Self improvement tips

Im not sure which board I should go to to post this so I figured I would just post on my favorite board. I'm sure im far from the only one on Jow Forums who deal with something like this so that may help others too.

I've been lazy, unmotivated and apathetic all my life. I just sit on my computer chair all day long and either shitpost or play video games. I cant keep a job for more than a couple months at a time and eat trash all the time. I'm not fat per say but im def overweight. Im basically sitting on my chair watching my life slowly going away. I feel powerless to do anything to save that situation.

Ive no idea how to tackle this, how do I save myself?

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To defeat the Jews in the world you must defeat the Jews in yourself

Eat right, get enough sleep, and lift.
everything else will follow

Clean your penis.

1: work out. At least go jogging. Actually do it. Don't skip anything related to physical workouts.
2: get your diet in order. No junk food. No candy.
3: consider what you truly value. Is it browsing pol? Of course not. Find out what you truly value, and pursue it.
4: try to imagine yourself three years from now, and where you want to be. Do anything you can to get there. And I do mean ANYTHING.
5: Feeling unmotivated? Imagine what a hell you'd live in if you kept doing what you do now forever.

Drugs will help you out. Try heroin and cocaine.

set goals and achieve them

have tried psychiatric drugs?
honestly, i've been opposed to them for years, but after a fourth semester of spinning my wheels, I'm finally opening up to at least adderall this summer.
go see a shrink and see if you can figure out what's up.

Self improvement is a waste of time, it you dont have the right genes then you were fucked from the start, dont even bother.

Why haven’t you killed your self?

So, literally jihad.

It's rare to see good advice on here but listen to this guy.

It's impossible to explain how to get your shit together to a depressed unmotivated person. I used to share some of your traits but now have a great wife, great job, own a house and a car.

Working out was the first step. Check out Dorian Yates' HIT routine or Buff Dudes videos on YT. Start eating healthy, sleeping well, and working out 4x a week. It will suck at first. You might feel stupid, uncoordinated and weak, but once you start making progress, you wont be able to stop.

You need to build up your confidence and gaining control over your own body is the first step.

Set a weight loss goal and achieve it. Continue to set fitness goals and short term goals toward everything you want to accomplish in life. This will help you build momentum which is the ABSOLUTE KEY to becoming an man.

You're a beta bitch right now, but that's okay as long as you acknowledge the truth and begin working to correct it right this second.

ive always been scared of drugs, never even tried weed once

Jow Forums you fucking retard

honestly the most important step is getting off of the internet and Jow Forums. pardon the crige-ism, but it's a hive of toxicity and not good for motivation.
think about how much time we waste sitting or laying down typing out bullshit on here when we could be working out, socializing, reading, or doing work?

I prefer to refer to it as mein kampf

every time i try working out, i do it a day or 2, then it slowly turns to shit. honestly sometimes it feels like i would only do it if somebody pointed a gun at me and forced me to

I told myself those types of monologues countless times, never did more than temporary spark. maybe im just broken
try a little bit at a time.
and def schedule an appt with a shrink. it might be worth it.

You have nothing to live for user. You are an unmotivated sack of collagen and water. To achieve the things you desire in life, it requires sacrifice and motivation. Would all humans love to sit in their filth everyday and get everything they want handed to them? Of course they do. But the fact is that none of the things that bring true meaning to life are just handed to you.

The feeling that makes everything feel meaningful is the feeling of pride. Your hard work, your wife, kids, the things you slowly make better over time, moving up the ladder of success, the hobbies you do, the dedication you put in to make things better for ANYTHING you do in life. That's the meaning of life. Every small thing you make better in your life will make you realise one day that it was all worth it. It wasn't easy, and sometimes it wasn't fun, but damnit it gave you meaning for living life.

user, you have to want it. It may take years for you to realise what you're actions have achieved for you, but one day it will all make sense.

.t 30 yr old boomer who's life only gets better

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Go fishing
You leaf faggots have some of the best fishing in the world
Its a balance between irritating boredom and pushing through the suck while experiencing bursts of exhilaration. It will teach you delayed gratification, which will help you do everything else you want to do

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this is why I would only go hunting clad in maile

>At least go jogging
Jump rope is all you need.
The funny thing is many faggots believe "it's to easy" HA.
Try doing just half an hour of non stop jump.

Attached: rope.png (841x658, 235K)

Because you don't have a plan going in.

Here, follow this plan:
They have videos on YT for every workout.

Decide right now that you're going to work out for 12 weeks. If you can't follow through on simple self improvement, you'll never follow through on anything. You'll be working at Tim Hortons for the rest of your life.

Sounds like your soul wants a purpose. You want a woman. So you have to work on yourself in order to truly feel satisfied and get enough drive to be someone you want to be. Go keto see you in a month.