Decency won today guys!

Decency won today guys!

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President Joe Biden. Woooo

>blacks have majority of abortions
>now their birth rate will explode
>white genocide in full swing


This will be a short lived victory due to the Judiciary. The will of the people must not prevail in their eyes.

A victory for the 60% black population of Alabama. Soon there will be a massive surge in black birth rates.

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>dressing up like that while defending abortion
They deserve to be shot.

I'm gonna take a wild guess that no one was trying to impregnate those 3 women anyway.

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A Thicc Maiden's Take

2 seconds of that was enough. Thanks for that glimpse into hell.

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Are you a bad enough dude to beat my downboat record? -158 in 16 min. These fuckers are furious they cant murder infants.

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why are repubitards so against killing future rapists , thieves and murderers?

>following laws

Femoids eternally BTFO

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Nice acceleration tactic. I like it. More blacks will eventually lead to a happier future for white people.

That's what cops are for

If they nig, we can arrest them then. Shouldn't execute them first friendo

holy shit this thread is a goldmine

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moloch be pissed

This is leading to very comical interactions on social media.

>the left isn't cheering for abortion

Bonus points is you go through the thread and report all the calls to violence to Reddit mods and get their account b&. The higher the karma count the better

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>not being able to abort kids is sharia law
bitch your husband would be able to abort you if we had sharia law

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>>blacks have majority of abortions
This is a lie. Just like the lie that women don't use abortion as a method of birth control.

At least these women are dressing properly.

What is with incel women and the hand maiden stuff.

Oh, now you're suddenly against Sharia law. Typical.

ITT: faggot virgin incels celebrate something they'll never have to worry about anyway since they'll die alone, unloved, totally sexless, unaccomplished and unmourned.

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And with that the south goes fully blue in 30 years. Dems have already been encouraging black with money to me to the south and get involved in local politics as a par of there "gentrify the south" movement.

hand maidens are getting d

>Abortion is a human right
Just how stupid does one have to be, actually?

>forced birth extremists

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Maybe, maybe not. They're losing their slaves at an alarming rate. Why do you think they're pushing reparations now?

>capable of critical thought and analysis

They are wahmen after all.

Learn to change a diaper

This. Retards against abortion don’t seem to realize it’s cheaper to pay a couple hundred for an abortion than have to support a child from cradle to grave. Then they’ll be like but muh taxes... well shamika never shoulda had 7 kids. Had she aborted we wouldn’t be paying for their everything

Why do republicans want to die on this hill again?

There will be a civil war in the US, in my lifetime, between non ironic neonazis and people who cosplay as Harry Potter and game of thrones characters...

Implying that they can actually afford one

>President Defenseless Schoolzones Woooo

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>State full of minorities bans abortion
>White states allow it

Really gets the 'ol thinker going

Read the butthurt here!

More hoodrats running around.
More crime, more drugs.
More food stamps, wic, etc.
More traffic, more mouths to feed, more people in a world full of too many people.

Alabama is also dead last in education in this nation if I recall correctly. More hoodrats likely won't be any improvement.

60% black population? Fake News Faggot

But at least other people will be just as miserable as me. That's all I want.

Also not a fan of murder but that's secondary.

Soon to be 99% black population.

Its like Harry Potter. They can only express themselves through pop culture.
My daughter was born at 24 weeks. She lived and I watched her grow. You can take your baby murdering ass and go.fag it up with those cocksuckers on redit.

Filthy demons.

>theocratic fascists who want to rape women and then force them to birth their rape babies
unironically, i do.
it's a good way to increase the white population
just copy the niggers by raping and criminalize abortion

Nah, we'll just give them wire coat hangers for free..

Banning abortion is stupid. Creating a life on accident should be able to be canceled if not wanted.

People need to stay out of people's lives when it comes to that shit.. too many crazy bible thumpers using their blood money to get Congress to pass stupid laws.

I keep seeing muh "sex strike"
Do these idiots not realize they are proposing celibacy which is something they hate?

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They are going to wait until they secure the south for themselves before making a stronger push for reparations. Just look at the amount of black folk moving back south.

While whites just "talk" about forming white ethno enclaves, blacks are fully acting on and creating their own enclaves with political power and influence. Just look at whats going on with Atlanta right now.

>nobody is reading this REEEE

If anyone else is fucking quth reddit here are some choice quotes from Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood:
> "We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members" (Margaret Sanger commenting on the 'Negro Project' in a letter to Gamble, Dec. 10, 1939).

> "I accepted an invitation to talk to the women's branch of the Ku Klux Klan ... I saw through the door dim figures parading with banners and illuminated crosses ... I was escorted to the platform, was introduced, and began to speak ... In the end, through simple illustrations I believed I had accomplished my purpose. A dozen invitations to speak to similar groups were proffered" (Margaret Sanger, "An Autobiography," Page 366).

Then ask them why 63% of all Planned Parenthood, started by a KKK member, clinics are located in black neighborhoods which comprise less than 2% of the populated landmass.

Thats what makes it all worth it. I pissed of 160 people with a shitpost it took 30 seconds to make. Thats how you win a meme war: 1 shitposter tied down 160 of the enemy like a fucking guerrilla raid.

This, only ~3% of abortions are for rapes, incest, economic, and/or health reasons. The rest are 'unspecified', or for convenance.

Vaginas that touch, er... penises that touch, uh condoms, will no longer touch... ours?

