Is Bill Nye the Science Guy, dare I say it, /our-dare-I-say-it-guy/?
"Science brings out the best in us," said Nye. "With an informed, optimistic view of the future, together we can – dare I say it – save the world!”
Is Bill Nye the Science Guy, dare I say it, /our-dare-I-say-it-guy/?
"Science brings out the best in us," said Nye. "With an informed, optimistic view of the future, together we can – dare I say it – save the world!”
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Wow. He said fuck! I'm so with him now! I'll no longer be a science denier and throw away muh fucking Masters and bachelors in physics and believe some dumb fucking B.S. engineer who couldn't make it even as a Boeing engineer and became a goddamned clown on a kiddy show.
Fuck would I care that's future folks problem
So with the media and lefties going nuts over it lately, one can infer one of two things:
1) They're losing grip on their crafted narrative and as such are doubling down.
2) AGW is real and we're all gonna get toasty in another 20 years as the feedback loop kicks into high gear; and there's no stopping it, thus the panic.
.t the denialist narrative
Anything to save the bottom line, even if fucks humanity over. Boomers on steroids.
Why isn’t this directed at China?
>India 6%
>US 15%
>t. union of concerned scientists
>wypipo bad
No $
all that climate change shit has been a scam since it was invented by the club of rome. nye is just some weird old faggot who is trying to give meaning to his life by making people as hysterical as he is.
If "2)" were actually the case, do you really think the powers that be would be blasting it in normies faces 24/7? They would hush it up as much as possible.
They are desperate to get their agendas to "solve" climate change in place so that when nothing really happens with it they can claim it was due to bold, visionary leadership and programs (that just so happen to continue to destroy the middle class & coalesce global govt). If they don't get them in place soon, then when it turns out to be a fart in the wind, decades of their social programming will be revealed to be entirely false.
even the climate scientists don't believe in a "feedback loop"
fuck off kike
Eisenstein was a hack that stole ideas from others.
That guy makes me hope climate change is real and it wipes out all human life
Is it true?
I think he is pushing the agenda that comes from such wonderful organizations like the RAND corporation and people like the Rothschilds and Rockefellers.
In other words he pushes shit for the masses to consume. Another priest in the cult of scientism to feed the masses their daily miracles and proclamations.
Is this infographic supposed to make me agree with the guys on the right? Cus it's failing.
The solution is nuclear power. If you see anyone saying otherwise they are ignorant or charlatans
mostly because if a country like the United States can't get their shit together enough so solve the problem, theres almost zero chance China would do any better.
Somebody has to do it first. Switching over to clean energy like nuclear, solar, geothermal, etc would be a good start. I'm as conservative as they come but there is no denying that climate change is real and is happening in our lifetime. Both sides of this argument are absolutely retarded. This should not be a political issue.
if he is such a great scientist, why doesn't be build a robot to stop global warming?
Most (((famous))) people are. Who'd he steal from though?
>just use solar power lol
Yeah that’s not feasible
Why would they keep it hush if they wanted to solve it?
James Maxwell and Hendrick Lorentz to name two.
Lorentz is believed to be the true father of relativity.
Just give us whatever they are using to fly the silent UFOs.
Fuck man...the satanists are deliberately suffocating us by keeping us trapped on one planet.
How can such evil even exist?
While humans may have accelerated the issue, climate change is a non-issue. The Earth has suffered a lot worse than this. The bigger issue is fossil fuels and how they're an unsustainable power source long term. We might as well take the leap to nuclear power sooner rather than later. Not because of some microscopic changes in temperature, but because we're going to need to swap anyway.
Disney is handing out science degrees now?
Thank you, I'll look into them.
Obviously not. Our modern media "scientists" apparently think philosophy is a joke.
>gib monies
>muh sex junk
What is the point of this?
>Bill Nye
he played Captain Kangaroo, right?
Ironically, that Bill Nye quote is pretty legit.
Obviously, the climate is changing, but I think the big divide in opinion is the cause. Is anthropogenic climate change really occurring, are are we piss ants on the back of a great behemoth whose cycles we are barely beginning to understand? I'm more inclined to believe the latter. Hell, im more inclined to believe shit like HAARP and weather modification via atmospheric aerosol spraying are responsible for the extreme weather events, shifting of the jet stream, and dramatic change in temperature readings. What I ACTUALLY believe, though, is that our position in the galaxy is the true cause for earth changes of the degrees we're experiencing, as well as changes in other planetary bodies and the sun. Seriously, we're in unexplored territory as far as this iteration of civilization is concerned, last time the solar system was in this area of the milky way was 25k years ago.
>the true cause for earth changes of the degrees we're experiencing
I doubt it. It looks like a regular fucking Ice Age cycle to me, nothing out of the ordinary. Next stop: Glacier town
The "scientific" mouth pieces of this age are just leftist mouth pieces
Maybe, but he was only the fifth biggest hack quoted in the infographic.
>below average GPA with a B.A. in Mech Eng and nothing thereafter
Fucking hope it gets cold.
The difference is that most everyone knows the right panel is all meme scientists.
Some retards actually think Einstein was a genius.
Your lack of (You)s is a disgrace.
>I dare say
it's plainly obvious this is all a globhomo wealth redistribution and globalist control scam, they are so fucking desperate - it's disgusting. Desperation is disgusting.
looks like coldkino is back on the menu
>that planets on fucking fire!
