there was.

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Other urls found in this thread:

To me, that really suggests he already is looking at things that really did not happen. It was predicated, legal, authorized. If they want to take a look at the FISA practices and other things, that's legitimate. A question about investigations and whether that's going to suck the air out of the whole environment. It's clear in my mind that what Mr. Barr was suggesting was that the FBI was engaged in politically motivated spying against one of the candidates.

NICOLE WALLACE: Let's just be super clear for our viewers. A FISA application, I can remember talking to a Justice Department official at the time Devin Nunes was trying to declassify the FISA application over the objections of FBI director. Christopher Wray was there. This DOJ official said bring it on. This is an incorruptible piece of the Justice Department. These are so scrubbed, so scrutinized, these are slowed down by the bureaucracy. And Rod Rosenstein's signature is on the reauthorizations. The standard for reauthorizing a FISA is even higher. They have to prove it is fruitful. Once and for all, what will they find in one, two, three examinations, reviews, investigations of the origins of the Russia investigation?

JOHN BRENNAN: I don't know. They may try to be dissecting the language in the FISA concern?

NICOLE WALLACE: What was the concern? What was going on?

JOHN BRENNAN: I think they are trying to demonstrate that there were problems with what the Obama administration did as far as pursuing the investigation. But as you point out, it went through a rigorous due process within the Department of Justice and FBI. It was approved by the FISA court. It went through all of those steps. If they look back in 2020, are they going to find something that should have been said differently? Whatever, they might. That's what they are trying to do is uncover something they will misrepresent as being part of this deep state effort to try to undermine Donald Trump's election.

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Lmao barr is FISHING




So he's basically confirming they fucked up and is now doing damage control?

He's scared because he knows he's gonna be court martialed and executed.

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Whoever this insufferable MSLSD cunt is, she should hang next to Brennan since she is such an ardent defender of a Rouge Communist spook

>damage control
it's called Obstruction of Justice

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Brennan is a fagget
Comey is a fagget
Obama is a fagget

These leftist news propagandists enrage me, but then I just relax and realize that only about 50k people in the U.S. actually watch this shit

He should be scared. He's the only Muslim (except Obama) in a conspiracy of Jews. The rest of them would love to scapegoat him if they could.

These people are INSANE

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John Brennan asked mossad to kill Seth Rich. Obama is a Zionist Indonesian Jew.

t. schizo jewish spammer makes another dumb thread

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How is this schizophrenic at all? Do you realize how ridiculous you shills have become? Scared about Israelgate being exposed?

Why does he always look angry like he still can't find where he left his brain? Is that why he became a Muslim?

I know Brennan is a loyal servant of the kikes. That doesn't mean they see him as one of them, so if they can use him to save themselves, they'll do it gladly.

I laugh at all you ZOG shills tryring to call him a muslim because you're so mentally ill you actually think you're protecting israel.

John Brennan is a zionist and Obama is LITERALLY A ZIONIST JEW.

Fuck Israel. That doesn't change the fact that this deranged loser somehow made it to the top of the CIA in spite of his bizarre behaviors. He makes GHWB look good.

He made it to the top of the CIA because Israel wanted him there...

Chames Gomey will die in Guantanamo bay.
John Brennan will die in Guantanamo bay.
Peter Strzok will die in Guantanamo bay.
Lisa Page will die in Guantanamo bay.
Greg Craig will die in Guantanamo bay.
Rex Tillerson will die in Guantanamo bay.
Barack Obama will die in Guantanamo bay.
Mike Pence will die in Guantanamo bay.
Joe Biden will die in Guantanamo bay.
Jeb Bush will die in Guantanamo bay.
George Bush will die in Guantanamo bay.
Hillary Clinton will die in Guantanamo bay.

Arguing over a choice of words = Deflection by Brennan

>"legitimate predicated authorized investigative action on the part of the FBI."

Then nothing to fear. We shall see how 'legit the predicate'.

Bahahahahaha what a stupid list.

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No shit, Sherlock. By way of deception etc. etc. He's a mental midget.

Be gentle it's my first time desu

>tfw the other side is now edging towards obstruction of justice and interference in a fed prosectors investigations

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That's my favorite Tool song.
>learn to swim
>learn to swim
>learn to swim


Rosenstein is a patriot

Rodney "the rat" Rodentstein is so fucking scared erry time. Talk about being caught in the middle.

Actually Rosenstein is a witness and you're scared of him.

They did a live debut of the first new song in 13 years. The goddamn nigger audience talked through the whole damn thing

They all need to hang from trees.

I ain't scared of shit. As you confirmed, the rat is still trying to play down the middle in fear of what might come back to him.

Just look at that nose

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>is obvious


He was probably duped by McCabe, Strozk and their cohorts providing a lot of bullshit info to him.

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Yes. Obfuscate, muddy the waters, try to dodge the prosecutors. But it's not going to work Johnny boy, you are going down.

yep, he fucked up ((authorizing))

They know they're fucked. People going to start mysteriously dying soon.

>oh fuck why am I here what is going on how do I get out of this

it's not fishing

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I want to see Brennan executed on live TV.

Now you're just being racist,

After being arrested, charged, tried in a court of law, and being found guilty of multiple counts of treason of course.