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Lol kudos, faggot. You will still crawl into your bed alone. Just like every other night.

Good. Theres still much to do, so lets not linger

Although black women have more abortions than whites, they still end up having more kids than white women. white women who abort tend to have very few children if any

>women should have the right to murder then unborn because they couldn't control themselves
Show beef curtains

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ban abortion for whites but not for non-whites

We have legal abortion now and we're still paying for Shamika's 7 kids. In fact, the rise of Shamika's 7 kids from 18 baby daddies directly coincided with the legalization of abortion, so somebody is full of shit.

I have a wife and a kid . There is no higher entertainment on this earth than fucking with reddit politics. They are the most self righteous people on earth and tossing a hand grenade in their good time is fantastic. As we speak I guarantee you there is at a minimum of. 50 people still fuming as they shove a captain america buttplug up their ass.

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The alternative is letting those black/spic babies exist in the world. And that is unacceptable.

They already exist. There is zero evidence for abortion being an effective population control measure. You know what is? Living in our society. Their birth rates drop off a cliff in a few generations. Your point of concern should be in keeping them out to begin with.


Millions of more niggers heading our way, this will probably move the non-white majority to late 2030s.

jesus... this mindset lmao...
>we need feminism because i like to fuck for fun and don't want to deal with the consequences

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Too late for that, anything that kills them en masse will have to suffice.

Actually all that shit started after Roe. Before the welfare state, which Roe helped create, we didnt have loads of single parent homes

biden made that gun-free school law, so some dad wouldnt shoot him when he comes over for a hugs and touches visit

As stated, abortion is not that. You sound like a bloodthirsty kike. I suppose you'll get your wish as bloody conflict is inevitable at this point anyway. It's just a matter of time.

implying they need to

Nature absolutely hates whoring. That's why it punishes whores with mental illness (depression and anxiety), stds, emotional disturbance, inability to pair bond afterwards, unwanted pregnancy, and possibly the death of your children due to your neglect. Condoms and birth control are horrific tools that allow people to whore around and believe there are no consequences. And the consequences come and it's too late to take it back.

Why not ban abortion and just genocide the shitskin horde? Than everybody wins

A win for Christianity, and for extreme poverty.

coincided is right, cause welfare came in just a few years prior to that

Abortion made up the highest death rate for nigs in the US by far.
I'd love that, it just doesn't seem plausible.

>Abortion made up the highest death rate for nigs in the US by far.
And yet their population has steadily risen over time.

The best part of it is how the dems are about to be blindsided.
Lets break this down:
Which group has the most support for immigration restrictions? Blacks, 54% of whom favor 0 immigrants.
Which group is the most pro life? Hispanics,62% of whom describe themselves as pro life.
How about anti gay? Thats a tie between Blacks and Muslims.
Religiosity? Blacks and Hispanics are far and away the most religious. 93% of all atheists are white.
Whos not reproducing? White liberals, who are only averaging 0.8 kid.
As more whites leave the democratic party what happens to these white liberals as they lose control? As it currently stands 62% of all dem votes are minorities. How much longer will those people be happy being led by white people who dont share their values?

>collection of cells

I'd really like to know at which point does a human life stop being a collection of cells.

You misspelled cohencidence.

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True, but you're not worried about it becoming untenable without that barrier?

>forced-birth extremists
The fucking nerve of these people, how deluded are they

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Factually wrong. At one point blacks qere 20% of the nation. They are now 13% and slated to fall to.11. My wife is black and she knows abortion is planned genocide.
The founder of Planned Parenthood was a eugenics nut who openly stated her intent to use abortion to wipe out groups she felt were unfit.

Jesus fucking christ. How any of you have the patience to browse sites like Reddit and Twitter and read this leftist verbal diarrhea is astonishing to me. That little excerpt alone was nauseating.

I don't think it is the barrier. I knows niggers are stupid but, having abortion (and abortion on the taxpayer's dime no less) certainly makes nigger behavior more viable. And because they're stupid, they're likely to turn to backalley methods which will result in a two for one if you know what I mean. I need to find data on abortions that aren't carried out by a practicioner.

>White liberals, who are only averaging 0.8 kid
Not doubting you but source?

If you ban abortion it would lead to more feral nogs in the short term, inevitably resulting in a higher proportion of angry and redpilled whites who will actually want to solve the problem. If whites can no longer cull the nogs with abortion than they might just get off their asses and deal with the subhuman infection directly.

literally this, retarded women definitely SHOULD kill their offspring you complete fucking retard

abortion was legalized as ethnic warfare vs european americans
why would shaneequa abort her kid when it gets her more welfares?

>My wife is black
How far over 200 pounds is she?

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You may be right, this is a situation where I'd absolutely love to have a reliable simulation runner for.

and yet all those groups will vote democrat because the only thing that matters to them IS TAKING WHITE TAX DOLLARS... god you fucking moron they will be happy to be led by "white people who don't share their values" because once all white people are gone the values won't fucking matter!

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They were 20% when slavery was still a thing and the population of your country overall was much much lower than it was today and you had not had a flood of European immigration yet.

>at one point blacks were 20% of the country
Only back when they were actually shipped here on slave ships and bred by slave-owners.
>they are now 13%
Which is where they were at well before abortion was legalized
>they are dropping to 11%
Only because other subhumans like spics, sandniggers and poos are flooding here in the millions.