Skepticism sure, but the problem is that sensory information has to first be perceived and then interpreted so you can't science your way out of being a brain in a vat
t. butthurt philosophy major
because all these "environmentalist" don't want to lose their cheap stuff
they want to have their planet and eat it too
so they pat themselves on the back when a regulation is passed in their own country with one hand and buy made in china plastic crap with the other
this is why, despite a major growth in CO2 regulations in the western world, the global CO2 emission level is still rising
the only real solution to pollution would be a heavy pollution tariff on heavy polluters, but that will never happen because "muh free trade" and "muh cheap stuff"
Based Bill Nye
Based John Oliver
Time to eat your maggot sausages, proles
Idiocracy becomes more reality by the day.
Don't feel bad OP. I feel just like you and think he is great. He is a real scientist like your PM is a real economist. All my friends in my cuckolding club and HIV support group absolute love Bill Nye (maybe we met before?). Like Taylor Swift so eloquently spoke, haters gonna hate hate hate..
I don’t understand why my favorite humble childhood science teacher became a comedy freakshow spewing curse words
Because he's really an actor. Never get too attached to actors. They are literally professional liars and many seem to change their personality to suit the time.
>nobody has ever been convicted based solely on false memory
Look up his solar company. Complete fraud. The Chinese makes better shit and cheaper than his crap
>"Science" Guy
>Bill Nye the lying science guy.
An actor that will say whatever he's paid to say.
He was a children's entertainer with a BA in engineering. The fucking pharmacist behind the counter at Walgreens is more of a "scientist" than Bill Nye.
because americans need to pay for it!
>on fire
I'm not aware of any fires that can burn and only result in a warming of 0.2C
Eternal question, driver or Gunner?
Driver. I’m about to roll this shit and kill the gunner. Then I’ll be the gunner
t. brainlet
My sex junk. Oh oh oh.
the worst thing about the internet "hyper fame" is that so many people that you might have looked up to, had you only seen their virtues, now just seem stupid and revolting.
literally everyone used to love bill nye. had he stayed in our memories most of us would still love him, but internet nostalgia resurrected his acting career and it turns out he's a piece of shit.
Consciousness is fundamental. It's not physical. Without consciousness there's no reality. Without reality there's no existence, without existence there is no physical. Consciousness preempts the physical.
>muh climate change
More like Planet X approaching the Earth.
I knew immediately just from reading the post image that you weren't American. Philosophy has been reduced to a childish, meaningless endeavor in the US, which is why it's not taught in public schools though it has the effect of relating concepts taught across all disciplines. We are a nation of specialists, all individually driven in our prospective one directions until we inevitably intersect leaving us completely at odds with each other. That's why Jow Forums is here. This board wouldn't exist in the way that it does if people concerned themselves with philosophy, science, and history instead of base hysteria.
Good post.
bill nye was at pizzagate.
per capita, US is a worse offender than China
>per capita
per capita doesn't mean shit when China is full of bugs and the entire damn sky is grey
This faggot lost all cred with that gender/sexuality is a spectrum bullshit, and isnt a euthologist as well.
Fuck Billy Nye and I hope this planet roasts
>muh global warming
>muh global cooling
>muh climate change
>muh ozone hole
>muh rain forest
>Muh polar bears
>muh sea levels
>muh acid rain
They can fuck off
After the "Sex Junk" video he lost all credibility. By association, so did "climate change". At this point I'm ready to believe that hydrocarbons are generated by geological (not biological) processes same as on the moons of Jupiter.
That doesn't mean anything when we are only ~4% of the World's population.
Think I'd rather trust the broad consensus of the scientific community over the stupidity and self-interest relating to any particular political party. Doesn't take much of a rise in the Earth's temp to jeopardize human health and well-being.
I just don't understand the idiocy of anti-climate science people. The increased carbon emissions and pollution isn't healthy for anyone no matter whether or not it may bring about the end of human life though it certainly could. If you want clean air, clean water, renewable, cheaper fuel sources, then why fight it? I just don't understand the mentality that really thinks that the status quo is sustainable. It isn't; not for resource production or a world that could promote a thriving human population.
People who are against it just seem wholly contrarian and backwards.
oh yeah, whats next? your sex junk is so-oh-oh-oh much more than either or-or-or?
fucking kike
You are seriously retarded. Try learning things on your own, and not being taught, like a dog.
Hey, that's a great argument. How about you try providing one since I'm probably more educated that you are.
I will start to care about antropogenic climate change when leftists start to care about semitogenic population change. Deal?
Yeah okay retard. Dr.Credibility up there using f-bombs like a true professional.
>I'd rather trust the broad consensus
Holy shit.
>man made climate change nutjob
>sex junk
>our guy
>Try learning things on your own, and not being taught, like a dog.
>I'm probably more educated that you are.
Found the dullard pompous self-righteous cunt.
Do you understand the meaning behind the term epistemological? You might want to understand what this means before you venture out into the vast unknown in attempts to inform yourself and know that formal educations are based on widely held theories and tests and experiments. But there's no downside to lower emissions, less pollutants in the air, renewable fuel sources, and the like no matter the overall goal or science, so why fight it? You guys literally have no other reason than your political factions tell you what to believe and do, and you follow them lockstep.
>Bill nye the fake science actor guy!