Honestly I think anyone that’s been following this knows what coming (excluding Reddit peps and the hard core brainwashed fake news npcs) it’s just a matter of when it will happen. Dc moves fucking slow and there’s a counter to every step of the way. Then IG that’s Barr assigned is not allowed to indicate anyone he can only say this is what not to do going forward so most likely it’s gonna be months or at least one month before any indictment. Also people are dumb and forget things so trump does want to do his big things closer to election date. The dude ended the Korean War and it got memory holed. He not just up against dems but also MSM the people that control the narrative. MSM is good at hiding information

>mfw I imagine the snap of Brennans neck as he is dropped down a hangmans hole

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I can't wait for the perp walk. These bums are going down like those college girls who punch people then can't beLIEVE they are akshully being arrested.

>mfw I'd rather watch him dangle

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I got my timing wrong and had to drive home to Fresh Air, so of course the Jews were talking about prono in depth with Howard Stern. It was so strange as to actually be interesting.

And then I got home and had to take a shit, so I put on Alex Jones while I was on the John Crapper, and he starts ranting away about wanting to get on Stern. What the hell is even going on anymore?


amazingly Russians were doing all these things to try to influence the elections, and no proof to put a mass amount of people in jail, they didnt even try to manufacture evidence to throw guilty people in jail, why, because its all a lie

who the fuck is going to trust Mueller anyways, after leaving 4 innocent people in jail, helping create a permissive environment for the US to commit war crimes, and allowing the Uranium One deal with Russians so that Clinton Foundation could rake in big cash?

In spite of 17 intelligence agencies (who still can't provide proofs years later) those damn russians still got a one up on us again!

He can glow no harder. This is peak glowing.

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Soon you will determine in your own mind why they hired 0bama for the jerb.
Leftists are quite racist.
They planned ahead and knew there was risk.
You think they didn't have a contingency plan?

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He's going to kill himself soon.

Retarded boomers and their dog and pony show distractions.

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He is a Muslim convert, though, ZOG notwithstanding.

There's nothing insane about not wanting the public to find out you are literal vampires, user.

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This is your propaganda.
Your demoralization whore shit

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>Hey Adam, what do you think about checking the myth that guillotines cause the release of zero point energy?


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Hope this kike gets tortured

This is how they feel when they get inducted into the cult:

>no no don't stab us in the face with our own knife we just tried to stab you in the back with
Trump is going to win in a landslide never before seen.

I see it's time to go...
You guise are absolutely seething shieeet n shieeeeet

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Trump is gonna win all 50 states easily

>deep state plot against Trump
You mean like the one his fellow far-leftist CIA glowie comrades BOASTED ABOUT ON LIVE TV?

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if you pass voter id then ya :p

Red Shoe Anthony. Surprise, surprise.

You [good] guys have these demons writhing like they are already in hell... my gosh. Such brutality.

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Bush made a deal in case it wasn't obvious.

Yellow plebit spacing caps lock broken cuck.
Now go away.

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There's going to be a lot of spite voting, more than 2016. It's going to be a theme in the same vein as #walkaway.

Please return to israel, as is your right, as a jew

Except that the OIG already ruled that the 3 FISA extensions were illegally obtained and the initial FISA is now publicly under official investigation by a US Attorney, and the whole predication has been under investigation since last year.

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Digenova just stated on Ingram Angle that a Grand Jury is already empannelled in CT.

It's probably been empaneled for over a year.

fuck you faggot

>JOHN BRENNAN = treason = ROPE

That gargoyle looking SOB is worried.

See... the whole Israel and Trump is like krap.... this is China.
All the top Dems sold out to China. As well as HSBC Comey. It's really very simple.

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Kike [word I don't use] not Like

>HSBC Comey

Unfortunately Commiefornia and Jew York are lost causes, but yeah the landslide is going to happen regardless. Trump is also likely going to (barely) win the popular vote in 2020 as well, robbing the socialists of one of their favorite talking points. I fully expect the communists to say "Fuck it" when they realize they've lost everything on election night and start becoming openly violent, so you faggots better be prepared.

Military tribunals don't work. Look at Gitmo. Those trials have gone nowhere for over 15 years.

>It was predicated, legal, authorized.
predicated: it's been done before?
legal: not if the application was a farce
authorized: see above, or does he mean by someone in particular?

Why the fuck is "spying" a dirty word now? FISA warrants ARE SPY WARRANTS.

>And when the Russians were trying to interfere in that election, and change the outcome of it in their favor, we, CIA and FBI, worked very collaboratively so we could have the ability to see what the Russians were doing and who they were working with.
And their evidence of this was the PISS DOSSIER which we know was 'opposition research' paid for by the Hillary Clinton campaign. They cooked up false claims about Trump in order to get the FISA warrant to surveil/spy on him in order to help Hillary win.

Not racist, Africa is for Africans.

anyone else think he looks like sam the eagle from the muppets?

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We don't need one anyway. Lynch mobs will suffice.

Why do you think they've been renovating the shit out of Gitmo over the past year?

Had to put in the Comey Island signs.

Holy shit fuck this faggot spook. Who the hell is this bureaucrat to raise his voice against elected officials, representing the will of the people? It just shows that these people hate us and see us as an inconvenience to their grand plan of total world domination.

>Who the hell is this bureaucrat to raise his voice against elected officials, representing the will of the people?
He's a literal islamic, communist, jew controlled, spook.

this old faggot is in deep shit

That communist fuckwit has a lot of nerve accusing someone of fishing.

Ladies and gentlemen,
>This #PrideMonth, the #FBI celebrates the diversity of our workforce and recognizes the contributions our #LGBT colleagues have made in their service to the Bureau.
This is shilling for the democratic party.
The FBI is taking taxpayer dollars and using it on political manipulation.
It's voter intimidation, a federal crime.