He's dead

Why is Jow Forums so silent?

Attached: Kappy.png (874x912, 1.46M)

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Which Jew is that?

He's not dead. Never existed in the first place. Lol... Hollywood CGI...

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I’ll tell you why.
You can’t even to be bothered to explain why. Go fuck your self.

Bob Dillion?

Is that the guy who played the ghost that taught patrick swazey how to touch things in the movie ghost?

Fake death by the CIA to give legitimacy to the QAnon PsyOp which they're heavily invested in to take down anonymous non-curated messageboards that keep glowniggers in check

Reminder it started with Charlottesville then it was followed up by QAnon, they cannot just shut this place down - they want to convert as many americans into useless evangelical reagan boomers as possible - it's about making be not lucid and to adopt blind faith so they can operate without getting caught by crowdsourced investigations


I wonder how his bandmate is holding up. RIP Charles McMansion


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>Fake death by the CIA to give legitimacy to the QAnon PsyOp which they're heavily invested in to take down anonymous non-curated messageboards that keep glowniggers in check
>Reminder it started with Charlottesville then it was followed up by QAnon, they cannot just shut this place down - they want to convert as many americans into useless evangelical reagan boomers as possible - it's about making be not lucid and to adopt blind faith so they can operate without getting caught by crowdsourced investigations
Parlty true.

I don't think this shit converts people to Christian Zionism, user. Although since the Deep State = Gnosticism and Kammpy spewed a lot of it, you never know what the agenda is.


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Nice edit of juden peterstein.

Pressing F

>he said if he committed suicide it was because they murdered him.

Howie Mandell?

Also, I really don’t care at all.

Steven Wright?

imagine my septic shock

Attached: (((septic shock))).png (628x230, 102K)


Here you go OP, you lazy faggot

Because I've never heard of this guy in my entire fucking life until this very moment.

Seems like a cool guy


Because nobody cares if some random literally who narcissistic Jew kills himself.

Ronald McDonald?

he posted sum turkish bathhouse thing.

His IG post seems sincere
I wonder what he did last week that made him post that

Bizarre that he suicided in Arizona. He was associates with Michael Lewis Arthur Meyer/VOP. All the same pizzagate shit. MLAM has other mysterious "suicided" friends, to include Tristan "Batman" Knight. Michael Lewis Arthur Meyer, Kappy, and Fiona Barnett were all close. My spidey senses are tingling, anons.

shit i live in arizona, also bumping cuz this shit is getting slid.

check this

>Why is Jow Forums so silent?
From what can see is that Kappy did not release publicly much anything (identifiable) in regard any reason why he would be murdered. Like a "heh k interesting w/e" thing.

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Where is the web em or some screen shots? Post on 8 cunt

Rolling kappy thread there for now

8 cunt dot neet catch all logs

A dead jew great news

He outed Seth Green and wife for being pedophiles and named a bunch of our Hollywood kike faggots who had history with raping kids. Whether it was a psyop or not does not matter too much. They clearly don’t want the goyim to question the ways of pedophillic corruption or else they will kill your ass.

What’s up with billionaire Jeffrey Epstein? Trump and Clinton’s best friend and known for raping tons of kids....o that’s right he got off with a slap on the wrist and built his own personal resort in the virgin island to rape kids at his leisure.

Fuck these people need to be hung by their own intestines

Paris Jackson putting her money to good use

My theory is that he put the battery back in his phone and turned it on to call a friend. His phone had some incriminating things for his friends, his phone was tracked then infected (see the recent virus news article with a phone app), and then he was promptly contacted that he fucked up badly. The thing that probably lured him was being sent money since he was desperate living in a trailer home.

Sup desert bro. Mark my words, this has his friends Michael Lewis Arthur Meyer and Paul Flores (DSWNEWS74) written all over it. Never forget that the felon MLAM will do anything to make a quick buck.

mods gonna ban

blend nigger dicks and sniff it until your daughters go to college, marry germanic dudes, and convince them to raise armies for the sole purpose of using their occult cloning techniques to holocaust you over and over again you hyper fag magnet

pic not related to you because you're shit. pic important because kappy did what you couldn't, you permanent subhuman

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He named Seth Green hard including in his last video before death. People say he beat around the Bush but he would just straight up blurt out "Seth Green is a pedophile". You know why Seth didnt sue him for libel on that? Yeah.

>Fuck these people need to be hung by their own intestines
They probably do that to kids too! xD

He exposed one of the Jews that is Seth Green for being a pedo-tangler lackey for pizzagate. So he suicided by being hit by a truck and jumped from a bridge.

possible. but I'd like to see some evidence to that